Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by GenuineTexan

  1. So what does Protection Meter do EXACTLY

    Since we've finally got clarification, can one of you who is registered on the wiki please edit this page for clarity? I had the same problem when I was new and the wiki was of no use at all. Thanks in advance to anyone who steps up!
  2. Pre-Stone Age Weaponry

    ohshit.jpgBut, very well said Dunk! Sounds ambitious, although not out of TFC's reach. After starting a new map a few days ago, it took me like 3 in-game days to get out of the stone age. I agree, it feels rushed and that there should be more time spent progressing through the various eras of technology.
  3. [B62] Ores disappear when stacked

    Experienced these same problems back around build ~52 but never reported it. The two bugs you describe are what happened to me exactly. Anyone else get this?
  4. Questions about new update

    Hey all, first post here. I'm currently running build 52e with MC 1.3.2 and MCF If I update my client to build 56 and MC 1.4.2, will my old saves still work? Or are there enough new features that I should just start fresh? Also what is the most recent version of MCF that will work with the new update (if I update one, might as well update them all)? And lastly, can someone please explain what the new spawn protection is all about and what the protection meter is actually measuring? Thanks so much!
  5. break kapok tool rack, get oak tool rack

    Just tested it for myself, sequoia racks turn into oak racks too.
  6. These two games has caught my eyes

    Just saw he did an AMA on reddit today. Lots of details in the new game inside:
  7. break kapok tool rack, get oak tool rack

    What version are you using? Did you delete your config files when you updated?
  8. Post your story!

    Ah, missed this before posting in the original thread... oh well. Here is my official, unofficial submission. I intend it to be either in a collection of journal entries or "alone" (I like this idea better) on a page as if it were torn from a book long ago:
  9. These two games has caught my eyes

    Hell yeah! I saw some stuff about Star Citizen on Reddit and it looked awesome (if not a little too ambitious...) because of all the features the dev is talking about putting in the game. I read some interview with the dev in which he was showcasing the game; he walks to his spaceship, climbs in, orders the doors of his space station's bay to open, flies out, lands on the top of his space station, gets out and uses his thrusters to float around the outside of his space station; WOW- cannot wait to see where this all goes.
  10. Geologist's Handbook

    Love this idea. I think it could add to the "mythos", of sorts, of your world. Perhaps you could find a prospector's diary at an old campfire (with a few log piles and other selected frontiersman paraphernalia nearby for effect). It could read like: 10 January, Second year from Home I woke this morning to a cool northern wind and dark clouds beyond the mountains, I think a storm will be upon me before tomorrow. I constructed several sluices today along the river to the south in an attempt to find some ore. I've found that some of the sluices are more productive than others-- I must investigate this further. Before returning to camp this evening, I took a hog with my new bow; its meat should last me many nights after I cook it into some meals. It has begun to rain and, though it is not quite dark yet, I can already hear the moaning and bumping of the night-creatures. I hope to survive another day in this foreign land-- an adventure here is not for the feint-hearted. -ST And bam, there's an interesting story (IMO) and several hints: 1) Ore is rare and it won't always come up in your sluice. 2) This mod rewards personal exploration into its mechanics. 3) You can stretch your food supplies by making creating meals. Anyway, I think its a cool idea even if not implemented into the main TFC mod. I just think that lore really increases the depth of whatever fantasy world you are trying to create.
  11. b58 loose rocks texture bug

    Why would this be a vanilla problem? I don't think it occurs in similar vanilla items like fences that are <1 block in size, so wouldn't it be an issue within TFC?
  12. B57 no animals sounds

    Ah, well that's going to take some getting used to, then. I should probably read the vanilla changelog first...
  13. B57 no animals sounds

    I had the same no-sound problem with animals in 57 on a clean install with no optifine. It also seemed like many other sounds were "messed up" for me too. Block breaking was strangely high-pitched and the walking sounds were nowhere near normal.
  14. Questions about new update

    Wow! Thanks for all the help, everyone. I'm having fun on 52e right now, so I will probably stick with this version for a while.