Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by GenuineTexan

  1. Graphical things that TFC could use.

    The hell are you so negative for recently? Let people post their suggestions and talk about them. The topic of this thread is "Graphical things TFC could use" not "Things Dunk needs to add to TFC". That's better; discussion with less negativity. Peace.
  2. The Hades Code

    wat. I checked here when I was finished.
  3. The Hades Code

    I got -1/10 by first moving the 1 to the other side, multiplying by the denominator to both sides, distributing on the left side and then moving over the whole number. I repeated this until finished. I'm sure there's a faster way to do it, though it only took me about a minute.
  4. The Hades Code

    136 146 168 168 158 64 146 166 64 166 170 160 138 164 64 134 170 168 138 There, that's the last time I'm trying it... Typos and copying errors getting the best of it. Edit: Solved! The "two whitespace characters" clue gave it away. Solution: DITTO IS SUPER CUTE
  5. The Hades Code

    Ok, so the space changes to 160. Is the rest correct? Because it depends on what standard you use, ISO-8859-1 or ISO-8859-15. Edit, Fixed it: 136 39 168 168 158 64 39 166 64 166 170 160 138 164 54 134 170 168 138 Now lets see what I can do...
  6. The Hades Code

    Converted the characters to their decimal ASCII values. Perhaps this could help... 94 44 168 168 158 64 44 166 64 166 170 (space) 138 164 64 134 170 168 138 I also tried messing with these numbers further by trying to modulo 26 them, but that didn't help.
  7. The Hades Code

    Damn, I got to "The figure walked over to..." by myself, and then this got spoiled. Good job, coder/decoders!
  8. The Hades Code

    Eh, I doubt its that complicated. It's more than likely just some version of the Caesar cypher (shifting the alphabet index like a decoder ring) with other stuff thrown in. Edit: Just noticed there's an "I" near the beginning, so my first-appearance observation kinda falls apart...
  9. The Hades Code

    I saw that too, then noticed there's an incrementing series of characters that are used for the first time throughout the message. EFGHIJK (there's an L in between the J and K in the code, so either typo or I'm totally wrong) appear for their first times in that order, which happens to be the same as the alphabet. I thought these could be spaces or keys to the encryption, but who knows? Probably just a coincidence. Interesting, if not helpful.
  10. X-Ray Mod compatible with TFC?

    If you really wanted to, you can just make your own. Open up your texture pack folder and use paint to edit all the non-ore blocks. Never done that myself, though, so...
  11. TFC doesn't mention it anywhere on their wiki, but here is a page on the vanilla Minecraft wiki about item frames.
  12. Saplings Diffusion

    I don't think it does yet, but I could be wrong. I think the random sapling generation is dependent on the biome, not the the tress nearby. Interesting suggestion, always refreshing to hear about terrain-gen after slogging through a bunch of metalsmithing/npc focused threads.
  13. The Hades Code

    IS THAT A CODE TOO????????
  14. Random question

    If you act like it isn't there it will disappear. LALALALA CANT HEAR YOOOOUUUUU
  15. The Hades Code

    Aw that's lame. I thought it looked like tape from a turing machine and the 1,0 was part of its rules table. Oh well...
  16. The Hades Code

    Interesting... I'm playing around with this right now, cool post. Let's see if I can solve any of it.
  17. Got the board, chip, and RAM!

    If you just buy a small SSD as your boot/cache drive (only put your OS on there) then there's no risk of losing your data. If the drive ever does fail years down the line then all you have to do is reinstall your OS from disk onto the SSD, while your data is safe and sound on your HDD or RAID setup. This is becoming a pretty common setup nowadays. They also make faster-spinning HDDs, if you're interested. Standard speed is 5400 RPM ithink, but the one in my laptop is 7500 RPM so it transfers data a lot quicker but is still a hard disk. Edit: Also meant to mention that your computer would only need to access the SSD during power-up because that's pretty much the only time it needs to access OS files, so there's not many read/write cycles if that's what you're worried about.
  18. Got the board, chip, and RAM!

    Cheers then! Sounds awesome, and don't forget to update once you get it running!
  19. Got the board, chip, and RAM!

    Couple of things: -The only thing special about the "K" version of Intel processors is that you can overclock them. If you are not planning on overclocking, then you might find a normal version to be cheaper (just depends, if you can find a "K" for cheaper then get that). If you are planning on overclocking, then you also need to buy a new fan/heatsink for your processor as the stock will NOT be able to handle the increased heat. -If you're getting a second drive just for OS/boot, why not get an SSD? You could get a slightly smaller SSD for the same price as your "boot drive" (but who needs 500GB for their OS???), and they are getting cheaper/more-reliable all the time. -32GB of RAM is a whole lot, even for whatever audio stuff you're thinking about, 32 is way too much. You're overpaying. -Did you factor in the price of an operating system license? The only Windows 7 versions that can handle 32GB of RAM are Windows 7 Home Professional ($300) and Ultimate ($319). The next cheapest version is Windows 7 Home Premium ($200) which can only handle 16GB of RAM (which is plenty). I priced these off of, so you may find better prices elsewhere. -You might be happier, if you intend to do more gaming, to cut the RAM and use that extra cash to buy a better video card. Good luck on the build! Edit: Have you thought about what power supply and case you'll be getting? That's another ~$200 depending on what you decide to do... Edit 2: Looks like your mobo might be overkill too, unless you plan on having 4 graphics cards in quad-SLI... lots of unused PCI slots on there.
  20. Which other forum did you join apart tfc?

    Been member on just a few: -TFC (of course) -Hellsgamers - A mostly CS:S gaming community. Any HG out there? -XenonPVP - A vanilla factions server I admined for over the summer which my friend started. We got pretty big, like 64 slots full 12 hours a day and mostly full for the other 12 hours. I think we were ranked #2 on planetminecraft for a while too... Anyone ever play there? (I was Nadorfel)
  21. cassiterite not smelting

    You say "charcoal slot"... I don't want to insult your intelligence, but we should start from the bottom up: are you sure you're using a bloomery and not a forge? Just checking. Also, if you are in fact using a bloomery, I find it's helpful to throw ore in one-at-a-time (instead of throwing a stack out of your inventory) if it starts acting strange.
  22. Post your TFcraft Pictures

    What texture pack is this? Looks very clean and keeps true to the vanilla textures, I like it! I have trouble navigating the texture pack forum because I don't have time to search the comments for updated pictures...
  23. Force new config generate on TFC update

    Might have been suggested before, but do any coders with knowledge in applications want to volunteer to make a TFC installer apart from MultiMC? Something that could fetch the Player API, Forge and TFC files (or have them included if we got permission from Forge/API people) and then install them for you. This could have the added functionality of deleting your configs, replacing old versions of files and backing-up your saves when you install a new TFC update. Just throwing an idea around that I know many in the community would appreciate. Cheers!
  24. Dynamic Ecosystems

    Cool, just learned the definition of "Riparian"! Never even knew that had a name. Looking forward to seeing the rest!