Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Ditto8353

  1. soooooo

    Is it bad that when I think of the steps to install a mod it goes something like Install.Play.
  2. Animals!

    Perrin Aybara. That is all.
  3. Computers: How to Choose and Build

    Solid choice. But are you sure it is less expensive than this?
  4. Hair products...

    Well here goes... I use shampoo and conditioner for colored hair. I use a hair dryer and flat iron from time to time. I have a curl sculpting gel as well as a spray to help it stay straight when I feel like putting in the effort. I also use the thickest and strongest gel I can find for my moustache. Unfortunately it's ungodly difficult to find actual moustache wax.
  5. Computers: How to Choose and Build

    Most SSD's come with a utility disk to help you migrate your old data to your new drive.However, this is not always practical as the $1 per gigabyte price tag means you won't be buying a 512GB SSD to replace your old 512GB HDD. When I got my SSD I just did a fresh installation. All of my data files were already on a separate HDD so I just had to swap my system drive out. This being said... Solid State Drives are a luxury item. If you can't afford for the rest of your computer to be all sparkles and fairy dust I would advise against getting a SSD.
  6. What do You Desire for Christmas?

    Of course.
  7. Artist looking to help out

    Saw that second picture... Started singing Dovahkin theme song... I need to step outside to get away from my coworkers now...
  8. What do You Desire for Christmas?

    I just want to make my girlfriend happy. Poor thing hasn't had a real holiday for almost 5 years now. Edit: Taking advantage of Cyber Monday and buying her a new computer. She can't play Minecraft anymore without overheating.
  9. Computers: How to Choose and Build

    Late to the party, but here you go: Are you sure it's the video card? Most of the time when people are complaining about frame rate it is caused by the time required to load the game's textures from the HDD. Upgrading to a SSD can potentially alleviate these issues. More RAM is also a possibility, as the computer will then be able to store more information for the game in the RAM.Notes on PCIe. It took a while for PCIe 2.0 cards to actually use speeds greater than the PCIe slot is capable of. The same holds true for PCIe 3.0 cards.I had a 560Ti set in PCIe 2.0 when Crysis 2 released and it ran smooth on full settings. However, my streaming in Skyrim and Minecraft was choppy and Skyrim itself would occasionally drop a few frames when modded with HD Textures and Water.I now have a 660Ti set in the same PCIe 2.0. I don't play Crysis, but I can record smoothly in Skyrim with about 50 mods running.I don't know what people do with anything higher than the 50/60 shelf of the various GeForce series. I have never felt bottle-necked by this level.Notes on MoBos Upgrade yours.Make sure you get one with room for expansion. It should be able to handle at least 1600 RAM, I recommend something closer to 2133.The Intel bridge chipsets are leaps and bounds ahead of your current model. The improvements there should equate to a reasonable increase in graphics performance. Your Northbridge is responsible for communication across the motherboard.
  10. Thanksgiving

    Americans Have a nice Thanksgiving everyone. Even if you spend it in front of your computer, I am sure you have something to be thankful for. Non-Americans Don't mind us, we'll be back in a few days. Native Americans Sorry.
  11. Weekend Stream

    Going to stream TFC this weekend as much as I possibly can. I will be starting tonight after work at approximately 5:00pm CDT. (You can always Google Search "Time in Houston") I will post the link about 45 minutes prior to starting.
  12. Artist looking to help out

    Well, we love texture packs, so feel free. However, there is a very specific art style that Bioxx and Dunk like to have as the default, so while we may enjoy your texture pack, you shouldn't get your hopes up for helping with the default pack. Bioxx and Dunk have a couple artists doing the work already.
  13. Flux! and 2x Ingot Storage?

    I also prefer to store raw materials (ore) over processed materials (ingots).
  14. [64x] [WIP][B69] Albion Texture Pack v3.02...C:

    Phyllite cobblestone looks like Dante's interpretation of rough-cut phyllite cobblestone. You can see textures present in this professionally cut square of phyllite.
  15. My personal review. +Hi

    I don't think you can put backpacks inside each other, but even without that I do not use the mod myself because I feel that it is IMBA. Your inventory is already the size of at least one backpack.
  16. Complaints

    There is a reason that hazing is banned in the military. Also, if people are polite then there is no need to prepare them or test them to see if they can 'handle' what is to come.
  17. [64x] [WIP][B69] Albion Texture Pack v3.02...C:

    Choose your words more carefully. If you are not able to remove your frustration from the tone of your post, then do not post until you are no longer frustrated.
  18. Spawn protection

    If the protection would include the corner chunks (i.e. 3x3 chunks) then it would be greatly improved. 5+ chunk radius is beyond overkill.
  19. Sky Dimension

    Blocks affected by gravity.Sky dimension./threadA sky dimension just doesn't fit.
  20. [64x] [WIP][B69] Albion Texture Pack v3.02...C:

    Next time, try not to sound like a complete jerk when you are offering constructive criticism.Counter opinions: Anvils are not shiny. They are not polished because it would be a waste of time. They are a work surface for searing hot metals and any shine would soon be lost. I do not see this problem...Again I don't see this problem. It doesn't seem out of place to me or over-done.I can see where 'blury' comes from. It's just the color fades on the individual bricks. As for it being bricks, that is the nature of the texture pack and several 'smooth' variations are like this in order to give each stone a very unique look and feel.I agree mostly. It looks nice, but it looks like large-grain gravel, and doesn't look like something which is held together in a way as to build walls.Maybe rough them up a bit, but overall I don't really see an issue here.*Shrug* Looks fine to me. Same style as default smooth stones, just higher resolution with the new texture.Chert cobble looks fine, it looks flatter than claystone cobble so it believable that there is mortar holding the rocks together.Not seeing this.Looks fine to me.I like the marble cobble. This is one of those "direction of the texture pack" issues again.
  21. Didn't look very hard.
  22. Simple question

    The development is usually done in spurts. There was a massive influx of changes with the release of 1.4 and now that the build is mostly stable, they are taking a little break. If they worked constantly they would be physically and mentally drained. You cannot write good code under those conditions.
  23. Thanksgiving

    I will be busy with family for the next few days. Most Americans will be similarly engaged.
  24. Complaints

  25. My personal review. +Hi

    He shouldn't have been playing TFC anyways.He should have been spending his time trying to learn his native language. Blaming his past for his lack of knowledge was pathetic and illogical.