Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by silentrob

  1. Your point is sound. I wasn't asking of server owners nor devs to test this compatibility - just thought I'd ask how (if) they solved already known problems.


    I will try testing it as you suggested. Not sure where can I submit crash and incompatibility reports, though. Officially, no one is working on this compatibility, so, no one is interested to check it out.


    On something like this I'd typically start with cuchaz (ships dev), but it looks like kev12east has already talked to him, and anything with a non-vanilla GUI is known to cause problems (see quote below). It's apparently on the long term to-do list, but doesn't look like it'll be fixed any time soon.


    The reason you crash when opening a chest on a boat is due to the interactive blocks being used. Ships mod only intercepts vanilla GUI/tile entity code. I asked him if he would add support for TFC, but he said that he would not, due to the amount of work it would take to add compatibility of this one feature for every mod. He did, however, say that he would one day make an API, at which point the TFC devs, if they wanted to, could add compatibility for ships mod. 


  2. Anecdotal, but in 79.15, on 2 seeds, I've made the trek down to the equator and stopped seeing any and all animals or crops by around -4000. Around -7000 to -10000 is a sweet spot for all the crops, fruits, and animals you could want though.


    There is no hard limit on what can spawn based on latitude (z coord), but temperature will play a huge role. Chickens and pigs are the only animals that will spawn if the temperature is over 33 degrees, and even then they require a very high rainfall area. If you traveled far enough east or west at -4,000 you'd eventually hit an area with the right conditions despite the high temperature.


    On the opposite end, there are also animals that will spawn all the way to -20 degrees, but also depend on the rainfall value to be in a certain range.


    For the exact spawning criteria see the wiki:


  3. Ah, I just remembered, the blocks weren't in the API in 79.15. It works fine against the most recent TFC codebase, but not against any released version. I was able to replicate the crash by downgrading.



    Plus all the items do drop, they are just testing percentages. 


    I realize you're just testing for now, but "less than or equal to 1 and greater than or equal to 3" can NEVER be true, therefore the wheat seeds can't drop. Same is true for the bones. The two in the middle are fine.


  4. Yes but i didnt mean large biomes or flat its "Amplified" map type, i couldnt find anything about this map :blink:


    Same as the other two... Amplified along with large and flat are all vanilla variations which are listed but not implemented in TFC. 


    In vanilla, amplified means the terrain is more vertically stretched. In other words, hills and mountains are all taller. In TFC we're already starting 80 blocks higher than vanilla at sea level (110 from build height instead of 190), so there's not nearly as much space to amplify.


  5. Hi


    I see amplified map in map options what is this ? what is different ? i am waiting some help ^_^


    ty for your interest.


    From the official bug list on the support subforum (the red title denotes Feature/Cannot Fix/Won't fix for a while):

    [*]Name: World Types

    Description: The non-default World Type options when generating a new TFC world, "Large Biomes" and "generator.FLAT", have no affect on the map. The terrain generated is exactly the same of that of "TFC Default."

    Note: Implementing these world type options would require an excessive amount of work, which is why this is currently in the red category.


  6. Huh, really? I don't really distance-snipe mobs because it feels sorta cheaty for me, so I attacked a spider like 10-ish blocks away. I got off one fully charged shot, then another, then the spider was on top of me, and I can't really recall if I fully charged before shooting or not due to panicking. In fact, now that I think about it, I'm not sure if my second shot was fully charged either.After that, I put spiders along with skeletons on my "Do not engage" list, so I never shot at them again. Time to try again?

    What you had was not a fully charged shot... When you first draw back your bow you'll see it pull back to the first stage over the course of about a second (this is animated). If you stand there and continue to hold right click for two seconds it will pop back to stage 2. Another three seconds later it pops back to fully charged mode and the arrow head will be right up against the wood of the bow. That's a full 6 seconds you have to hold right click to get a fully charged shot, which isn't possible to do even once between the time a spider sees you and when it's close enough to hit you. Hence the sniping from a distance. 

    Also, for tipsWhen fighting lots of non-ranged mobs, and you're having a hard time, run across ponds or jump into lakes and oceans. Knockback is increased, and mobs are much slower in water, so you can fight off multiple foes relatively safely.If you're fighting skeletons stay away from water at all costs. It will most likely end up as your grave.Right-click a lit torch with sticks to turn all held stick into a torch instantly. While you lose 1/2 the torches you could have had, it saves a lot of time.

    Right clicking a lit torch with sticks only gives you one new torch at a time, but you can keep holding right click to burn through the stack rather quickly.

  7. I have cows, sheeps and horses I want to breed, but the fully tamed ones (with the golden heart) don't eat the grains I want to feed still works for the ones that aren't fully tamed (red heart with white borders) and one odd fully tamed male.Yes the animals are adult, I can milk the female cows, shear the sheeps and ride the horses.I tried feeding them barley, corn, wheat and oat.Can someone help me? Am I doing something wrong?

    Have you tried feeding them without holding shift (sneak)?

  8. so what exatly needs to be done to update Extrafirma to 1.7.10?

    Seeing how the developer went MIA nearly a year ago, and never posted the code for someone else to use, it pretty much requires someone else to start from scratch. Which pretty much means the Decorations mod is your best bet for replacing at least some of the functionality of ExtraFirma for now.

  9. Has there been any consideration to removing the mechanic by which food is shift clicked to the crafting grid?


    I've been wondering the same thing, but there are probably still a lot of people who use the shift click. But it would be nice to at least exclude salads and sandwiches from that mechanic since they can't be combined.


  10. Dont mean to necro this thread.. but I am having trouble making alcohol.  I have 1 barley grain, which states it is 14 oz.  


    I put 3 (and 4 for testing) buckets of freshwater into a Large Vessel, then add the grain, and seal it.. but it still says "Output: N/A". Can someone please advise me on what I am doing wrong?


    You need flour, not grain. Put it in a quern first.


  11. NEI has an option to dump the item list into a text file for you. I'm not at my computer, but I believe if you bring up your inventory and click the options button on the bottom right you'll get a screen with 6-8 buttons on it. Clicking the bottom button there should get you to the data dumps. From there you can dump all items, or just what the list NEI is showing, so you can limit it by searching first...


  12. In that world, I only have 4 zinc to spare. Is there a variant of that which would work with less?


    The wiki ratios are still correct, so you need 20-30% zinc. For two ingots worth this means you need 4-6 small ores, so you're still okay. You'll then need 2-4 Bismuth (10-20%) and 12-14 copper (60-70%). Just make sure you have exactly 20 nuggets/small ores after adding those two, otherwise your ratios will be off.


    And yes, that number I just used for the copper is less than the wiki states. That's because you're going for the low end on the zinc so you need a little more copper. The 50% copper only works if you're doing the max of 30% zinc and 20% bismuth.


  13. Storing food in large vessels can`t save food in it, isn`t it? I shall check it.


    Ceramic vessels (the small ones) are the only containers that slow decay. There are other options (salting, pickling, smoking, etc.) but those require other resources you probably won't have right away.


  14. But you make it sound like we have a choice and are just to stubborn to make it. We have been telling you that we have no other option, we wish we had, honestly. I really think you should try to run an open server without Cauldron.  I am sure that hundreds of players would log into your server, but then how would you goo about administering that server?


    As of today, the latest version of TFC still works on Forge 1236. For all you know, that may continue to be true for another 6 months, or it could change tomorrow, who knows. All Kitty seems to be saying is that they won't make any promises to stay compatible. She never said they plan to break it tomorrow either.
    Progress is inevitable... One of these days, Forge will add a new function that will allow some long standing bug or desired mechanic to suddenly be fixed/possible. When that day comes, I hope that they take full advantage of it. Yes, it means that new version won't be an option for someone who wants to run an open server, but that's not the majority of TFC players.

  15. What do you mean by "prompted to name it"? You can't name it until you reach a certain level of familiarity, but you still need to craft a name tag and choose a name, you just can't use that tag on an animal if the familiarity is too low. It doesn't automatically ask you to name it.


    As for the sheep, are you feeding them every day? Until the heard has a white border, the familiarity can decrease if you miss a day. For instance, feed it on day one, on day two there's a bit of red on the heart. If you don't feed it on day two, the red will be gone again on day three. 


  16. It is an intentional feature to only be able to store 80 oz in one slot in small vessels. You can store the full 160 in a single slot in a large vessel though.

    Optimally, you can store 320 oz in a single small vessel, and nine small vessels in a large vessel.


    I don't know the exact maths, but some trees giving less saplings (or no saplings) is an intended feature. IIRC, Bioxx (the original developer) stated that they want to represent how deforestation is a real issue in real life too, and that not all resources last forever.

    However, if I remember correctly, you get the most saplings by removing the leaves by knife, and the least by removing them with a scythe. Removing by hand is either as good as knife or between knife and scythe, I can't remember.In my experience, most tree types tends to give around 1 sapling per tree average if cleaned completely, but 10 trees is a very small sample size and you might just have been unlucky.


    There are three trees which don't drop saplings (Acacia, Kapok, and Sequoia) but the drop rate is the same for all the rest. Using a scythe drops 1/3 less saplings than using your hand. Using a knife drops the same as using your hand (although it may be a little faster, I'm not sure on that point). 


  17. TFC Version #: 79.15Forge Version #: 1272

    SSP/SMP (Single/MultiPlayer): SSP
    Suggested Name: Top down vertical supports off by one

    Description: When placing vertical supports from the top down, they won't place unless you have one more than necessary in your hand. The problem appears to be on line 105 of with the check "if(itemstack.stackSize >= dist)". The previous for loop increments dist until a non-replaceable block is found, and so when it exits dist is one more than the empty space. The actual block placing starting on line 106 uses "dist-1", and I believe the same should be done on line 105.


    Note: Bug already reported on IRC and Kitty asked for this post as a reminder. She also approved skipping the config/mod questions based on the other details.



  18. personally I want this for the idea of moving salt water from the ocean to my house and am willing to flatten the terrain from the ocean to my base. I also would be cool with it for bringing new livestock home 



    Moving water sources is exclusively for once players have reached red steel. Features will not likely be implemented to let you do that before reaching that tech level.


    I think this is referring to being able to carry larger quantities (multiple barrels) of salt water on a cart.


  19. I must confirm what Kitty wrote: I just recreated my world with 0.79.0 and I got the exact same terrain (as in 0.79.15) - only different trees and animals - but spawn point was at a totally different location.Check your coordinates in both worlds...

    How totally different? Spawn is supposed to be pretty fixed per seed. If it weren't, the seed sharing forum would be pretty much useless. There is some variation, but it's in the tens of blocks in each direction (plus or minus 20 if I recall correctly).