Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by transcengopher

  1. not metal bows, more wooden bows + metal crossbows with non-metal strings.

    That's exactly what I meant. And there could be composite bows incorporating use for bones. Maybe?

  2. - Six Mattress blocks (made with wool and springs)

    - Four Cloth Sheets (made with wool) (a tenth of a block tall)

    - Two Pillows (made with feathers and wool) (half a block tall)

    That's a damn big bed you have right there.

    The Functionality

    Why all that effort? Well, unlike normal beds you'd be able to nap in the day, and skip the whole day. However if you take a nap, you can't sleep at night. You'd also be able to sleep for small periods of time, not just a whole night/day.

    The Nerf

    Crops would not grow whilst sleeping in a featherbed, however food would be cooked and ores smelted etc.

    But then why would you want that? I also don't think that your nerf for featherbeds is easy to do because of the way crops growth code is.

  3. Considering the new health and weapons system, bows have become somewhat godly, a cheaty way to kill mobs easily.

    Excuse me, but since when, exactly? You're wasting 10 to 30 arrows to kill a zombie. Actually, bows need to be buffed.

    I agree that we need more tiers for ranged weaponry, but metal bows are of quite high level of technology because of metal strings.

    And I feel skeletons are descent pain as they are now. Variety will still be nice though, but I'm not sure how it will interfere with devs' intention to remove vanilla hostile mobs from surface.


  4. Nope. That's an outdated page. In fact, the MC vanilla world IS infinite in north, south, west and east.

    "As of Beta 1.8, the strange terrain may be gone, but some of the effects aren't.

    After X/Z ±30,000,000, the world will start generating fake chunks, where lighting doesn't work and blocks stop clipping. Fake chunks are composed of grass, dirt, mycelium, sand, bedrock, stone (or Netherrack if you're in the Nether far lands), water, and lava only. No foliage such as trees or grass will generate, nor will mobs. If trees happen to generate next to the edge between the normal overworld and the far lands, then the trees will appear to "cut off" on the far lands side.

    Fake chunks are non-solid; entering them will cause you to fall into the Void."


  5. So you didn't before? I always roam with at least 4 javelins, sticks and rocks on me, so those bastard creepers can't catch me unprepared...

    Before it was one or two and an axe. As well as stack of stones and sticks and my "lighting crafting skills" in case of a mob of mobs.

  6. if you have javelins in the hot bar

    and you throw one

    you're selected item will become another javelin. It self-reloads.

    Only if another javelin is to the left, iirc.

    If it's not alone you are doomed anyway (unless you retreat), in that case you should equip a sword and.. SWING SWING SWING, YOUR SWORD, SWORD

    Only if it is an enderman.

    Bastard ended my hardcore run, nevah forget.

    Stone axes and knives work good enough, they just break fast. If you like tedium and it's a zombie, you can try fists, you can push it off a cliff repeatedly as well.

    But for now I prefer to roam with three javelins in my hotbar.


  7. My conditions are as follow:

    Biome: Plains

    Temperature: ~5

    Rain: 4000

    Coordinates: y ~= 150 z ~= -14750 north

    I think this is very far north and cold. I usually try to travel closer to equator, about 6000-9000, and farm there.

    The rain is fine, I've seen 8000 couple of times, but even 2000 seems fine enough to grow carrots and onion.


  8. no for me, only these I can grow:


    The rest dies immidiatly or after a while

    I think this is due to lack of nutrients. Soil has 3 separate values for nutrients, and once you harvest plant of one nutrient group, you need to plant ones from another group here or else it will grow inherently slower and might die.

    Overcrowding doesn't affect plants, afaik. As for water and rain, plants need them, but I don't know what happens if they are lack saturation and is there an oversaturation atm.


  9. Heaven would be... *ahem* boring as hell.

    Take a look at islamic heaven. It's not hot there, you're allowed to drink wine, and there's ten thousands of virgins eager to bow to your will, and no matter what you do to them *wink-wink* , they will be virgins again tomorrow.

  10. But the word "fuck" is used to refer to intercourse, which is a beautiful amazing thing that creates life.

    How did this become a swear word? It makes me sad :/

    Actually, in Russian we have a swear word that referring to intercourse as well. And swear references to both sexes' genitals, feces and multiple variants of swears referring to women of easy virtue. So 'ere you go.

    There's actually more, both in English and Russian, but it won't come in mind that easy. I do believe we have dictionary of swear words somewhere.


  11. There's a fun fact though:

    Statement "God exists" can't be falsified, because no matter where you look, he can be somewhere else.

    Statement "God doesn't exist" can be falsified easily by finding him.

    This allow for the latter statement to serve as proper scientific hypothesis.


  12. But javelins don't stack, that makes bows very practical.

    Unless something is alone, quite far from you, and you have many arrows (around 10 to 30, if you're unlucky, for a single unarmoured zombie) they are pretty useless.

  13. Short range? Really? That thing could fire at far greater distances than any of bows. You can indeed make it to fire inaccurately, but to deliberately make it short ranged? Nohnohnohnoh.


  14. Thread HumanLife = new Thread();


    Human human = new Human(new Conditions());


    if (!human.Conditions.isBreathing()){







    And this one. I cannot believe you guys made me to find it.

    Posted Image


  15. I can't read russian. It's ok. I'm good, Transcengopher. :) I'ma do youtube... maybe...

    There's link in the bottom of the page with supposedly English translation, but it doesn't look good, so oh well.

    I'm not insisting on anything, I'm fine with Youtube.


  16. the more you used the anvil the easier it would become to do or the more mob you kill the easier it becomes to kill mobs.

    But it's already like this without any levels. I'm pretty sure I can take on a TFC zombie with my fists and win the fight. I will be very bored, but still.

    And I can't see how you possibly can make anvils easier to use than they are without adding "autocraft" option.


  17. Larger how? It's infinite. Larger height limit? it's big enough, just traveled 30min over the ocean.

    Currently they are 20000 blocks from zero coordinate both north and south. After that there's frozen wasteland where nothing will grow.

    This is only feasible if worlds become larger. If they do I'd love to see this happen. Bioxx wouldn't make worlds bigger because then people couldn't move around (something i don't agree is a problem) and he wont make more forms of transportation because the worlds are small enough to walk around. Maybe they could work together

    I have no problem travelling couple of thousands blocks from spawn point, especially since it's primarily ocean. Well, I have actually, it's navigation means from over there, but I wouldn't mind if world was bigger.

    My server admin might be, but not me.


  18. Although bolt material doesn't matter that much in terms of damage - in terms of armour penetration it matters, I guess, harder metal less likely to be deformed by impact, but if it has penetrated armour, bolt of any material rips organs apart and more so when it's not clean pointy head anymore. It's crossbow frame material, I think, what causes bolt to gain impulse required to fly and hit, so I'd rather have multiple tiers of crossbows with higher tier ones shooting through person in iron plate armour.

    Metallic has it's appeal but it comes with a big problem. Durability. I feel that putting metal into a crossbow design would make it have an extreme amount of durability (over 9000... get the joke?). Wood is there to substantiate the durability aspect so that one isn't able to carry that same crossbow almost permanently.

    Well bowstrings (more like crossbowstring?) is not that immortal and will need eventual replacement. It's not like you should make another crossbow after its string gone useless, but it's something. We can actually think of crossbow having two separate durabilities - one for crossbow itself, which is quite high, and one for its string, which is not that high. And I'm pretty sure you can't draw metal strings just with hands without some complicated machinery, so best TFC-crossbowman's friend should be tendons... which perfectly leads to corpse and butchering mechanics.

    Firebreathing Pony tendons anyone?
