Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Ditto8353

  1. Why do gems exist?

    Because they're truly outrageous... A lot of things have been suggested for gems. Search the forum.
  2. Coffee Snobs

    I don't consider myself a coffee snob quite yet, but I am getting there. So what is your favorite kind of coffee? Light or dark? Where do you get it? Discuss! I haven't gotten the chance to try a large variety yet, but I am quite enjoying the coffee I got from Ethiopia. It has a nice fruity taste to it and it's the best part of my morning. Of course it's also a pretty nice part of my evenings as well. I have been getting my coffee from intelligentsia. Any suggestions on what I should try next?
  3. Complaints

    I have seen more complaints starting to make their way onto the forums. Well sometimes this is good, because it helps to point out things that perhaps the developers overlooked, or perhaps an error in the code is causing unintended things to occur. However, these complaints seem to be just that, nothing more than complaints about the way the game works and/or the direction that the developers are taking the game. It is very disappointing to see these sort of posts, especially considering the labor which goes into the often-thankless task of creating such a mod. I would like to present a few helpful hints to keep you from making yourself look like an ungrateful cnt. Use phrases like "I think" and "I believe" because stating that "Finding copper is too hard," makes you look like a child whereas "I believe that finding copper is too difficult because..." makes you look at least reasonable. Don't say things like "That mod does this and it's really fun. You should add this," because this is first and foremost the child of Bioxx and the niece of Dunk. Ultimately it is entirely up to them as to what will be included and which direction the mod will go in. Be polite. It will take more work to be polite on a forum than it does to be polite in a normal conversation. This is largely due to the lack of tone of voice and body language. If you take the time to make sure your post is polite then you will in turn be met with a much more pleasant response. So you're a casual player, but you like the complexity that TFC adds to the game so you want to play it. You have an issue with something in game, perhaps finding a certain metal is too hard, or keeping a wood/food supply is too hard for you. Well here is an MLG-Pro-Tip: Everything is way too damn hard the first time. Just ask for help, ask how other players do it. Ask for tips and tricks or tutorials. If all else fails, you can use Not-Enough-Items to spawn yourself a small farm at the start of the game. But sometimes something is simply just too hard, but the experienced players will be able to notice these, and they will point them out. They have a much better feel for the balance of the game than you do. Just keep playing until you get a good feel for the game, then you can bring us your opinions. Edit: This is really me venting more than anything. You think people could be a little more reasonable. It is very frustrating. It is reassuring to see 'Like's on posts like these.
  4. Skyrim? And stuff? Eh.

    Steaming Skyrim.Super pretty version.
  6. [B69] No Charcoal Graphic

    Is this bug also in forge 395? That is the recommended version for TFC B69
  7. there really isn't a reason to record higher than 720p for YouTube
  8. TFC icon and banner

    TFC doesn't have a creative mode; it has a test mode which is wrongly labeled.
  9. Crackling can be caused by a few things, don't know how your PC could not be grounded though. You would need to be using plastic risers in order to not have your computer grounded. Just make sure your cables kept organized to reduce the chance of interference.
  10. Particles

    That's how I got my title as well, playing nicely with Dunkasaurus-Rage.
  11. [BUG LIST] Post your bugs below

    Did you delete your TFC.cfg file?I do not have this problem.
  12. TFC icon and banner

    Take some good screenshots, with UI turned off obviously, and then make a banner with each one. When you're done, pick out your favorite.
  13. [BUG LIST] Post your bugs below

    This is not a bug.
  14. TFC icon and banner

    What is the standard dimensions for an icon? 64?
  15. worst passive grief

    Back when SMP health didn't work I was hosting a server. We spent a couple weeks creating a massive forest with trees on trees on trees. I don't know if this counts since I was the host, but I burnt it down after I made a routine backup. When the fire got to a certain point it was too much and no one on an outside connection could stay connected. It was beautiful...
  16. Facial Hair

    Guys Do you have facial hair? Why/Why Not?What style?What style do you wish you had?GirlsDo you like facial hair? Why/Why Not?If you like it, what's your favorite style of facial hair? I have a handle bar moustache. I've had it off and on for a few years now. Right now it's an English style, thicker with only a slight upward curl, think steampunk. But it used to be more of a French style, thin and curled nearly into a circle, think Salvador Dali. I will probably go back to French style once it is long enough again. I also have a goatee, about the same width as my mouth and an inch long. I'll probably shave it into a spike this weekend. I love having facial hair, mainly because it's another way to make my style unique. Women can accessorize with a handbag or large earrings (well so can a man, but it is not received well by the general public), and men can accessorize with facial hair. When it's taken care of and thought is put into the style choice I think it can really help a man look more attractive. And yes, no facial hair is a style choice and some guys look a lot better clean shaven.
  17. Help with redstone?

    Chickens on pressure plates.
  18. Computers: How to Choose and Build

    Has anyone ever replaced the main power connector on a motherboard? I am looking to do this and I am just wondering how difficult it is.
  19. The Hoe

    Thoughts on the hoe features: Water - This isn't OP. It's basically the same as counting the distance from water except it takes some minor guesswork out of certain situations. Harvest - This isn't OP. Everyone knows when wheat is ready for harvest, except maybe if you just installed a new texture pack. However, TFC has a larger variety of crops and so Bioxx has decided that it is unfair to expect the player to memorize the finished states of every crop. Nutrients - This...might be a little OP. Skilled farmers are somewhat capable of examining soil and determining if it is suitable for certain crops, obviously it is a very rough estimate. However, in order to get specific readings like that of the hoe's feature would require some specialized equipment. I hadn't actually thought about any of this until I started writing this post, but now that I have given it some thought, the precision of the readings does not seem to fit into TFC (looking at you, pro-pick). Perhaps an alternative method which could help to bring this feature back into balance would be to display 3 colored stripes, one for each crop type, but instead of nutrient levels being displayed via height it would be displayed via color saturation. This would introduce a bit more guesswork into the use of this feature. If that still seems to break the game then perhaps you would rather have a simple yes-no for each crop type as to whether or not that soil is suitable for that type.
  20. [Solved] New Hoe Tools

    Make sure you are testing this feature on a clean installation of MC1.4.5 and the appropriate prerequisites. Be sure to delete your old TFC.cfg file and never do initial testing on an old world, always new.
  21. [B68] Crash on use of chisel (Which doesn't work?)

    You should pastebin or spoiler-tag your crash reports instead of attaching them as files. It makes it more convenient for people to help you and thus you are more likely to get help.
  22. A big thank you to everyone who made this mod!

    Wait what? You're still friends with those people?The worst I have gotten from mine is, "Wow that sounds like way more work than I could put into Minecraft; it sounds like an awesome mod though."
  23. Computers: How to Choose and Build

    Lol, what exactly does one do with FOUR 680's?
  24. Hair products...

    I have longer hair than Dali.