Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by transcengopher

  1. По поводу прямого добавления могу сказать, что названия предметов в моде либо получаются изнутри классов, и тогда без соответствующих ключков перевод подцепить не удастся, либо мне просто неизвестны их корректные системные наименования. Я ещё потыкаюсь там, но в общей схеме вещей склоняюсь к первому варианту.
  2. Shift Clicking with a Blueprint idea.

    Or that Although what you're suggesting is slightly tougher to code than, say, torch placement.
  3. Star navigations

    I don't think we even need any predefined constellations. As long as I am sure the stars aren't going anywhere from that place, I can make up constellations of my own where I need them and where it fits. So, default minecraft sky will suffice. And if you think it's not, there may be semi-randomized stars, this isn't hard code-wise to place some dots and squares.
  4. Happy New Year!

    Ball? What ball?
  5. Клинок из всех перечисленных имеет только меч. В принципе, для мечей можно сделать и клинки. А вот наконечников из инструментов нет ни у одного. Вот ежели стрелы добавят.Что касаемо стерлинга - ну не виноваты мы, что был такой Стерлинг, который этот сплав делал. Более корректное название не стерлинг, а серебро Стерлинга. Ну ещё можно назвать "легированное медью серебро".
  6. Прямо сейчас я выпадаю из жизни на время Нового Года, если от меня до третьего числа и будет польза, то очень небольшая.
  7. The weird side of YouTube

    Not especially weird, but still.
  8. Касаемо сланцев, я считаю, что чем меньше будет наименований типа "кремнистый сланец", "аспидный сланец" - тем лучше. Chisel, исходя из функции - зубило. Зубилом, вообще, дерево не работают, но это уже условности игры. Кроме того, зубило делают без рукоятки, с рукояткой - долото или стамеска, но ими не работают камень. Учитывая изначальное назначение инструмента, предлагаю всё же зубило. Hammer - молот, явно. Prospector's Pick - кирка геолога, думаю. Даже при наличии тупой части, у инструмента есть лезвие, как и у кирки. Bloomery, строго говоря - кричный горн, но для краткости сойдёт Домна или Плавильня. То, что у меня есть из переведённого: Дверь из: Ash — ясеня Aspen — осины Birch — берёзы Chestnut — каштана Douglas Fir — пихты Hickory — гикори Kapok — сейбы Maple — клёна Oak — дуба Pine — сосны Sequoia — секвойи Spruce — ели Sycamore — платана White Cedar — кедра White Elm — белого вяза Willow — ивы Остальные изделия из дерева и оно само называются соответственно.Log Pile - Поленница Metallurgy table - Металлургический стол Nest Box - Насест Peat - Торф Quern - Жёрнов Sluice - Промывочный жёлоб Sulphur - Сера Horizontal Support Beam - Балка Vertical Support Beam - Опора (подпорка) Plan, Blueprint - Чертёж Tool heads, перевод непосредственно слова "head": Axe - Лезвие Chisel - Лезвие Hammer Голова Hoe Лезвие Knife Лезвие Mace Голова Pickaxe Лезвие Prospector's Pickaxe Лезвие Saw Лезвие Scythe Лезвие Shovel Лезвие Sword Лезвие Итого, у молота и булавы - голова, у остальных лезвие. Растения: Barley - Ячмень Cabbage - Капуста Carrot - Морковь Corn, Maize - Кукуруза; Ear - Початок Banana - Банан Cherry - Вишня Apple - Яблоко Lemon - Лимон Olive - Оливки Orange Апельсин Peach - Персик Plum - Слива Garlic - Чеснок Bell Pepper - Сладкий перец Greenbeans - Горох Hemp - Конопля Oat - Овес Onion - Лук Potato - Картофель Rice - Рис Rye - Рожь Soybeans - Соя Squash - Кабачок Sugar cane - Тростник (Если когда-то будет добавлен другой тростник, переименуем в сахарный тростник) Tomato - Помидор Wheat - Пшеница
  9. BUg

    And in future post at least which mods you have installed and which versions. People out there not exactly telepathic, though we kinda getting there.
  10. agriculture: possible adjustments & suggestions to consider.

    All Dunk was talking about is no more than speculations in speculations thread. I wouldn't take it as anything to go by until there's something about it in change-log.
  11. I was waiting tram for 40 minutes in freezing wind couple of days ago. It's not my technical problem, it looks like my health problem now that I have sore throat. And of cource it's warm now, -5C and almost no wind, so I have to basically unzip my jacket to not sweat too much.
  12. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    Well, coal might be better in some ways, but charcoal will still be used for smelting ores. Just because charcoal has less impurities than actual coal, which has all sorts of stuff mixed within, from organic oils to metal ores. Hunger desn't seem to affect sprinting, but thirst definitely does, and can use the same principle. Thing with meal I don't like, it looks gamey and not believable. Steak will not give me less nutrition just because I ate steak yesterday. From the other hand, steak will give me less nutrition if I've overdone with my meal. So maybe instead of your suggestion it could be done so if you eat many items of food it will fill less. For example single steak will fill 40/100 hunger, while 2 steak at once - not 80, but only 70. Somehow I feel like this makes meat much more preferable food, which I kind of don't like, so my suggestion itself will need some tweaks. Maybe make it so there's some number of hunger points that can be disposed of at once, and all above will be very ineffective. So player is encouraged to eat like three times a day as opposed to gulping down huge chunks of food when satiation is dangerously low.
  13. Localization

    *Speaks with strong accent* No fear, mai comrades, we are definitely not trying to take over your world.
  14. Localization

    Вообще, в принципе, будут проблемы с длинными называниями. В английском и русском достаточно слов, переводимых между языками чуть ли не целыми предложениями. Или вот как тот же firestarter, который и зажигалкой назвать коряво будет, и другого подходящего слова на русском почти не найти. В общем, я в ближайшее время пройдусь по файлу с опциями и переведу названия блоков/предметов, потом смогу выложить файл на критику, и обсудим неточности перевода.
  15. Localization

    Oh, fine.Просто можно поделить количество статей на количество заинтересованных человек. Ну и в скайп напишу, да. Сперва только с сессией доразберусь, бешеное время сейчас.
  16. Ceramic working, The Second Technological Tier.

    That is exactly what you guys should focus on. Crude tools or whatever isn't the bottle neck - this damn table is. You know what? Scribing table is crafted with five planks, feather and paper. So, why not just shapeless recipe with plank block, feather and paper? Maybe even an additional plank if single plank is that of a big deal. Three (four?) components fit perfectly in small crafting space.There you go, second way of dealing with things.
  17. better block destruction

    Although I'm pretty sure we got a no from Dunk when we were talking about something along those lines in thread about horses and roads'n'such.And just as I said, this mode will be a performance hog (especially on SMP, when several guys will mine their blocks) and quite griefer friendly, despite the fact that it's quite neat. Also, mining stone and getting cobble is fine, but what about bricks, smoothstone, planks, hell, even simplest dirt blocks?
  18. Winter not working

    Ugh... Not exactly, but oh well. So, snow can spawn in newly generated chunks that have temperature below 0 C○ in them. Snow also can spawn when it is raining in those chunks, but because snow also disappearing when it's raining, so it's very hard to notice that it actually spawns.
  19. agriculture: possible adjustments & suggestions to consider.

    There's no redstone as of now in TFC. There's cinnabar and cryolite, which, when crushed, produce redstone. Those minerals do not glow by itself, redstone dust don't glow by itself, just torches. Reaction of something with wood, that produces high-intensity light, because of magic.Basically, both facts that redstone still in TFC and comes from TFC ores are plug corks just for now. TFC does not contain magic, it has place for fantasy, these two aren't the same. We don't need magic in world to call it fantasy world.
  20. agriculture: possible adjustments & suggestions to consider.

    I don't think we have chemicals that can do such things IRL, but what you're saying makes sense, kind of.But thic can exist only once owlchemy is added in TFC, if ever.
  21. Winter not working

    I do not understand what you're trying to ask.
  22. Winter not working

    It's not a bug in forge either. They just didn't add this functionality.By the way, snow does appear on the gound when it's raining and it's below 0 C○. But it's also melting, and faster than it's appearing, so not much winter going on.
  23. [B73] I Can't Find Anything To Complain About! [SOLVED]

    It's "Edit"->"Use Full Editor"
  24. better block destruction

    There was a mod for that, it was handling block damage via tile entities. I don't think you would want to have even more entities around now that there's already quite a few with all those chiselworks. Also TileEntityDetailed and TileEntityDamageHandler interactions will be quite hard to set properly. Or it's require to TileEntityDetailed to act as DamageHandler, which I can think of how I would do it myself, but it's either many flag variables or gradual block destruction, which is sweet notion as of itself, but quite violent on performance and griefer-friendly for good measure. As of damage control without block damage memory, this can be emulated in same way tree felling works now, as of durability loss will be arbitrary set at some number. Although you will need to forget about "higher tier tools == faster breaking" thing, otherwise it will be too much effort to just get it to work for this little profit.
  25. agriculture: possible adjustments & suggestions to consider.

    Magic is very lazy way to explain things. Why it is lazy? Because magic!As for chemical lights, they are usually require either electricity or constant flow of reagents. We can make the latter, but it's higher tier technologically wise than we supposed to have in TFC, from what I can tell seeing where all this is going. Yes, lighting engine in minecraft represented by two-byte variable, that's all. I almost feel like there's some texture tint stuff going on in later lighting engines iterations, but I don't know for sure if one can do something about it without modifying base classes.Although somewhere there's a new iteration on lighting, but it was put in long drawer as of now until at least 1.5 patch, if not 1.7.