Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by bsb23

  1. Balkons Weaponmod addon?

    it would be a "crossover" mod the coding would be seperate and once downloaded the two would be compatible for instance look at better than buildcraft or IC2-BC crossover mod these are both perfect examples. Edit: This would be a lot harder than you think
  2. Hemp

    Strongly disagree still all of its purposes can be replaced except the one that i don't want replaced. there are plenty of other versatile plants that won't lose us audience. If you don't think this would lose us an audience I promise you i would leave immediately for the same reason i don't play BTW. I know it may not be used like this but why tempt fate this opens options for easy add-ons to taint the reputation of a so far flawless mod. As for medicinal purposes that only applies to hippies, idiots, and chemotherapy (used to prevent vomiting). Idiots always come but last time i checked hippies and chemotherapy were not included. Find a different versatile plant that doesn't imply anything. Rant over, please return to your daily lives.
  3. Hemp

    There are plenty of other plants that can be used to make fibers. Its not bad now but it could definitely lead to later problems. Reading the list from wikipedia; Alpaca, Angora,Byssus, Camel hair, Cashmere,Catgut, Chiengora, Guanaco,Llama, Mohair, Pashmina, Qiviut,Rabbit, Silk,Sinew,Spider silk,Wool, Vicuña,Yak (animals) Abacá,Bagasse,Bamboo,Coir, Cotton, Flax(Linen),Hemp,Jute, Kapok, Kenaf,Piña,Raffia, Ramie,Sisal,Wood (plants) Asbestos (minerals). These are all hyperlinks direct to Wikipedia one of the trees we already added is on there and I can see four that may be added soon we will be at no shortage of fiber making materials. Not to mention all the synthetic possibilities.
  4. Blacksmith Apron

    I'm almost positive that Bioxx has said that the barrel of water will be added hence the "Quench" button in the anvil
  5. Workers

    MineColony does exactly this more or less I'm unsure if they are compatible but I would doubt it would probably take a little bit of tweaking but the tweaking would take less effort than recreation
  6. Migration!

    The first part was a joke no reason to over-analyse I just don't see this game as an evolution game both TFC and minecraft. Civ on the other hand is a game of evolution when you progress an age everything changes on the other hand there are no clearly defined ages in this game (yes there are undefined ones though). Additionally this mod's aim is realism, there is no realism in the ability for a single man to evolve from nomadic neandrathal to a modern man. I don't dislike this idea it may very well make a good game/mod but it doesn't really fit here in this game/mod.
  7. Migration!

    RogueHydra: Play Sid Meier's civilization instead then =P but I understand why it would be nice to have but that would need to be a separate and probably different mod as of right now this may be seen as a total game conversion but it's still the same game just longer with more depth and thats what I'm trying to get across here I don't think a complete repurposing of the game is what people are looking for. (Although it could work, maybe) (that reminded me of the taco commercial I watched a while ago ha what a strange mexican commercial =P not to be racist) Jivix: there also aren't many minecraft players who logs in a whole ten miles. To repeat myself I'm not against resource management I think that is crucial for this mod, however I am against MIGRATION for reasons stated above. I use the grass blocks they work fine. But you understand what I mean I don't want millions of small lean-to huts I want one ginormous castle. To restate myself; resource management= , migration = <insert crying smiley face here>. I apologize for being an a******
  8. Migration!

    I'm not objecting against the fact that resources are almost too renewable however what does a nation or tribe or whatever do when run out of resources (excluding early man, and other nomads like gypsies) they either cut down on consumption or learn to get resources from a larger area. Resource management is an important part of this mod and don't think that's really management if you destroy an entire forest then leave for another area to destroy. Additionally I was arguing number one against the loss of the ability to be creative the way people are which making giant castles that we don't need just to make ourselves feel BA I don't feel BA in my small little dirt hut that I would have to recreate every five minecraft days if we were forced to migrate. I would like to ask again is this a game of prehistoric evolution or of survival?
  9. Migration!

    I agree with rabblerouser. I know this mod is suppose to be a total conversion but the creativity of this game is the reason most people play the game at first. Once more people want mods that add depth not rob them of possibilities. My question also with this game is, is it a game where we move from prehistoric man to modern man or a game of surviving and thriving in an unknown world. I always believed it was the latter as it never made sense to me that a single character could trace all of history. The ideas I have seen so far that reference to history are just ways of saying this what they did maybe we could do this rather than this is what they did we have to do this.
  10. Monster nests (a new model for spawning)

    Love the idea a couple additional ideas certain adults will leave the nest to roam free. Sometimes these free roamers will make nests of their own. The repopulation of nests could be based on biome and depth (underground) rather than being forced to load nearby nests.
  11. Progressively challenging enemies

    I agree with the above bandits are boring nobody likes boring. Necromancers are a good idea we would need more than that though slimes could spawn from "sludge pools". Their could be a giant spider boss( or perhaps multiple medium ones and then one large one in a stronghold which is considered the boss) these could spawn spiders. however unless these dens were very frequent we would still need something to spawn on the surface that is hostile. Once more i hope these mobs will also be exciting bandits do not make sense either I just realized as we are suppose to be surviving here if there is other people why are we trying to survive rather than walk home.
  12. Torches should burn out

    Hopefully by now you people now what I'm thinking realism is a guideline and a constraint we should move beyond that I think that we should either make it harder to make torches (oil or something along those lines) or I suppose they could stay where their at (creation wise) and burn out but their has to I repeat has to be a way for an eternal light source I believe the minecraft team was arguing the same thing and they came up with the idea of redstone lamps, this is what they are for. Also on a side note when the team discussed that they also thought about handheld light sources, this would be awesome.
  13. Astronomy/Calender!

    do not suggest a growing cycle I would very much prefer to be able to actually survive even if it took like four days to grow wheat by then I would have died multiple times or be running around like a savage attempting to kill and eat raw meat. That sounds entertaining but it would get extremely boring after doing once or twice. I however do like the idea of foliage changing color with season, weather changing, animal behavior changing, small stuff like that that would look nice or add depth nothing that would make the game more difficult. (sorry for the rage no one said it but someone was thinking it whoever it was I'm watching you)
  14. New bed's

    My question is when you go camping are you able to carry over a thousand cubic meters of stone cause I'll tell you right now I think it would be hard to carry 1 cubic meter. The game's ability to carry a lot is overweighted on purpose that way its actually possible to make large structures that would otherwise take dump trucks, bulldozers, and cranes. There is nothing realistic about that like I've said before reality is a constraint (and a good guideline sometimes) this game is suppose to be better than reality not the same.
  15. Concentration

    Love the mod bioxx but I see two large problems right now (sorry posting the first part you could terminate it if you wish I just figured I might as well say it) 1. The prospecting pick, I understand this is how it really works but it is rather difficult and rather useless. So I propose that instead of finding the amount of ore within the designated area you would find the concentration for instance. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 the #= the value of that ore1 2 2 2 2 2 1 x= player1 2 3 3 3 2 11 2 3 X 3 2 11 2 3 3 3 2 11 2 2 2 2 2 11 1 1 1 1 1 1so if O = ore1 1 1 O 1 1 11 2 O O O 2 11 2 3 O 3 2 11 2 3 X 3 2 11 2 3 3 3 2 11 2 2 2 2 2 11 1 1 1 1 1 1then the ore concentration in the area would be tenSo now you can actually hunt down the ores because it will have higher concentration as you get closer. This is realist because when you get closer to an ore deposit there will be more traces of it. Hope this solves the problem there.2. My next concern is your concentration the mod is in a good position right now and expanding content is a good idea however you are close to crossing a line between difficult and boring not everyone loves a long tedious game just to build a small hut. I also am unhappy with the loss of the stone sword if the process were simply longer to make the sword this would allow the use of a weapon that is honestly a lot of fun to have. If you were to re-implement it I would for starters have the stone be made out of smoothstone rather than cobble I would then suggest that a process similar to the metal working process be put in instead of a hammer use a chisel and a whetstone and also heat would also be unnecessary this could also began I better use of masonry rather than making blocks in your inventory you would have to use a "Mason's bench" or something of the like eventually more complex stone could be made here although it would also be far more time consuming. Another thing is that I think you can make use of these difficulty settings perhaps at the beginning of a world you could select the world difficulty this would dictate exactly how much reality and difficulty is put in a world as everyone is different. Furthermore I hope my ideas made a little bit of sense and would like to congratulate you for this mod. PS this doesn't make the prospecting pick more accurate just more realistic.
  16. regrowing leaves

    No need to attack each others opinions we are here to get ideas, as much as I agree with you that this would be a nice there are problems. Number one as Jointertron said this isn't really an issue, Bioxx has far bigger fish to fry. Number two I believe Bioxx has already said this wouldn't be implemented as it was to difficult on minecraft forums, I would give you the page number but I can't remember it. Also AlexDC you used the wrong weather (it should be whether) it's really bothering me.
  17. Cooking (Hunter-Gatherer)(Beekeeping)

    Ya I agree, congrats dude (or dudette whatever the case may be) this is nice seems like you really put some effort into this, hope it will be time well spent.
  18. Concentration

    Somehow I doubt he will make all the ores accessible in the villages rather just a select few with extremely steep prices. It would make the game far too easy if as soon as you found a village you could have immediate access to all ores. Do you think it would be possible (yet time consuming I'll admit) to make a large TFC/millenaire crossover mod? I think they kind of have what we need right now for that. But beyond that my concern isn't in the ore distribution right now as even before the updates we had a lot of newbies come on and say they were unable to find ores/metals/whatever the hell newbies say. This can not be a mod (well I suppose it could it just wouldn't be popular) for a select few of people willing to spend time on it, it won't go anywhere like that I would like to bring up my world difficulty idea again. The newbies could spawn an easy world with plenty of ores everywhere and those who wanted to play a more realistic mod could do so. I probably sounded rude during that I apologize.
  19. Cooking (Hunter-Gatherer)(Beekeeping)

    ah ha here it is on page 77 of the forums Okay so I was attempting to work on my failure of a mod when an idea suddenly hit me. I think you will be able to make more use out of it than i could not to mention i can't code worth crap. But anyways it consisted of an oven, a fridge, possibly salt, a cutting board and the idea of possibly adding more small blocks that would do other things to food1. Oven: an object resembling a furnace which would cook food or food like objects I think it would be cool if used your same heat bar and as someone said earlier made it possible for food to burn 2. Fridge: for starters I would change the name to icebox as an icebox doesn't usually require electricity it would prevent food from going bad and becoming rotten flesh or any other rotten or moldy item. For it to work it would require ice or snow to cool off the food. This would mainly be a luxury as ice and snow in most places is not easily accessible. 3. Salt: Another mineral to randomly generate possibly in a desert lake where it is realistically found but possible in other areas to make it easier to find. It would be used as a preservative for food allowing you to dry food or even make a "salt barrel" to put food in. 4. Cutting Board: where all food is prepared and chopped using a cutlery knife this would be where found would finally come together as a meal or dish. Uses a three by three plus one slot set up the 3x3 would be where the food goes and the extra slot would be for tools such as the cutlery knife or a masher or peeler or something along those lines. 5. Cutlery Knife: An item used in the cutting board for slicing items it would slowly get dull throughout use either having to be sharpened or replaced. It could have a small blueprint in the metallurgy table and be put on a handle 6. Additional Ideas: Butter churn, Pickling table, grinder(wheat or meat), and possibly some type of mixer I would appreciate any feedback even it was something along the lines of "your an idiot" or "why are you here" I would just like an acknowledgement that people (especially you bioxx) have read this. Additional comments from later included the idea of placing the ice box underwater, and using the oven to cook stacks of food. Bioxx's comment on this was "Cooking objects and all that will be addressed in some fashion " pg.80
  20. Cooking (Hunter-Gatherer)(Beekeeping)

    Hey! Great minds think alike I suggested something very similar on minecraft forums a month or so ago. Although I have to admit you went into far more detail.
  21. Concentration

    Don't get me wrong I love the realism also but there is a fine line between realist and boring. I'm not saying realism is boring in general its only boring when used in excess. For example I really don't want to go grab my shovel and pickaxe in real life right now to make a giant hole in the ground in order to find minuscule traces of ores. Life is about balance I think this is a balance also. I was also saying that more content should be added to make it more realistic not taken away like with the stone swords there are plenty of things to add its not like we are in any shortage of things to add. I honestly hate when things are taken out and I understand making a sword out of stone on a workbench is impractical however the process I described isn't. On a side note Jointertron your right the pick isn't useless that was a bad word choice but with the time people spend learning how to use (practicing) it they very well could have already found ore whereas the system i described would take only a glance at the wiki or a brief video.
  22. Concentration

    Oh and I just remembered given that you don't delete this post the first time you see prospecting I would also like to ask it you were planning to do a little more with pottery, ceramics, or porcelain (kaolinite)