Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Froggeh

  1. Froggeh's Review! Huzzah!3.5/5 rating, with much potential to grow - 3/31/2015 8:06pm PSTSo far, I've gotten ungodly lag... I'm -very- certain this isn't me as I literally just left another server of TFC to join this one and was experiencing no lag with dynamap, 3 wiki pages (TFC is impossible to remember all of this information with lol), skype, steam and bittorrent open simultaneously. I had to close -everything- and still receive tidbits of lag here and there but it's manageable so I was a little annoyed but it's not that big of an issue, thus not that big of a rating hit, just a personal complaint...I love the map, it looks beautiful and so far everything I come across isn't tainted with ugly slapped-together buildings but I imagine time will change that, I hope not but we will see. I found a beautiful massive lake that I intend to base near and make look nice.There presently is no website and anything outside of PMing the owner is not possible to suggest for ideas considering there is no debate, it's all left for the owner (Is there a website? I haven't seen one)Empty... Feels very alone so far... I see signs of other players (Only a single house so far) but ever check of the dynamap has always revealed nobody, hopefully that changes with time!Love the mods! Only 3 were added but they seem very cool... I like the idea of flowing rivers and water pouches. The cellar mod? Absolutely wicked... Best idea I've seen for a mod for TFC so far! No more 1x1 wood pillars to the sky and 3 minutes of climbing a tower to store food!YAY FRESH START! A SERVER THAT DOESN'T HAVE 9999 PEOPLE USING RED STEEL AND BLUE STEEL :DAll in all I can see great potential for this... I intend to start a base myself and get some things rolling and checking in on it from time to time. If I see people coming in more it's definitely a server I'll be sticking to. My biggest fear is that this server doesn't get the attention it deserves or the owners do something stupid (like frequent wipes, not testing things before implementing them, power hungry assholes, etc etc) and the rating drops. If this post is ever removed, odds are the server took a turn for the worst and they deleted it because I marked it down. I will try to keep the rating up to date
  2. I'm Froggeh, age 24 in the PST (GMT -8) time-zone I would like to join because I've seriously been craving more TFC but haven't had the means to play with others since I closed my own server due to financial problems I do play very often, I used to play almost 24/7 and I am a master when it comes to the blacksmith (I have patterns down to be able to craft almost anything in under 20 hits) Time zone I'm pretty sure I already answered (You might want to remove it from the top one), but Pacific Standard Time (Greenwich Median Time -8) As I said I'm a great blacksmith, I love all the little things you can do and I tend to end up doing everything myself around the town such as the blacksmith and farming as well as the cooking and building. However the gathering portion (particularly mining) I tend to get impatient with as I can't keep my creativity in layouts and constant planning into motion... It's mostly just digging a straight line or using the + grid until you find a vein and just dig, not a lot of strategy to something you can't see. I'm also a great fighter and pretty wicked with a bow (Been good with ballistics for as long as I can remember)