Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by masterblaster

  1. One of my favorite features in TFC is the food/nutrition system. They certainly put a lot of work into it and the attention to detail shows. But it seems like that systems gets rendered somewhat irrelevant whenever you die and re-spawn, since everything just resets to 100%. Are you missing dairy from your diet? No problem, just jump off a cliff. It's kind of like an exploit, albeit in most cases an unintentional one. I'd like to suggest the following configuration option for those of us who prefer to not to have their nutrition levels reset upon re-spawning.RestoreNutritionOnSpawn: True/FalseDefault to true, I guess. But I would set to false in my games. :)Edit: I added an anonymous poll for Ms Kitty.
  2. [TFC 0.79.27] Technofirma Mod Pack

    The newest version is unstable for me. Under 2.4.0, I don't think I ever experienced even 1 crash. But with 2.5.0, it crashes about 25% of the time on newworld creation, and also occasionally while exploring new areas. (also tried with minetweaker recipe maker disabled). I wonder if it's related toQuadrum. Anyways, I'm reverting back to 2.4.0 for now.
  3. [TFC 0.79.27] Technofirma Mod Pack

    @kev12east You, sir, are awesome! Please continue refining and upgradethis pack. btw: Don't worry if you can't get weather2 working properly with the tfc snow. Seems likea lot of work to me.
  4. Body Temperature: Simplified

    @RomanMVPMostly good ideas. I think it boils down to how much coding time Dunk/Bioxx are willing to put into it. And also how much micromanagement players are willing to deal with, and whether each sub-feature actually adds anything to the game. Ex: We don't want it to turn into a click-fest, constantly checking to see if your coat should be on/off, etc. I personally prefer to keep it simple (see my list of "management activities" above) , although I can understand why a lot of players might wantmore complexity and realism.@NikkyDNext time you play the game, take a look at the debug menu. See that number at the bottom? We already have a temperature system that takes into account real world physics. All that's left to do is add the system for how thelocal temperatures affects the player.btw, I'd like to clarify the reason I brought up all that stuff about a "body condition index" in my post above. (in case anyone actually reads this stuff ). It doesn't make much sense to have a body temperature system which does not factor timeinto the mechanics. For example, spending a few hours in -15 degrees should not be a problem. But if you spend 20 hours in -15, there should be a need to go spend a few hours by a fire to warm yourself up. So we need an "under the hood" variable which tracks how long you've been in the cold. Also the system should be forgiving enough that you don't run into the "annoyance" brought up by NikkyD of having to constantly "hop down and wait a bit, warm up, and travel up the mountain again". I'd be fine with being able to spend a full day on top of the mountain before "hopping down to warm up". Although I can't image that particular scenario would happen too often, unless you are building some big project on top of a very high mountain.
  5. Config Option: Should Nutrition Levels Restore on Spawn?

    I added a poll to this. Btw, I happen to play the majority of my games on hardcore mode. You'll just have to take my word for it that I am not a player who would kill myself just to exploit the nutrition system. And yet the feature would definitely add a lot for me. So there's one. Also, here is a suggestion for the doubters out there. Try playing with hp max bonus per level gain set to zero. Suddenly nutrition becomes something to pay more attention to. Now try that on hardcore mode. Makes things interesting and a lot more fun in my opinion.
  6. rawhide tents for early game excursions

    Hi there! New player here. Sorry If this has been already posted. I skimmed through the first several pages and find no mention of it.There's something about straw beds but this is different. I justcompleted my first major play-through (SP)on hardcore mode/harddifficulty. Really fun! (Although it ended rather tragically.) I notice a lot of time early on is spent going on excursions away from the base in search of resources. With no bed yet and no armor, there's a repeated pattern of finding a hole somewhere, hiding from mobs, and waitingevery 10 minutes. This gets a little repetitive on hard difficulty/hardcore. So I thought this might be a good idea to make the night routine a little better streamlined as well as interesting. Here is how I suggest they work: - Craft ingredients: 8 sticks + small or medium hide (need to have made a workbench) - Must be carried in the"back" slot - To deploy thetent, sneak-click on the ground in the center of a 3x3 grid. - The tent is deployed automatically, similar to the way support beams are "deployed". It instantly builds a 3x3x3 tent structure, with a 1x1x2 space in the middle. - Breaking the tent should repack it back to a single item. - The walls of the tent have no clipping and you can walk through them. (as can mobs) - Walls could have little openings so you can see out (but mobs can't see you) - If you stand in the center of the tent, it's the same as if you surrounding yourself with straw blocks. Mobs can't see you and you are relatively safe, as long as a mob does not randomly walk into you. - Tent is equipped with abedroll that can advance time by 2 hours, but cannot be used more than once every 12 in-game hours.(single player only). Bonus suggestion: a later game/advanced version of the tent perhaps could have better (blocking) walls and a bedroll with normal (sleep until morning) function.
  7. Body Temperature: Simplified

    I've been researching the various comments on this forum related to the hot/cold management system. I'm really looking forward to this feature as I feel it's the best feature which is yet to be implemented. I like the idea of simplification, although I think what happens "under the hood", can be a bit more complex. My searching has not found any yet established way upon which the devs have decided to implement the system, and so I'd like to share some of my own thoughts. First, what the player sees and experiences: If player spends extended time in hot/cold weather (less then around 5 or greater then 30 degrees celcius) without a break, a thermometer icon appears in the corner. This thermometer indicates a problem that needs to be dealt with. If it's cold, the icon is blue and begins emptying. Or if it's hot the icon is red and begins filling up. At halfway, the player gets slowed movement plus other negative effects. When the thermometer fills or emptys completely, the player dies. Also, no need for an overly complex clothing system. Just add an inventory slot for coats (or just forcing the player to use the "back" slot for coats might be interesting.) Player management activities: As Dunk pointed out, let's avoid micromanagment. Here is a list of what (in my opinion) is an acceptable amount of management. - Once a year, craft a new coat. (older coats decay with age)- During extreme cold weather, seek warmth once a day for a few hours (even with a coat). Maintain a supply of fuel for fire pits.- During extreme hot weather, jump in water every now and then to cool off.- Stay out of water during extreme cold weather! Now here is an idea for how the system works under the hood (player does not need to worry about this stuff while playing, they just see the icon to tell them when there's a hot/cold problem. First, some variables: Ambient temperature (AT): The temperature outside.Actual temperature (T): Ambient temperature plus effect of heat sources. (I think this is already implemented)High and low temperature thresholds (HT and LT): Defines the temperature range at which nothing bad happens. Can be a dice roll but should generally by 5 and 30 degrees Celcius.Body Condition Index: (BCI): Under the hood variable which as tracked and used to trigger various effects. Now for the system: The BCI is nuetral at zero. Use the BCI to trigger events, such as when the thermometers appears, when negative effects happen, and when the player dies. Rules for th BCI: -When the actual temperature (T) is below the low temperature threshold (LT), the BCI goes down at a rate of (LT-T) per minute.-When the actual temperature (T) is above the high temperature threshold (LT), the BCI starts going up at a rate of (HT-T) per minute.-When the actual temperature (T) is between the LT and HT, the BCI moves towards zero.-When the player jumps in water, instantly lower the BCI by 3600 points. (or some balanced number) Coat Rules: - Wearing a cheap coat lowers the LT by 2 degrees. (so it lets you both work with lower temperatures and also spend more time in the cold)- Wearing a fancy coat loweres the LT by 5 degrees. Some suggested settings for BCI: BCI of -3600 (12 hours at 0 degrees with no coat or 20 hours with a cheap coat), the coldthermometer appears.BCI of -7200 (24 hours in 0 degrees with no coat), player dies.BCI of 3600 (12 hours at 35 Celcius), the hot thermometer appears.etc.... you get the idea. All could be changed for game balancing. Any thoughts on this, or is it just mad ramblings of a midget who's been hit in the head too many times during thunderdome fights?
  8. [Solved] Odd cave-in behavior

    I think the cave-in system is brilliant. The situation above could have been prevented easily, had he better understood how it works. (And this thread is very helpful in that regard.) The only time you can't prevent cave-ins is when theres a hidden natural cave or air pocket behind a wall that's within range. Other than that all it takes is careful mining. My question: do the same rules apply when mining non stone/cobblestone blocks? For example, I set placed a wood plank for temporary support. Now I am removing that plank. Could that cause a cave-in 4 blocks away?
  9. A few things that bother me

    I don't need fully featured world gen customization. I'd be happy with just the option to turn off ravines like they have in vanilla 1.8. Bottom line: a lot of players, including myself, are put off by the presence of giant holes all over the place. They are unnatural looking and can ruin the aesthetics. And yes vanilla probably technically has the same qtys of caves and ravines. But since vanilla does not have code to replace all the blocks between an otherwise buried ravine/cave and the surface with air, it's an irrelevant comparison. Buried ravines don't ruin the aesthetics. Overkill of huge open canyons do.
  10. Trains ?

    Well vanilla already has a steam locomotive. It's the "minecraft with furnace". The problem is you need a furnace to make one and tfc has disabled furnaces and replaced with a complex metallurgy system. Maybe they could re-enable furnaces but limits it's use to just minecarts.
  11. [TFC 0.79.27] Technofirma Mod Pack

    Sweet! I can stack ingots now. Question about the weather mod: seems like snow doesn't accumulate on the ground when it snows. (If weather mod is enabled) It only piles up in nearby chunks when they update during freezing temps. Is there some setting to fix that, or is that just the way it is?
  12. A few things that bother me

    Really? I've spent a bit of time floating around in creative with both versions. They seems way more common in tfc. In vanilla, I might find 1 (or zero) ravinesin 10 minutes ofjust flying around. In the tfc, they are just everywhere.
  13. A few things that bother me

    Ah. So what do we call those big wide cracks I find everywhere. Those are in vanilla mc as well, but not nearly as common. It seems.
  14. A few things that bother me

    Right, but like I said in my post, I don't mean revert seismic areas or remove lava, just the bit about spawning chasms. So to clarify: I am suggesting a config that says "don't spawn fissures in seismic areas"
  15. A few things that bother me

    Hi Kitty. Thanks for the detailed reply. I have not been playing tfc for very long and was not aware that some of it istied in with fixes to older problems such as dirt collapsing when you walk on them. What about the big chasms though? Looking through the change log archives, I find these two items in build 78.0: Any chance for a config or world build options to revert the above two tweaks? (I don't mean completely revert the seismically active areas mind you, just the bit about spawning fissures) As for vanilla having the same number of caves, you are probably right. But the caves in vanilla are actually caves and don't look so ugly. In tfc, I think they are better classified as pits. Anyways, I don't mean to make a big deal of it, just if it's possible, it would be nice to give the player some control over these things. Thanks.
  16. A few things that bother me

    I was going to post a suggestion that linked back to this thread but will just necro this thread instead. (sorry if it's in wrong place, having some buggy vbulletin issues) I agree with the OP about the "pits of death". Too many holes, too many chasms. It's really the one and only thing about tfc that kind of annoys me. Also, it seems like its more than just one or two "unlucky" seeds to me, I notice them on every world I've created. I understand what they areand why they were implemented. My suggestion is: Why not give us aconfig option to disable "seismic activity" and caves "breaking through to the surface". That way those of us who prefer not to have holes all over the place can turn them OFF.
  17. [TFC 0.79.27] Technofirma Mod Pack

    Thanks for reply. I look forward to your next update. Zombie awareness sounds like fun.
  18. [TFC 0.79.27] Technofirma Mod Pack

    Seems there is an issue with stacking ingots. When I try to stack, only one ingot goes into a stack, which is invisible. Also I can't access the stack and the only way to get the ingot back is to destroy the block underneath.Since there's no other way to store ingots, I'm kind of stuck. Using forum search, I suspect this bug is a forge problem and currently works fine on the latest vanilla TFC and correct forge version. Do you know of a workaround for your mod pack? If not, oh well, guess we need to wait for that update from ftb.
  19. [TFC 0.79.27] Technofirma Mod Pack

    Is there a simple way to update ftb to use forge It seems to be stuck at
  20. Dirt bricks, mud walls and stuff.

    I figured out It actually IS possible to build cobblestone homes in TFC. The key is that each cs block must be supported horizontally by at least 2 blocks (and also 1 block beneath it, of course). The trick to building cs walls is to build a temporary wall next to it so that the cs blocks are supported during construction. The easiest way to do this is witha mounds of dirt stacked up next to the wall, unless you have saws in which case plank walls are best for temporary construction. Once the cobblestone structure is complete, the temporary walls can be removed and the cs block will not collapse, as long as every block meets the above mentioned criteria (which will be the case most of the time) Also, I agree with the OP that mud bricks would be a nice early game addition.
  21. rawhide tents for early game excursions

    I think you could make the Stone Age longer by tweaking the food and seed mechanics. Particular seed drops from wild crops. For example, have wild crops drop a seed only, say, 25% of the time, and it would take much longer for the player to accumulate enough seeds to build sustainable agriculture. If you reduced the available food on top of this, it would force periodic early game migrations as local food supplies are consumed and the player has to move on to greener pastures in order to survive. Not unlike real history. Early humans existed as nomadic hunter-gatherers for tens of thousands of years before finally settling down and building walled settlements with the advent of agriculture. Perhaps the devs could give us a few config options to for food difficulty settings.