Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by cybernation

  1. Better coal

    There is really no need to add more coal. Finding a kapok, sequoia, or acacia forest makes large large fire pits very easy to do. You can easily get 10+ stacks from a big pit. Although charcoal is taken up easily, this is not a problem
  2. More agricultural amendments: Hoes and ploughs

    If you take a bucket (not a barrel, a bucket.) of fresh or salt water and left click it on any non-water block it creates a very small 1/8 block of water that disappears. I believe you should be able to dump these buckets of water on farmland to replenish a very small amount of nutrients. A good way of doing this would be to create a nutrient replenishment limit, as we have for feeding animals familiarity levels only once every day. That would limit this so that you could not use this and make it overpowered
  3. Storage for big blocks

    What about being able to create bigger log piles? As in outline a 2x2x2 or 3x3x3 and it would become a multipart structure? The inventory could be like the inventory of a chest, but only being able to store logs. This would also be beneficial because it would help standard charcoal pit making very easy since the basic log pile for charcoal is a 3x3x3. I believe multi-block log piles would also be easier because you would not have to access the individual inventories, so you could store many types of wood and be able to easily access them. There should be limits to this, possibly a 4x4x4 Max because we want to avoid big huge spaces of inventories in TFC.
  4. Add more uses for Bone (Meal)

    Bones should be able to be turned into flux - at a smaller rate (maybe one bone plus hammer in crafting grid = 1 flux), because Terrafirmacraft biomes are very large and there are only 4 types of flux stone, not counting borax in rock salt. I personally have had a lot of trouble finding flux stone and if this were implemented I believe it would be a very good addition!
  5. verelina, nobody has been on today. This needs to be fixed or run a server restart...
  6. It has been well over an hour and my fake "timed out" cybernation still exists. this is frustrating because I can't play. I would appreciate it if you looked into this. I know ZomgPig has been having troubles with it as well
  7. Vere, I talked with ZomgPig and he is getting the same issue I am. We get kicked from the server saying "Can't connect to server, timed out" and then cannot relog back into the server. When I look to see, it shows me as online in the server... This has happened multiple times now and is not fixing itself, this is very frustrating and I would like you to look into fixing it.
  8. Vere, if you see this could you kick me right now? it says that i am online and i got a "timed out" error now it says that cybernation is online but I can't get on because it keeps saying timed out. So could someone kick me? so i can join?
  9. You should whitelist it if there is griefing, not take it down! We have been needing a new TFC server for a while now thank you so much Verelina! -cybernation
  10. Called Ursine nation 1 ign: cybernation (no caps) 2 where about are you from and what is the timezone there? GMT -7 washington 3 do you use skype or teamspeak: skype, but I won't give out my user unless in PM 4 the answer to number 4 on the rules: 35 (rich ore unit) * x = 500 (100 per ingot) is 15 pieces with remainder 25 units 5 how well do you know terrafirmacraft?: Extremely well, played since early release where TFC was played on normal MC world. 6 i do not record 7 please tell me a little about yourself who are ya and why do ya want to join us on this adventure? I have played TFC for a long time, with breaks. coming back now i want a new server
  11. [0.79.29] DarkAgeCraft Off Line

    Minecraft user name: cybernation Your Age: 18 Your Time Zone: GMT - 7 Location Country and State: USA, WA Tell us a bit about yourself: I have a ton of TFC experience. How can you help us: I can answer questions for unskilled players and my massive amounts of playtime give me the ability to donate very wealthily to a community with ores, tools, food, and more.
  12. IGN:cybernation (no caps) Age:18 What are you good at in TFC, or what skill do you wish to focus in? building/blacksmithing/mining! Do you wish to join the main town or be on your own? in the main town, unless something drives me out Skype(optional)given to pm only
  13. [Offline][0.79.15] Terrafirmacraft Server

    Let me just start off by saying this: I want this server to be drama free, and ever since Chezlem21 has joined, there have been dramatic incidents every time he has been online. Today though, broke the line. The first picture is of chez, admitting to griefing. What he did was small but ask yourself this: What that makes unjust a small act of theft or law-breaking makes a bigger act unjust? What I mean by this is that small actions pave the way for bigger actions. As I type this I am very worried that Chez will grief right now. Chezlem has also constantly needed help from the start with the most basic things as how to melt down ores and knap tools. One of the founding beliefs was that this server would not be around players asking for help, but that they would already be established and know what they are doing. The other thing that is upsetting about this is that he never properly applied. Chezlem21's name is not on the list of whitelist applicants. I also have included a few of the applicant's explanations, and included in many is either " no griefing" or "Maturity", which Chezlem has neither. I believe that he should be banned. Thanks, Cyber.
  14. IGN: cybernation (No caps) Age: 17 I am looking for a small TFC server. I find that TFC servers are more mature and close-knit than any other modpack, and I enjoy that. As I said, I am looking for a close-kinit community and would like to expand my knowledge and build towns with collaboration of other members
  15. [Offline][0.79.15] Terrafirmacraft Server

    IGN: cybernation (No caps) Age: 17 I am looking for a small TFC server. I find that TFC servers are more mature and close-knit than any other modpack, and I enjoy that. As I said, I am looking for a close-kinit community and would like to expand my knowledge and build towns with collaboration of other members
  16. [0.79.29] DarkAgeCraft Off Line

    Minecraft user name: cybernation (No caps) Your Age:17 Your Time Zone:Western (GMT -8:00) Location Country and State: Seattle, WA, USA Tell us a bit about yourself: I have been playing minecraft since it first came out on the xbox. As the updates progressed at first, I was interested on playing on the PC because it was a more advanced version. I bought minecraft and have been playing ever since. A whileago, watching Ethoslab I stumbled across this mod and after many hours of trying to install it (As I had never installed anything before) I began playing. I have played this mod for about 8 months now with breaks, made it to the black steel age in SP and played on a few SMP servers. Ihave been looking for a small server to play on because I can contribute my knowledge of the game, I have much experience as well. Goes without saying, no griefing. I hate it, would never do it, and find it just aggrovating.