Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Menoch

  1. What are people's thoughts on enchanting?

    No one is telling you you have to believe in magic, man. Chill. Beyond Chris Angel and David Blaine, I don't believe in magic either, but that doesn't mean there aren't those who do. Take David Blaine for instance. When he does his street magic in other countries (Haiti, Dominican Republic, etc...) the looks on the faces of these people are sometimes mixed with horror. Why do you think that is? Because to them it is real and nothing you or I can say can change that. Period. also... The weak link (Pharmekeai) I threw in there to explain my take on sorcery regarding TFC, a word (sorcery) that has been misconstrued to portray something, or label something paranormal and/or fantastic/magical. Mixing herbs together in a bottle and slamming it so you mine faster, jump higher, fart louder... k? Herbs/alchemy/medicinal drugs... sorta like what David Blaine sounds like he is on when he talks. Let's not call it sorcery... Alchemy could be used to make oils that enchant items, make enchanted items, or could utilize gem powder as potion reagents, etc... you know... make believe stuff... I am not saying you have to believe in enchanted items... just make believe... This therefore was my thought on magic in the TFC Game. And since we are in a Mod focusing on stone age, then maybe a Shamanistic/Sorcerous aspect on magic would actually fit if done correctly, since these thoughts were prevalent before modern eras of science and understanding. An example of this could be a Ward (perhaps a Dream Catcher type object made of feathers, bones, gem powder, string, whatever...) which could have the effects of a Protection Meter. Just an example. No it doesn't exist... You said: "Can you provide any evidence of people flying after taking these drugs?" No, Sheldon, they weren't flying. They were stoned out of their fucking minds, thus the word "high" or "flying", but since they didn't understand the premise of what the narcotics were doing to their brain's chemical production, they more than likely believed the "Medicine Man" had a magical pull over them and the spirit world. Peyote for instance... as their pupils dilated, and light and shadow began to play a more intense roll on their visual senses, they began to see things. As someone who, shamefully, "partook heavily" in hallucinogenic illegal drugs in my younger years, I can understand how they would think this. Does it mean it was magic? They believed it was. Oh snap there is that word again! That was the very first sentence of my post in this thread, dude. It was simply to back up my thoughts on Enchanting and Magic in the Mod. Not to bend the will of others and make them believe in it. People who study science know it is science. I didn't say they claim it is magic. I said to me it SEEMED like magic. Since it SEEMS I have to elaborate for you.... I won't. You seem to be missing the important link in the English definition of Magic. If you scroll up, the English word Magic is defined using the words "seem", "believed", and "illusion". Reality is not an illusion. Magic is. Science is a reality. Though to the untrained mind, the act of magnetism and its effects on gravity, which can be scientifically explained, can definitely seem like magic or paranormal effects to someone who doesn't know the difference or is unschooled. Just because you or another person has a logical-have-to-have-the-proof-or-it-doesn't-exist mindset, doesn't mean everyone else ticks like that. Some people like to actually dream and have imaginations. Without them we all end up like Spock or Data from Star Trek. There is evidence that this place actually exists... though this picture may be photoshopped... so you don't have to believe if you don't want to. And in closing, the reference between the farmer and the sailor was a sarcastic viewpoint on 1 person who refuses to go and see for themselves and therefore refuses to even ponder the possibility, and another person who has followed his dreams to discover something fantastic and real to them. The farmer didn't say he was a sailor . I'm not saying magic is or is not real. The world is round. It isn't flat. Doesn't mean it is magic. Oompa-Loompas aren't real though there is film footage proving they do in fact exist. @ Eleazzar I think you are on to something. There has to be more to TFC than mining and farming. I think it will come, but the wait is excruciating. LOL. We need more Mobs to make the plethora of armor and weapons relevant, more things to occupy the gamer while their leather is tanning and stuff is cooking. I like the idea of musical instruments mentioned in this thread... And the Brewing (of useful items) in this thread: Have a magical day! Menoch
  2. What are people's thoughts on enchanting?

    TL;DR (my opinion is just an opinion...) Magic (Mirriam - Webster) - 1 a : the use of means (as charms or spells) "believed" to have supernatural power over natural forces b : magic rites or incantations 2 a : an extraordinary power or influence "seemingly" from a supernatural source b : something that "seems to" cast a spell : enchantment 3 : the art of producing "illusions" by sleight of hand --- Faster than Wha?: Space travel aside, as this is not a sci-fi game, I merely mentioned Quantum Physics in passing as it is as mysterious to me as magic. I suppose I should have clarified for those who may have misunderstood. I'm not a Buddhist, nor a Wizard, but I do look at Algebra, Analytic Geometry, and Physics in a different light than those who know that stuff. Further Clarification: I wrote: "I agree that enchanting and magic like in vanilla or thaumcraft is a bit too fantastic for tfc..." Sorta sounds like you agree... I think. You may not believe in MineCraft so that may not be real... . I also wrote: "...stretching alchemy to a believable point, as well as spirituality (again stretching it to a believable point) (Shamanism/sorcery... not the Margaret Weiss & Tracy Hickman sorcery) is more up to speed in tfc... even so much as approaching magic in a scientific aspect." I read the bible... You may or may not believe in all that stuff, but that is irrelevant to the point I would like to make. When it mentions in the bible the word Sorcery, cross-referenced to Strong's concordance, the Greek word for that is Pharmakeai. This is where we get our English word Pharmacy from, which is the dealing with aspects of, basically in layman's terms, drugs. While faerie tales, fantasy stories and the like may portray sorcerers as Conical Hat wearing spell casters manipulating lightning and fire with their bare hands (Think the Sorcerer's Apprentice (Walt Disney)), the term I was referring to in the sorcerous aspect is more along the lines of, well... drugs (or to yet again clarify, alchemy). Witch Doctors, Shaman, Voodoo Priests, Medicine Men, etc... ALL used drugs of one sort or another. It altered one's perception of "reality" and allowed the individual working the "magic" to have his or her power. These Witch Doctors, Medicine Men, and the like didn't really have a place in the unemployment Line as it is apparent that their "Magic" worked.. or seemed to work. It worked so well in fact that they held VERY powerful positions in tribes and within their societies. People were healed, Spirit Journeys revealed Wisdom, people could fly! Yea.. they flew alright... But did the "magic" really work? Or was it, as I had noted, simply mind over matter. Regardless, Alchemy has been hinted at by the Devs. This would be a great way to incorporate "magic" into TFC. As EternalUndeath noted there have been many threads about this very topic, and there are quite a few people who are interested in seeing a "magic" feature in TFC. Incorporating it in a believable fashion is the hurdle and discussion at hand. I am not saying because people believe in something it is automatically real. If I believed with all of my heart you could fly, I bet you would drop like a stone off a 30 foot ledge. But on the flip side, just because you don't believe in something doesn't mean it isn't real... I'm not talking about Santa Claus here! If Magic in TFC is not for you then don't use it if it is implemented in the future. You be the farmer, I'll be the sailor.
  3. Snow In Winter

    I lived in Alberta (Calgary) for almost 6 months and LOOVE it! I love it so much in fact I would never want Alberta to become a part of the U.S. simply for that fact that it would get ruined. The US is good like that.
  4. What are people's thoughts on enchanting?

    There are those who believe magic is very real. While these people don't run amok firing lightning bolts from their cereal bowls or fireballs from their eyeballs, the magic is more of a "behind the scenes"effect than anything, but they believe in it and they practice it. While it may be more of a mind over matter aspect to some individuals, there is, in reality, a realm beyond that which we can see or grasp. And regardless of how one would like to approach it, it is a reality. To me, quantum physics is like magic. There is Wicca. There is Buddhism... As far as magic not being "realistic"... the difference is the farmer calling the earth flat and the sailor saying its round. The farmer denies the existance as it is too fantastic a concept to grasp, and the sailor has discovered it, though grand and incredible it is. I agree that enchanting and magic like in vanilla or thaumcraft is a bit too fantastic for tfc, stretching alchemy to a believable point, as well as spirituality (Shamanism/sorcery... not the Margaret Weiss & Tracy Hickman sorcery) is more up to speed in tfc... even so much as approaching magic in a scientific aspect. Just my three cents...
  5. Snow In Winter

    Figures.... now I'm a thread wrecker too! 8(
  6. Snow In Winter

    Awesome Dunk! Very very awesome! It haven't seen snow in TFC ... well... ever! This is fantastic! I can only imaging how incredible it will be with new wildlife added. The winter will not only be a dangerous place because of the cold, but also with the JABBERWOCKY roaming about
  7. Missed You!

    Hi Ditto. Missed seeing you here on the forums! WB!!!
  8. Enraged Orangutan Sound Upgrades!!!

    Yea... that's how I get when I drink too much!
  9. So I had some artwork here and I decided to take it down. I notice there are people putting the music to TFC on Youtube and other internet outlets regardless of the wishes of the artist and that isn't what it was intended for. I just don't want the same thing to happen to the artwork before the game is done. So.... yea.... This is pretty much a useless thread now. It sucks that some people can't respect the property and wishes of others and thereby ruin it for the many. But while it pisses me off, I can not be surprised. And while a part of me wants to not create anymore sound for this mod, it would be totally unfair to everyone else. I am hereby requesting that Bioxx add enraged Orangutans to every sound file in this mod. They will remain dormant unless .ogg files are converted to other file types at which time they will burst forth with the thunder of mount Olympus and pummel anyone trying to upload the music to other sites, leaving them a twitching pile of beat down, and lodging their personal computers in their "sit down" spot, While the sad part is I know this can never happen, it brings me great joy indeed to close my eyes and imagine it!
  10. Game is unplayable

    How does a dog find his way home from 300 miles away? I don't know my friend. But it happens. Technomancy and a.i. magic is my thought, but I will forego that idea and attribute it to the game being in a constant state of change (beta). It may happen, my dude.
  11. Game is unplayable

    Did your texture pack switch out? Did you try reinstalling tfc? Including minecraft? Back up yoursave first. Reinstall the game and start a new one. If it works then put your save file back in and try it.if it does the same thing then it is possible your savegame is corrupted.
  12. Game is unplayable

    Are you using the correct verson of forge?
  13. 2 of the new songs have random names

    I will ask you politely not to put this music on YouTube, soundcloud, or any other public outlet other than its intended use which is for Terrafirmacraft. If you did submit this music to any other public forum or outlet then kindly remove it unless it is included as part of TFC via video, etc... This music is copyright material and its intended use is for Terrafirmacraft only. Thank you Menoch
  14. Underground Gas Pockets

    If this is implemented and Dunks birds are able to be captured like fish (fish thread) then they would be a great way to detect gas deposits. Just bring a caged bird with you underground....
  15. Bears, Deer, Big Cats...?

    I'm sure he is a great Guy and all, but Bear Gryllys (sp) actually did a great job of showing you how you should act in the wilderness if you want to get killed. Jumping crevasses, flinging yourself off cliffs, leaping into trees... its supposed to be self preservation, not taking unnecessary risks. I personally am of the mind that Bear played too much Minecraft! Of all survival shows he was more about entertainment and ratings than reality, specops background or not. There were many cool things he showed to help survive, but base jumping is right out... I have seen a model of Dunks critter workings and I have been and still am impressed with the man. Have patience. He will deliver. I am all for the carcass aspect as opposed to parts exploding from animals.... unless you are hunting with tnt... or a howitzer...
  16. I saw that the ever-fantastical Sugar Noodles (aka: srgnoodles) posted a thread of the same title in the TFC2 section of the forum. I wanted to continue that thread and discuss the "fear factor" touched upon in that thread. TL;DR (what scares you?) ------- Personally, I agree that the creatures right now in MC are a joke. The fact that Creeper explosions are a mosquito bite and that there is really no fear of creatures in TFC has left their presence more of a nuisance than a fear factor. Again, that is barring initial gameplay when you have nothing to call your home or any weapons... but even so, a well placed Javelin and a few Knife jabs, even from a stone knife, and you are good to go. On a side note it is my opinion that these creatures have no place in TFC any who aside from the Spider... though I would ponder that more fantastical (Old-worldish) creatures might have a more "believable" place for this mod setting... (At least underground or in the dark of forests anywho....) As ECC elegantly (sarcasm) stated "What the f**k is wrong with you", when addressing someone else's take on "Hardcore" or what they considered FEAR, it is evident that fear means something different to many people. The fear of the unknown is a well documented fear. Yet so is the fear of what is known... for instance were a Creeper explosion more likely to take your life like it has to me many times in MC (as well as all that I worked hard for), then you would fear that happening and take precautions to prevent a surprise Creeper Spawn in your backyard, etc... Shortly after Bioxx added the TFC music tracks, an individual by the name of Fairawen wrote: "What do you guys think about the new soundtrack? I have to admit, the sun started going down and I heard the song with the drums... and for the first time since I started playing Minecraft, I went "Oh shit oh shit I'm gonna die so scared ;_;" Something about this music is eerie, inspired, and sometimes inspiring. I climb to the top of those notorious TFC mountains, new song plays, and feel like I'm king of the world. Or that a creeper is gonna blow me up any second. Or both. Fantastic stuff! Whoever wrote this music, kudos to you." To her the music induced the feeling of fear. It was gritty and primal... Both visual and Audio nuances are key in setting a bigger picture. For example, Dawn and Sunset in the game, especially in the shadows of a Sequoia ladened forest ALWAYS play with my imagination, and no matter how many times I see it, I love it just as much if not more. The death penalty imposed should also induce a feeling of fear in players so that on SSP they are more cautious about what they do as they are all alone and no one is there to bail them out. In SMP acting like a complete and total douche could get you ganked, and on the flip side, playing on a server where you can be jumped by PvP'ers and griefers can come with its fair share of fear. In the end though, it is my opinion that the Fear factor definitely does need to be re-introduced into TFC. Be it by implementing new mobs that "stalk you and follow you back to your home", which I am all for, or even rare and deadly mobs whose appearance is so rare that they may only be legend, and you hope they are.... Perhaps even a mob that by wandering too close to it, you run the risk of being gored or attacked violently (AKA Hippo or Male Auroch) It is my hope that the revamp of the combat system will be followed up by a reason to use a combat system in the first place, outside of SMP. And since as of yet Bioxx and Dunk have not failed to deliver, my hopes are high! While it is apparent that a fear factor in Peaceful Mode is ludicrous, this is a thread for the Hardcore and Normal gameplay.... So if I may ask, what (within reason) do you think could be added to boost the "FEAR FACTOR" in TFC?
  17. Crafting Table = Tech Portal

    Yea but bug ridden pillows would mean breakfast in bed! Mmmm! Bedbugs!
  18. Crafting Table = Tech Portal

  19. SUGGEST: Mod Section....

    I have noticed quite a few very talented individuals creating mods for TFC. Thus far we have had the Medical Mod, Water Sack Mod, and now I have noticed a Bow mod. There are sections for SERVERS, LET'S PLAY, TEXTURE PACKS and so on. Would it be possible for us to have a MOD Topic section so individuals can place their MOD link downloads there, and it would make it easier for us to find rather than searching through Suggestions and/or Discussions topics? Medical Mod: http://terrafirmacra...__fromsearch__1 Leather Water Sac Mod: http://terrafirmacra...h__1#entry56357 TerraBow Mod: http://terrafirmacra...ra-bow-mod-wip/ These are the only three that I know of, but I have read that there some individuals that are working on re-codings of some other well known mods that would/could work with TFC. A Mod section would be a great place to find em...
  20. SUGGEST: Mod Section....

    Cool,ECC. Thanks for the info. I would love to join irc but I don't have the time to sit and chat... too many projects...
  21. Bears, Deer, Big Cats...?

    I believe bears (and deer) were implemented as a trial run by Dunk. I may be wrong.. But I think so. They will be changed.
  22. I think, and correct me if I am wrong, that TFC, like Callisto8413 said, is a Mod that caters to specialities. However, since it is still a young mod, and there is much in store for it (I HOPE), the different areas of workable resources will eventually branch out so there HAS to be a tree of specialization in a community... unless someone has no life and lives on the server. Again, like Cal said, I find it difficult accomplishing everything I want to when playing TFC on single player.... or maybe I am just slow. NOTE: I am bringing this up as a heresay hinted-at topic piece... this does not mean it WILL be implemented... BUT: Alchemy has been hinted at, which would introduce new plants and maybe even animal drops. I know Dunk has been (or at least I hope... again... HOPE /em pokes Dunk ) working on animals for a future introduction into the mod. With Alchemy comes an area of specialization separate from mining and farming altogether. Perhaps aside from the varied aspects of farming, botany would encircle those herbs and plants akin to an alchemist's studies. Perhaps it will lead to better ways to heal one's self, or give slight buffs, or aid in the other areas of skills. Perhaps the moon really IS made of cheese! There are many possibilities in this Mod. What about Gems? Will gem-smithing take on a life of its own? There are still so many of those in game and no use for them as of yet. WIll there be future uses of gems in armor or currency? Will Batman ever escape the Penguin's dastardly trap? The state of TFC a year ago compared to now is quite staggering. Much has been accomplished with this mod in the last year, and I am greatly looking forward to seeing what the future holds. I still hold to my word that new TFC tracks will be created for this mod once I get situated, and hope to somehow work with the B' Master Double XX and General Dunktastic to make that an ambient experience... And on a side note if we are seeing an up-and-coming combat revamp, I would guess that a mob overhaul isn't too far behind. Just me guessing though. So yea.. that said... be glad there isn't much need for "specialization" in your server right now. You might actually need more players in the future if TFC evolves the way my tiny man-brain thinks it will!!! Discuss amongst yourselves....
  23. SUGGEST: Mod Section....

    The answer you seek lies within.... First you must empty yourself if you wish to become full. To see, you must first close your eyes..... To run you must first walk and to sit you must first be standing but you can not stand unless you have first sat and therefore your running shall never happen as you can not walk when sitting... The answer you seek lies within....
  24. Question

    Who are YOU who are so wise in the ways of science!?
  25. Question

    Rain ... small rocks... no... grape jam!