Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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  1. This addon adds new decorations blocks and recipes for TFC (lanterns, gem blocks and etc). Screenshot: Following features have been implemented: 1) Lanterns. There are 12 different lanterns which could be made from 1 - 3 tier's metals and alloys. Lanterns made from 3 tier metal have greater light level, all other characteristics are the same. Sneak + Right Click with empty hand on lantern - allows to turn on/off light. Lantern's light level could be edited in config file. 2) Gem Blocks. It is allowed to attach gem to any solid side of the block (right click with gem on the block) If block (to which gem is attached) is destroyed - then gem will drop. Attached gem is serves as light source with following light levels: - Exquisite: 15 - Flawless: 14 - Normal: 13 - Flawed: 12 - Chipped: 11 Gem's light level could be edited in config file. 3) Gypsum Mortar and Alabaster Blocks (based on idea from Uses for Gypsum/Uses for gems/Sculpting expansion) It is possible to craft Gypsum Powder from Gypsum. Gypsum Powder could be used to create Gypsum Plaster (Plaster of Paris) which could be used either for creation Mortar or Alabaster Block. Alabaster block: - could be painted - could be chiseled - cannot be used to cover charcoal pit 4) Mud Bricks These blocks are alternative to stone bricks and could be crafted before metal era. Color of Mud Bricks Block is depends on material it made. Mud Bricks Block: - could be chiseled - cannot be used to cover charcoal pit Compatibility with Lanterns addon: If Lanterns addon is used then lanterns in Decorations mod are disabled. This is useful if you have generated world which has blocks and items from Lanterns addon. Recipes: Lantern Core (material for lantern): could be made on the anvil from sheet of any 1-3 tier's metal. Lantern Core Filled: could be made by filling Lantern Core in the barrel by any alcohol (2000 mB of alcohol is required) Lantern: - 2 sticks - 2 wool yarns - 4 glass panels - 1 lantern core filled Gypsum Powder: - hammer - gypsum Gypsum Plaster: - barrel filled by fresh water - gypsum powder (1 chunk per 500 mB of fresh water) Alabaster: - barrel filled by gypsum plaster - gypsum powder (1 chunk per 50 mB of gypsum plaster) Mortar: - barrel filled by gypsum plaster - sand Brush - wool - rope - stick Liquid Dye - barrel filled by fresh water - any dye item (1 item per 400 mB of fresh water) Mud Brick (Wet) - dirt or sand - clay - straw Mud Bricks Block - 4 x Mud Brick (Dry) How to paint Alabaster Block 1. Craft Brush using wool, rope and stick 2. Make Liquid Dye in the barrel using fresh water and required dye 3. Fill Brush by Liquid Dye from the barrel (capacity of Brush is 1000 mB) 4. Put Alabaster on the ground 5. Make Brush as active and right click to Alabaster Block (one paint is using 200 mB of dye) How to create Mud Bricks Block 1. Craft Mud Brick (Wet) using sand or dirt, clay and straw 2. Make Mud Brick (Wet) as active and right click on the ground - it will start to dry. It should be placed under the sky and no blocks above should be. Mud Brick (Wet) is drying only when there are no rain and snow. Total dry time is 12 hours. 3. Collect dried Mud Brick (Dry) 4. Craft 4 x Mud Bricks Blocks using 4 x Mud Brick (Dry) Download: Decorations-1.0.20 Old versions: Decorations-1.0.19 Decorations-1.0.18 Texture Pack: Nyssa's Touch of Realism Changes: 1.0.20 - Updated to support TFC 0.79.23 1.0.19 Bug fixes: - Fixed rendering issue - lantern and raw mud brick are invisible when placed at y=144 and chunk haven't solid blocks above 144 1.0.18 Bug fixes: - Fix anvil recipes to support TFC 0.79.18 1.0.17 - Updated to support TFC 0.79.17 - Lead now is working as Tier 1 metal (the same as copper) 1.0.15 New features: - Added option to the config file that allows to disable placeable gems 1.0.12 New features: - Added support for Taiwan Chinese language (zh-TW) Bug fixes: - Fixed: texture of gems is broken when switching to other resource pack without MC restarting 1.0.11 New features: - Added Liquid Dyes and Brush - Added possibility to paint Alabaster block - Added Mud Bricks Sources: Sources on GitHub Feel free to include this addon to your modpack. Other my addons: Merchants Addon for TFC
  2. Decorative/Magical gems

    Hi Everyone! I've been playing TFC both alone and with friends for about 3 months now, and it's become the best minecraft mod I have ever played. so much I enjoy it more than vanilla itself. I love immersion in games, and this mod brought it to me. however, there was always one thing which bothered me: Gems. sure, they look pretty, but really, the only thing they're good for are protection meters, and that's only the chipped gems! I found myself wishing that they were useful in some other way, and when i saw that TFC2 was in development, i jumped on the opportunity. so, without further ado, Igive you my ideas for gems. First up is some decorative purposes. You could now set gems in chiseled stone blocks by chiseling out an accordingly sized area and right clicking on it with the gem in hand. when the block is broken, the gem(s) drop for you to collect again. this would be awesome for fancy buildings and showing off on servers/LAN worlds. PerhapsExquisite gems could be set in armor as well? maybe only metal armors and only the chestplate? and finally, maybe there could be a way to use them to stain/color light sources? for example, using a garnet would make red light, and using amethyst would make a purple light? this would add some customization and just be a cool effect. I've heard rumors that magic was going to be added to TFC2. this opens many possibilities and Ihave some ideas how gems can play a part. Gems can be used to make staffs. the higher tier gem, the more powerful the staff. for instance, a staff with a Chipped gem will not be as powerful, whereas one with anExquisite gem will be more powerful. also a random suggestion for staffs. two factors depend on the staff's durability/power. the material (i.e wood, copper, iron) depends on it's durability, and the gem (chipped, normal, flawless) depends on its power. Gems can be imbued with magic, ranging from healing to offensive to defensive powers, which can then be released by right clicking with the imbued gem in your hand. again, the better quality the gem, the more powerful magic can be stored inside. Going along with the theme of storing magic in gems, perhaps you could place gems with offensive magic down as traps. well that's all for now, please leave feedback!
  3. Kimberlite ID

    Whats the item id and data values of kimberlite oreo? I want to test out some stuff with it.
  4. Awesoman's Gem Tests

    Since my secondary aim in TFCraft survival is to get one of every quality of gem, I've decided to do a little test to see how commonly they appear, by digging different quarry sizes. Obviously this is in Creative because I haven't even entered the bronze age yet facecactus Tested with a Haste 126 effect and an Efficiency / pickaxe. 1x1 quarries 1: No gems D: 2: Still no gems :{ 3: No gems either *^* 2x2 quarries 1: 1 Chipped Sapphire, 1 normal Agate, 1 Chipped Beryl 3x3 quarries 1: 1 Flawless Jasper (ooh shiny!), 1 Chipped Jade, 1 Flawless Amethyst (also pretty good) 2: 1 Exquisite Sapphire (SHINEEEEE), 1 Flawless Beryl, 1 generic Jasper, 1 Flawed Ruby, 1 Exquisite Jade (wow...), 1 generic Tourmaline, 1 generic Topaz -WORK IN PROGRESS-
  5. How do I find gems faster?

    First I want to say I'm new to the mod, and well done on the work so far. And that this is also my first post (I joined the forums so I could edit the wiki, evilface.png) So right now my focus is finding all the types of gems. I know since I've only played for 2 real life days that it isn't top priority and my copper supplies are running drier than the sun but it would be cool to have a collection of different gemstone types. A whole hall dedicated to them would be pretty cool later on. In creative, I've tried dropping a bunch of Tnt minecarts (vanilla) down until bedrock was reached, and I got two inventory rows worth (a bit more because some stacked) of mostly chipped gems. I got a few flawed s and about 5 normals which wasn't too bad. I also got one flawless (an emerald) and two exquisites (one was a beryl). Buuut I don't have any iron or TNT in my survival map yet, so I'm just wondering how do you get gems faster without deconstructig entire mountains for them? Can't wait until the sluice is fixed because that'll definitely get me a lot of gems. And then this post is pretty mundane... And again sorry for being a noob
  6. Why do gems exist?

    I know that they have one use at the moment, which is for Protection Meters, i'm just dying to know more about any plans on what they will be used for next, if there are. I have a few idea's that I would love to share, but I would like to know what has been suggested and/or considered first.