Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Artuga

  1. Tree growth speed/size

    Hello there, newly registered forum lurker and huge TFC-fan here First of all i apologize if this has already been suggested, i did try the search function before posting. Ever since i began to play minecraft, the instant popping trees has been bugging me. They only have one growth stage, and they just grow up WAY too fast from when planted. I really love the way fruit trees grow in this mod, and was thinking something similar should be done towards other trees aswell. The idea is for trees to start out similar to the fruit trees, and then gradually grow past the sizes you get from saplings today, and up to more realistic scales found in the real world (but over several years.) this could also justify adding saplings for jungle/seqoia trees to the game, as they would probably never actually grow to the sizes you find in a freshly spawned world without several decades/centuries passing by. I don't think this would be too hard to implement given the mechanic already implemented for fruit trees, but to be fair i don't know a thing about coding/programming. And i would just love to have a bit more plausibility to woodgathering as i feel the current system is simply too easy and WAAAAY too fast. This would encourage people to replant areas as they gather, and be rewarded for letting trees grow for longer before harvesting them (thus having larger areas dedicated to forests.) Is this something people would like to see?
  2. Tree growth speed/size

    I just felt it sounded very weird when you quoted only that part Although if these cacti were implemented, i would build myself a small hut in the top, just to have done it
  3. Tree growth speed/size

    Just to clarify, i meant living in the desert, not in the cactus
  4. Tree growth speed/size

    cacti implementation would be cool, but i think some sort of practical use should be in place as well. Guess you could implement cactus juice to go with the new thirst mechanics. this would give you a way to survive in deserts, and possibly even live in one :-)
  5. Tree growth speed/size

    That's true, but if you think about it, this could be used to add some randomness to where large forests would generate. If we stay with the suggestion where trees also can spread out by themselves, the deeper dirt layers would allow for trees to grow larger in certain areas (limitation for continuous growth by root size) Thus creating areas with massive forests, and other areas with lower, denser vegetation.
  6. Loose Rock Placement

    Wouldn't this mean locating starter ores for your first sluices a lot more difficult? could be a problem, as i tend to always scavenge rocks along the coast to mark off good sluice points early game. I DO like the idea, i just think you might need to implement additional mechanics in order to justify this change. Maybe have a way to more actively use gold pans to map out ore deposits? (like a weak version or the prospectors pick, only usable in water) This way, you would still have sluices as a desirable early game starting mechanic to obtain ores.
  7. Tree growth speed/size

    That sounds really cool Regarding the spreading through roots as redundantusage mentioned, that typically applies mainly to trees in higher mountain areas (At least for pine, as far as i know) This is used as an alternative method of spreading, i haven't heard of any trees that only spreads this way. It's something that would be cool to see, but not necessarily crucial to making a system like this work. Edit: Actually using an axe on root-infested dirt block should wear on the axe alot, not really being an efficient way to remove it. Maybe add reduced time to dig out the root dependant on how many dirt blocks are surrounding it? this could encourage you to actually "dig out" the root before actually removing it. Oooh, and i have to add; I LOVE the idea of living/dead trees this would add alot to the diversity of the game world, atleast aesthetically. Maybe also prevent trees from further growth in the winter? (would kinda already be implemented with this system considering it would snow rather than rain)
  8. Wooden/Clay Walls

    Right, so the idea here is to enchance the building-aspect of TFC, by giving construction some much needed realism/challenges. Typically, i don't think a person starting out should be able to place down a mansion just by using wood blocks. The main reason this currently work is because wooden blocks aren't affected by gravity. My suggestion is to let you craft walls that acts as support beams currently do for cave-in mechanics. To make this more of a part of gameplay and not just place down support beams for aesthetic reasons, the working mechanic of wood blocks/slabs would also need to be reworked a little. Maybe let you connect up to 2 floating wood blocks horizontally, but trying to place a third one would cause that to fall to the ground. This will allow to still make yourself some early small shelters (up to four blocks wide), but prevent you from making larger structures until you have the technology to actually make supportive structures for your buildings. In basic, i was thinking along the lines of crafting eight planks/clay balls around a support beam, to be given x amount of wall pieces. These walls would act like for example glass panes currently do upon placement, but will be thicker although not as thick as say a wooden block. The textures would show the type of wood/clay used (also considering there might be clay of different colors in the future) but also have implemented support pillars in the textures. They would work either exactly like horizontal support beams do currently, or in a slightly smaller scale. This way you could choose whether you would like to construct your building with actual support beams, or rather use thinner walls as an alternative, slightly more resource efficient method for construction (they should be slightly more resource-efficient, given their slightly thinner size.) The only issue i see with such walls are with the connection between the walls and the floor/roof. This would have to be solved by having the walls actually connect to the blocks used for floors/roofblocks. But i think this should be managable. In my opinion, this would bring some much needed challenges to making larger structures, and actually give you some more realistic rules to go by when you construct your houses. Would this be too much trouble for people, or would you welcome a change that adds some challenges to architecture?
  9. Better Pets

    I think we will have to wait and see what the animal update brings that are currently being worked. However, i personally would much rather see more practical use to the tamable animals (wolves turning into dogs when tamed, used to protect livestock, and possibly even dogsleighs for traveling on frozen lakes) Can' think of many other uses for them though. Ofc, an updated AI would always be welcome
  10. Tree growth speed/size

    well, you could have the tree slow down in the height growth, while still having increased woodgain by increasing the trunk width. this way, the material gain would increase exponentially like you suggested, while still making the time required to obtain those massive seqoias from new worlds extremely high. (each growth-stage upwards would be increasingly rewarding as the thickness of the tree expands, and as branches are added)
  11. Grinders

    I think you are getting too caught up in the sharpness/effectiveness being enchants. Like i said, i am a little biased on the enchantment system, not really thinking everything in it really should count as enchantments. The way i see it, this mods tries to enchance the gameplay by increasing difficulty, and at the same time give more reward for player skill in as many areas as possible. Thus the natural progression in such a system for me, would be to make as many traits of the weapons and tools possible dependant on different skill. This will also allow for more spezialization towards master craftsmen, as well as give you more cntrol of what traits you want to aim for in your tools/weapons. I agree with you on the durability cost for grinding not making much sence though, but it could realistically atleast be a penalty for failing the grinding process. Maybe make the cost for using the grindstone some hard to obtain oil? (As mentioned earlier in the thread) possibly obtaiable from refinement of a plant?
  12. Tree growth speed/size

    i wasn't talking about making shears the only way to get saplings. i was merely suggesting to keep the old mechanics punching leafblocks, but to give you a small progression when you obtain metal tools. this way you will in time be rewarded with a system that makes maintaining your treefarm saplings easier, without spending so much time nose-up under the trees, with an unnecessarily large quantity of sticks. also, i don't think number crunching for tree growth time is something to worry too much about, as that is something the developers will tweak to where they feel it's right anyway. i just feel it should be significantly slower than it is today, giving at least some challenges to to resource management of renewable resources. i guess the initial growth stages for the trees shouldn't be so extreme. but the time it would take for a tree to grow larger than the current saplings do should be very slow. my apologies for any typing errors here. posting on my phone and will go over the post tomorrow.
  13. Grinders

    Grinders sounds really cool, but i think they should be something optional for additional benefits rather than something required to advance in the game. My thoughts are: Since sharpening/grinding a tool would actually remove some of the material, the tradeoff for using the grinder would actually be some durability (like 5% or so) The reward you get for doing it right (it would ofcourse need a small minigame) would be an appropriate ability added to the item (sharpness/efficience etc.), maybe for 20% of the durability of the item. Failing at the minigame would mean removing too much material from the item, thus reducing the durability even further. I think a system like this would be better than having enchanting giving you these traits, but that could ofc. be because i'm partially biased about the enchantment system as it is in vanilla minecraft (player levels should follow/enchance the player, not being transferred to tools/weapons/armor.) i realize similar suggestions are made, just wanted to throw in my 2 cents
  14. Tree growth speed/size

    damnit, you were too fast made a quick search, and was on my way to edit my post xD
  15. Tree growth speed/size

    Ofcourse, but as this would lead you back to the giant trees already generated in the world it really should take a VERY long time And why don't we have redwood?
  16. plant genetics = allsume

    While this idea sounds pretty awesome, i think it's making the mechanic overly complex compared to the timescale/technology avaliable through this system. Typically, the evolving traits of plants would not be something you specifically aim for, but rather something that adapts through natural selection (that darwinian stuff, y'know) While you would typically want your animals bigger/plants yielding more food/seeds/etc. It is something that would be evolving naturally and improving through the needs of the farmer. You don't choose to plant 1 seed over the other because it has higher temperature tolerance/grows bigger/faster. You normally plant them both. However, the seed being the most temperature resistant will survive later in the season, increasing the chances of actually being harvested and consequently being used for seeds the next season. The same way, the plant yielding more seeds will replant in a larger scale, thus outcompeting other less efficient seeds over time. The same goes for plants that grow faster, giving more possible harvests each year. Animal breeding is a different matter, as you would have a surplus of male animals for mating. Thus, you always use your strongest male specimen for breeding to ensure you have the highest quality offspring possible. But on the topic of plant genetics, i think a better solution would be to start out with only unspecified seeds (this actually saves you some space when out punching grass early in the game) These would have to be planted in order to even discover what kind of plant you have obtained. When harvested, these plants would give the "wild" version of whatever plant you harvested. However, if the plant were to be given the correct growth conditions on the second round, they would have an increased chance to move up one step on the traits-ladder (moving towards more domesticated plants) as they progress, they will be given better traits for growth/yield/temperature resistance. This system would reward farmers who know what they are doing, while not making farming completely unbearable to people who just want to support themselves with a small acre in their backyard. As far as plant genetics go, that would be more suited for higher-tech minecraft mods (and there's a reason ic2 has something similar partially implemented already) My opinion ofc but please tell if you agree/disagree on it
  17. Tree growth speed/size

    i've seen your thread (and voted in it ) it would truly be awesome! To get back on track: if we focus on tree growth size and speed through gradual growth, would this still mean rewriting base code? Or would the main issue be having the trees start out like in the way fruit trees currently do? Does anyone know?
  18. Wooden/Clay Walls

    Agreed partially with the distance, but you have to keep in mind that you still can use ordinary support beams for such structures (which would make more sence) The issue with curved roofs could be fixed by adding something like curved/diagonal support beams (preferrably also a stone version of them for truly epic structures) Edit: Seeing as we already have the option to make pillar-looking stone with the chisel, i guess one solution woud be to make all worked stone have proper bearing support-abilities
  19. Wooden/Clay Walls

    I'm well aware of the derailment factor on these forums Just asking for clarification: I know there is a construction update coming, what i couldn't find was a suggestion for resource-efficient wall-structures with build in support-features. The part about gravity mechanics was just mentioned as a reasoning for my suggestion, as i suspected something similar to that was already in development. Thanks for the replies, i'll try and make a list of suggestions i have going on in my head in the discussion forum, before making any more posts in suggestions
  20. Wooden/Clay Walls

    My apologies then. I did try to search beforehand, but i guess i should do abit more research before trying out a suggestion. Would it be an okay forum policy to rather open threads in the discussion part of the forum first, and see what people think before opening a thread in the suggestion forum?
  21. Tree growth speed/size

    Something like this would be really nice, as it would give the game world more natural change as time goes by. It would be really nice to have trees spread naturally over time, as well as giving the player a more controlled way to obtain saplings without having to mindlessly cut down every single leafblock before felling the trees to ensure you have saplings for new trees. However, i think using shears to cut the branches would make more sense in order to manufacture new saplings. this could also be used to allow you to form the trees to your liking as they grow, allowing you to use trees for decorating your gardens/lawns more efficiently. (maybe make shears work like chisels but on leafblocks? this would also let you make sculptures/hedges)
  22. Tree growth speed/size

    That sounds awesome If something like this was implemented, would it also make trees able to grow in a more randomized pattern? I'm thinking a formula based on tree type that gives different probability to grow in different directions, branch out etc. This would make most trees grow in a similar pattern based on it's type, but also allow for more variation in tree designs. Trees are typically a good source of landmarks in real life, and i think having larger/more unique trees growing would make for a more diverse world, as well as making navigation alot easier for some people who don't want to use coords or minimap mods. To clarify a little, what i was initially suggesting would not necessarily make wood more scarce. It would simply be a tradeoff to have slower growing trees, but having potentially more wood in each tree if they were left standing for longer. Thus encouraging having larger forests standing rather than having a 25x25 block area supplying you with wood, and never have to consider running out. To ECC: I'm sorry, but i don't see player stupidity as a major deciding factor for upping the difficulty on some mechanics. When i refer to SMP, i was actually having small private servers in mind. On the occations that i do play on public servers, i tend to start by running several thousand metres off before settling down, and rather live with having to travel further off to trade with others. Your post about player stupidity seems more like an argument against open SMP-servers in general, rather than directed towards my suggestion.
  23. Tree growth speed/size

    I am aware of that statement from Bioxx. Hence why i wanted to find a way to implement them without giving them an advantage over other trees. If they were implemented, i would picture them as the slowest groving of all the tree types, considering how sturdy the wood have to be in a tree in order for it to ever reach such a height in reality. The deforesting issue is something i see as a consequence that should be in place anyway. I've been to some older mining areas here in Norway, and they are typically stripped of trees due to the massive demand for wood both for mineshafts and for burning/smelting. So i think having to take preemptive measures against such a situation would actually add to the gameplay in a SMP-perspective.
  24. Tree growth speed/size

    Thanks for the welcome Regarding using alot of wood, i am thinking about posting a suggestion for more resource-effective wooden walls (building with 1x1x1m blocks just doesn't feel right anyway.) Something along the lines of eight planks with a vertical support beam in the centre to create 4x wooden walls (1x0,25x1m size) This would make houses look better, and reduce your construction materials alot once you get access to a saw for support beams. Breaking them would give back 1-2 boards. But that's for another thread