Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by bsb23

  1. Dynamic Inventory Size [Better Wall of Text]

    There we go! Don't you feel better now? I know I do. Lets start nice and easy here, just to keep things interesting. Storage piles will fix any basic problems but it would seem that crafting might be a problem, at first it would anyways, but really early game we don't use complex recipes, we use knapping and things like that. By the time we need to carry more bags and pouches will already be there and ready. Which brings me to your next point and I can firmly say that a lack storage materials could never occur. Those animals chasing you when cornered make great bags and pouches. And if you aren't the killing type there is grass and bark and sticks all around you it may take some work but they do make nice baskets eventually. The point of this is to avoid clutter and force organization so yeah that is intended. If you plan on looking for an easy early game you've came to the wrong place, go find EE. The early game suddenly includes much more of the struggle for life our ancestors once fought, it is now survival rather than just find a cave and live happily ever after.
  2. Dynamic Inventory Size [Better Wall of Text]

    Pakislav You are a funny guy you know that, I am honestly quite even tempered except when people don't read things or attempt to ignore them. You sir are blatenly ignoring my argument, all the while you have yet to provide a solid argument. You're argument is and I quote "this is unplayable" but you fail to see that you only have two slots at first or after death or once more if you are clueless.Please, once more I beg make a valid argument that hasn't been solved already. ECC Thank you for your validity and actual sense making, the first couple days could be difficult without such easy access to items, but it would only be until you could make a simple belt (hold a knife or other small tools) then we could move to animal pouches like the native Americans used then to leather working and eventually to some reinforced backpacks or something of the like.I honestly do not plan on making this game much harder except during the first couple days, after a death (death penalty), and if you are stupid. These are not unusual ideas here. Edits Edit: I certainly wouldn't mind beginning with a pouch or bag though now that you say it. Double Edit: You guys ninga'd me, but Pakislav if you want five slots feel free to craft the necessary items, no questions asked. Once more beginning with one of these tools would be fine with me. As for the base classes lets be honest our compatibility isn't stellar anyways because of world gen. Nobody really plays TFC with anything besides the couple tweak mods anyways. To become a new game like that I would love that.
  3. Random Items

    Agree with Kimble this would be perfectly fine with me if it didn't return after it hit something and had a difficult recipe. Essentially, it is just a light damaging ranged weapon that could break some blocks as well. It isn't like it should pick it up for you, we aren't Link. Edit: Fixed
  4. Butchery

    Such a fun time, so many new and exciting ideas, and Bioxx's progress was moving almost faster than we could think. Such epic ideas, *stares off into the distance reminiscing as if it didn't happen just a couple months back
  5. Butchery

    I remember that and me and eternal went at it for like three pages or something, no clear winner, we continue making threads over and over, spread over a huge number of posts I even made a full Document about it and then Dunk comes in and says "We are just going to wing it." Such a bummer, all well though, I'm sure we gave them a couple ideas.
  6. Dynamic Inventory Size [Better Wall of Text]

    Are you incapable of reading? Now I am mad, what the hell go back and read.You know what, no you have proved yourself incapable so I will bold, capitalize, and Underline this just for your poor eyesight. THE ONLY PEOPLE THAT WILL HAVE TWO SLOTS ARE NEWLY SPAWNED, RECENTLY DEAD, AND DUMBASSES. If you want more slots, then build them, it really isn't that difficult. This literally fixes a huge amount of problems. It makes sense but is still usable if you put effort, that is the way TFC has always been. It gives more death penalties as well, and it aids specialization. Now that you may have read that, fight back with an argument that isn't "Sorry, I only play as a dumbass and could never understand how to fix that." I'm all ears if your problem isn't something I have addressed five times already. As for the seed bag thing, you need to drop that, our system is not only more believable but it also adds gameplay value. Unmanly huh, the only thing unmanly here is cowering from fixing things and instead taking the easy shortcut and adding a "seed bag". In case you forgot this is TFC, where something difficult is manly. We have sacrificed no gameplay, in fact we have driven our game further from this random, "what the hell is this" feel from vanilla and its surrounding mods. That is what gameplay is, we make it better to play our game, more connectable. Edit: I like it Wolf, are you referring to that as an expansion of the tetris inventory or of halfmasters space consuming inventory?
  7. Dynamic Inventory Size [Better Wall of Text]

    I was referring to the things I linked earlier in the thread and what we have already said, don't worry it just kind of startled me that you went backwards to what we had previously.
  8. [Simple] Armor Stand.

    Suggest previously, please use the search bar in the upper right hand corner of this website prior to posting any suggestion. Also Please don't do that, Bioxx adds things when he wants to and you therefore need to have patience as he is very busy.
  9. Dynamic Inventory Size [Better Wall of Text]

    What in the world? We have literally moved backwards in ideas. This literally is what we had (minus the satchel) several months ago when Dunk said no that is Crysyn's. I don't understand how this happens but I will fix it. Please scroll to your ideas and read my response you don't have to read all of them just the ones that apply to you. Tiered Bags We don't want "level up!" style bags, I'm sure you have been at the forums long enough to now why. Simple mechanics like this discourage specialization and make the expansive mod we have suddenly very linear. Such a system as bags can evolve into something that separates people by what bags they use, how many they wear, and how they use them, allow extreme specialization in the following areas;speed, combat, organization, mining, surviving, building, destroying, baking, collecting, creating, living, dying, the list goes on and on. Nine Slots Automatically This one really rustled my jimmies, your argument was it would be a pain in the ass but we gave clear and easy reason why its that way and how to fix it. Think about the hotbar for a sec, what does it do, well it is easy access items, now tell me where the hell are you putting nine items so that they are easily accessible? Because as a caveman can only think of four places to put a sword, those being my two hands, in my mouth and up your a**. Sorry for the language and the anger here but this simply makes no sense. Then you guys complained, oh well we couldn't play without items within easy reach. First off, man up, second off was this not a problem IRL? I mean seriously, what has human kind already invented for us? How about a sheath, now my trusty sword can rest by my side ready to be heroically drawn. Therefore an extra easy-access "slot" is added aka your hotbar gets bigger! How about pockets? How about quivers? They are all for easy access and therefore would add room on your hotbar. Crafting Bags Scribing table plans, plenty of options there plus it actually makes sense! Additionally see the tiered bags spoiler. You would make the pieces in the scribing table+workbench and add metal buckles/buttons (more plans). If we really wanted we could add a sewing bench but I don't see it being necessary until we get the textile update. halfmaster1 (Everyone read this!) You are correct their system has fixed none the problems we came here to fix and could fix. This includes but is not limited to; it makes the spoilage system possible, fixes our seed stacking problem, allows for a simple addition of the encumbrance system, makes it so the size mechanic actually makes sense aka spread out items fills your inventory but can also fit in one slot, tools no longer have to make up more room then everything, forces organization of items aka inventory management, etc. I don't understand why they feel the need to ignore those ideas at least now they won't be able to, once more excellent job. Weight dependence for size of stack Encumbrance system can now be easily added, so we have no more need for that mechanic. Herbalist's Bag Please I beg of you start asking for things that make sense you are really make my life difficult. Why the hell can't I put a rock in there? It's a fricking bag for God's sake. We put seeds in a little bag or pouch that way we are space efficient and organized. We can't go down that road otherwise we will end up with five hundred different pouches that all the same thing. Items that don't fit in Inventory I love this, if we could get a dragging system I'm sure Dunk and Bioxx will add that in a heartbeat. Sorry for any rage or hard feelings but you guys literally ignored three months of ideas and I simply can't allow that to happen especially not halfmaster1's idea.
  10. Minecraft with Mead!

    Mod Nazi says: Nein, he is playing on a separate pack which is based on FTB just with in-development things like Redpower
  11. Do I count as a senior member? Either way its probably easier for to either be a comment or an edit of the OP. Although feel free to make an additional topic if you want to.
  12. Dynamic Inventory Size [Better Wall of Text]

    Not sure, I have never played, unless Super Smash Bros counts.
  13. Dynamic Inventory Size [Better Wall of Text]

    Two hands=two hotbar slots. Something that is easily reachable ie a sword in its sheath is also quickly usable and therefore on the hotbar.
  14. SMP: Prisons

    Or until he yells "help! Friend has kidnapped me!"
  15. NPCs?

    *Happily votes on poll *Scrolls down, sees Dunk *Delete I was never here...
  16. Dynamic Inventory Size [Better Wall of Text]

    Better yet if we want a hotbar and we want things to make a little more sense, why not reduce it two or one depending on what you are carrying (map/anvil/pick/other two handed items need to be one slotted). Now we have something here. Bags would have the mechanic stated by halfmaster. This also forces a bit of organization as well for instance if you pour your seed collection into your backpack you probably aren't going to find things quite as easily as you had hoped. But wait, before you complain about wanting a bigger hotbar, we already have the solution! Sheaths, quivers and other easy access storage-like things all add slots to your hotbar, as they are easily reachable. Now what am I missing?
  17. Sticks & Stones

    Obviously you have something bothering you, but I would like to encourage you to show patience because as stated above, I will flesh this out when I get access to a computer which hopefully will be this weekend.
  18. Food Prep Suggestion

    I vote old Nutrition idea but I doubt it will happen, the one where we add food groups and make people sick from not eating enough of a certain nutrient (but no throwing up please, that's just wrong). Then the spices at random determine effects, This would require more spices most likely. Edit:Sorry 1Sdan but compost is neither a foodgroup or a spice except apparently at TGI Fridays
  19. Dynamic Inventory Size [Better Wall of Text]

    This is great! Amazing! Everyone go read that right now! Oh, I love this! Alright so now you have officially fixed all of the world's problems, what are you going to do now?So, we now have a limiting system, A system that fixes seeds, allows us to have single stack things without ruining our inventory (This means we could use the spoiling mechanic!), adds encumbrance, it opens storage possibilities, all with being an idea that isn't Crysyn's! Dunk! Where are you? What am I missing?
  20. Dynamic Inventory Size [Better Wall of Text]

    Sorry for the really late response I would just like to point you to one of the threads we have previously discussed something similar(yours is different and certainly worthy of a new thread) Here is the list... First time discussed... First time it had a topic... My final summary post... (Fourth post down) Dunk's reaction... I wonder where the heck that went...Do we have any intel on that?
  21. [WIP] Mod Conversion/Creation Hub

    There is certainly ways to fix that. Hell if i know what they are but it is certainly do-able. Can't he just generate duplicates of the ores and trees in world and then throw some pixie dust at his computer or something?
  22. Woodcrafting.

    I said nothing about using a hammer. Here is what i mean... 1 Take and into scribing table 2 Make a bow plan 3 Take bow plan, wood and a knife and a saw/ax to a bench 4 put bow plan wood and a single tool in the table 5 wood outputs with slight damage depending on tool it will also have the tooltip "bow" 6 now everytime you put the bow in the table with a tool the damage bar goes down depending on the tool 7 if you hit zero you get a bow. If you go past it breaks. This would take a while to implement but would be the next thing after my stick idea.
  23. Woodcrafting.

    For plans, that way we can end up using what we have to make it like metallurgy rather than redoing it all. Makes it nice and simple and gives more use to a previous block.
  24. Woodcrafting.

    Scribing table+wood+normal bench=bow Unfortunately you would probably need to wait decently long for true woodcarving.
  25. Sticks & Stones

    Or if this is minecraft and we have no carving mechanic and no mention of one in sight. Which would you prefer, actual carving or magically pasting three sticks together? It's a temporary thing, in case you haven't noticed we use a lot of temporary things.