Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Therighthon

  1. I have to ask, what is Extended Render used for?  What mods depend on it?  Is that what's changing the render distance options?  Does it have anything to do with my piss-poor performance while TechNodeFirma runs just fine?


    OK, it turns out it was more due to BetterFPS's calculations.


    One more question though, why the hell are the Decoration addon's lanterns only emmiting lightlevel 1?  they're entirely useless.

    Technically I have no idea the intentions behind setting the light level to one, but since no one has answered you, I imagine it is so that people won't create them as they can be seen as "overpowered" due to their being a permanent light source that doesn't need power. I had the same problem, so I just went into the decorations configs and set them to emit light level 13.

    And while I am on this thread, I would like to call to attention that the resin-from-logs recipe consumes the hammer, which I have a strange feeling is not the intention. I am alright, I just added a transform damage argument to my script, but it is something that should probably be looked at.


  2. Fun fact: alpacas are not a naturally occurring species of camelid. They are a cross between a llama and a vicuña.


    Anyways, llamas would be neat animals to see in warmer, more tropical areas. Camels could spawn on the borders/interiors of deserts. If we had a pack-animal mechanic, it could offer some alternatives to donkeys and horses.

    Oh, cool. Well, vicuña could work too. Maybe alpacas could give more wool than sheep, but they would have to be bred from Llamas and Vicuña, which could then spawn naturally? That might be interesting, and it would make them more different from sheep.


  3. Have you read, understood, and followed all of the rules listed in large text at the top of the suggestions forum?(Yes/No): Yes
    Answering "no" to the above question will result in your post being deleted.

    Since a lot of effort seems to be going in to adding more animals to the TFC2 world, and since some of the animals that have been mentioned suggest that TFC2 is not going to be as Eurocentric as TFC1 is, I would like to see some variety in the types of domesticated animals available. Specifically, there are four types of animal that I think would be cool to have. Dromedary Camels, Bactrian Camels, Llamas and Alpacas.


    Dromedary and Bactrian Camels:
       Would probably function similarly to horses, but would be slower and possibly be able to be used as pack animals like donkeys and mules. Perhaps only one species of camel could be a pack animal to add some diversity.



       Could be used as a non-rideable pack animal that could be told to follow you around like a dog. I would suggest that the following AI not require a leash, so that it can't break the player's connection to the Llama. Furthermore, since dogs are annoying and fall off cliffs, the Llama, as a mountain creature, could take a lesson from the vanilla Minecraft cat, and not take fall damage.


       Effectively a sheep. Alpaca wool would probably be kept on a level of similar utility to sheep wool. Or, perhaps some small quirk could be added to make having an alpaca different from having a sheep.



    Either way, I am interested if anyone has further ideas for features that these animals could have, or for that matter if anyone has other interesting ideas for domesticatable animals outside of family camelidae.



    1) the config option can be found in the IguanaTweaks config file

    2) All shards spawn at that level, mountains tend to bring them to the surface. I'll look into changing it if it is an issue

    3) In terms of TFC tech tier, you should be at least iron to start TC. Once you are, just start scanning everything :)


    Pack 2.20.0 has been released, check patch notes for details.
    OPS has been updated and reset


    Thanks, I was having a lot of trouble finding that. I actually did manage to figure out the Thaumium research, I think it popped up as soon as I started scanning metals, like I said I didn't look very far into that.


  5. Okay, so 2 things.
    1. Is it possible to re-enable sleeping? The sleeping being disabled worked well when I was playing on a server, but it is a pain in SP.
    2. So, unless I misread the config, when you set water shards to only generate in rock salt, you also restricted them to spawning below a certain level (I don't recall what it is at the moment, and I changed my copy of the config. 60 or 70 maybe?) Anyway, Rock Salt is sedimentary, and thus does not generate at that level.

    Edit: While I am at it, I just remembered something else, so...
    3. I can't figure out what the prereq for the Thaumium research is. I haven't read to far into this so I probably just missed something, but if you have a quick answer that would be helpful.



    1. My plan was to make the propick work for shards, although I have been considering making that a thaumium propick only thing. That being said, the shards wont be THAT common, I cranked it up in order to make finding nodes for testing easier.
    2. Initially I hadn't planned on debris but I've changed my mind on it. Would you rather it show large veins, small veins or both?
    3. The pickaxe of the Core will keep doing what it's always done. However, I plan on having it made partially of colored steel, so by that point you already have mines of almost all the metals and it won't be such a game breaker anymore

    The taint is an interesting one. YES, I plan on having magical forests and tainted areas, wouldn't be right without them. The trick is making the taint actually change the color of TFC blocks, which it currently doesn't. It's on my list, but I haven't tried to implement anything for it yet.


    On the debris, I would say that would make more logical sense if it only spawned around large veins, and it would make learning the biomes for each shard type more intuitive.


  7. So, a couple questions related to ores.
    1. Will there be a separate propick for finding shards? If they are as common as they seem in the screenshot, it would be a bit obnoxious to try and use the propick if it is always detecting them.
    2. Will shards spawn above ground as debris? Could they spawn as debris only in the climates that are most conducive to the spawning of that type of shard?
    3. The Pickaxe of the Core. Should it keep the right-click function that makes ore glow through blocks? It wouldn't render the propick useless, as you would need to use the propick to figure out what type of ore was present, but it would kind of mess with the TFC mining system (Not that it doesn't mess with the vanilla mining system). Maybe it could be a config option?

    And another question on a whole 'nother line of questioning, what are your plans for implementing Taint? Because honestly, Thaumcraft just wouldn't feel right without Taintacles.

    Anyway, I am really glad to see that you are still working on this, and I hope you manage to get it all working.


  8. For blaze rods it would be cool if you could place or hang some sort of stick or wand core near a lava pool, and have it eventually get covered in sulfur, which would make it into a blaze rod.
    Soul sand could either be infused/alchemied into existence, or perhaps it could spawn deep underground near volcanic areas. Or, you could make peat into soulsand. It is fairly brown and soulful.
    Netherwart would probably have to be some sort of recipe involving mushrooms. The other thing that could be cool for netherwart, is maybe if you kill mobs on soul sand, instead of dropping loot, they are 'absorbed' by the sand and netherwart starts to sprout.


  9. Is there a reason the plank textures are duplicated in the assets?


    I'm also getting an error, it looks like it's trying to find NEI, which I don't have installed. Can't see anywhere in the configs to disable NEI compatibility.

    NoClassDefFoundError: me/otho/customItems/compability/NEICustomItemsConfig


    Does it require NEI as well or can I just delete that class from the jar?


    I am not sure about NEI compatibility, as I am not by any means an expert on the customitems mod. As for the plank duplication, that is because I can't tell the mod to rely on TFC textures for the plank fence blocks.


  10. I think the obvious solution here is to add immortal flying whales. That should make everyone happy! 

    On an even more serious note, is it not possible to write the AI so that the whales/fish would fly away from air?


  11. Hey Therighthon, I started working on a similar project, but instead of new recipes, I am using Chisel 2 to change bewteen blocs. I only worked on wood items for now and the texture pack i'm building is 32x, but it can also be done for 16x.


    If you want, we could join forces and only make one addon instead of having two compeeting projects.


    I am hosting my code on github so you can freely contribute, and if you want we can use this post in the forum to promote the new version.

    I do not plan to release until I have more blocks added, but for now I have one new variation of all the planks (tested and working with chisel 2).


    Let me know if you are interested.


    Edit : as this addon does not require TFC api, it work just fine in 79.16+

    Thank you very much for the offer, but I think I will leave my addon separate. While I do like the Chisel mod, I have always found the chisel interface to be... uninvolved, if you understand what I am getting at. I would rather have an addon that requires crafting, for my own personal use, and the use of anyone who feels the same way. That said, I think that creating a TFC-Chisel addon is a great idea, and I am excited to see what you you will do with it, but it is not what my addon was intended to be. If I feel up to it at some point in the future, might make a 16p texture pack for your addon, or even, with your permission, add some some of the blocks you create to my addon. Right about now however I am distracted by other endeavors.


  12. I don't think I installed it right. I put the script in the script folder, the custom items cfg in the right place, and i put the contents of the resource pack zip in the resourcepacks folder. But the blocks don't have textures. What did I mess up?


    I tried putting the .zip in correctly, I tried putting the contents of the zip in, I tried extracting it, and I tried using MultiMC to load it in. No result. Textures are still empty.

    Did you make sure to select the resourcepack? I should have clarified that you have to. Otherwise, I would say that you should just take the textures and put them in the blocks folder of your customitems.jar (should be customitems.jar/assets/customitems/textures/blocks)Updated my original post to say that it needs to be selected.


  13. First off, careful on the triple post, KyleMan.Abuclatter, the pickaxe of the core I believe has a smaller range than a TFC propick, but it also is much easier to use, as it just highlights the ore, almost as if it where a node. I think it would be a cool late-game item, but it mightn't work well in TFC.I definitely like the idea of something replacing the arcane worktable, but I wouldn't make it a priority.As for the transmutation thing, one thing that you could consider, is having different tiers of metal have different amounts of metallum. Then, to transmute the metal, you just require the amount and type of essentia possessed in each ingot. This is what my MT script looked like. I would suggest turning up the amounts of essentia, so that you can afford to give ore some metallum. I still debate whether or not iron should be creatable through transmutation. Maybe you could have transmutation into iron create a bloom instead of a finished ingot? Also, I personally think it would be better if you just duplicated the ingots, rather than breaking them into pieces first.mods.thaumcraft.Aspects.add(<terrafirmacraft:item.Copper Ingot>, "metallum 2, permutatio 2");mods.thaumcraft.Aspects.add(<terrafirmacraft:item.Zinc Ingot>, "metallum 2, pannus 2");mods.thaumcraft.Aspects.add(<terrafirmacraft:item.Bismuth Ingot>, "metallum 2, gelum 2");mods.thaumcraft.Aspects.add(<terrafirmacraft:item.Tin Ingot>, "metallum 2, vitreus 2");mods.thaumcraft.Aspects.add(<terrafirmacraft:item.Lead Ingot>, "metallum 4, venenum 2");mods.thaumcraft.Aspects.add(<terrafirmacraft:item.Gold Ingot>, "metallum 4, lucrum 2");mods.thaumcraft.Aspects.add(<terrafirmacraft:item.Silver Ingot>, "metallum 4, lux 2");mods.thaumcraft.Aspects.add(<terrafirmacraft:item.Platinum Ingot>, "metallum 6, ordo 2");mods.thaumcraft.Aspects.add(<terrafirmacraft:item.Nickel Ingot>, "metallum 6, alienis 2");mods.thaumcraft.Aspects.add(<terrafirmacraft:item.Wrought Iron Ingot>, "metallum 8");Oh, and I just thought of a second option. You could make it so that you can only transmute the raw ores, which would solve the bloomery balance issue.Also, I do see your point with the black steel wand. Maybe you should turn on petrified wood generation, and use that for a wand core? You could add various things to the recipe so that you would have to have black steel first, but I think you should try not to over-bind TC to TFC's metal progression. If there is something TFC needs, in my opinion, it is more options.Oh, and will giant taintacles be preserved? Or will you just add a size gene to taintacles, similar to how TFC animals have different adult sizes? That said, Taintacle breeding is not a well studied occurence. I would guess that they are related to fungi though, taint biomes being fairly similar to mycelium...


  14. I recently came across a mod, Custom Items, that allows you to create your own blocks, items et cetera in minecraft. Using this mod and minetweaker, I have created a few scripts/config files that add a handful of new block variations to TFC.




    Stone Pillars: B = Stone Brick (Item), M = Mortar

    [ B ] [ M ] [ B ]

    [ B ] [ M ] [ B ] = 4x Stone Pillars

    [ B ] [ M ] [ B ]

    Circle Stone:

    [ B ] [ B ] [ B ]

    [ B ] [ M ] [ B ]  = 4x Circle Stone

    [ B ] [ B ] [ B ]


    Tile: S = Smooth Stone


    = 4x Tile


    Fancy Tile: S = Smooth stone an C = Circle Stone



    [C] = 4x Fancy Tile


    Smooth Mineral Blocks: B = Brick (Crafted with a raw mineral and a chisel)


    = 1x Smooth Mineral Block


    Wooden Plank Fences: P = Single Plank, S = Stick

    [ P ] [    ] [ P ]

    [ P ] [ S ] [ P ] = 2x Plank Fence

    [ P ] [ S ] [ P ]




    Change Log


    Update 1.0:

    - Added Stone Pillars

    - Added Circle Stone

    - Added Wooden Plank Fences

    Update 1.1:

    - Changed Stack sizes for stone blocks to 32

    - Added Serpentine and Jet stone types (Note that serpentine will not spawn normally)
    - Added Stone Tiles

    - Added Fancy Stone Tiles





    Posted Image


    In order to use this addon, you need the following things:

    The Customitems mod, found here:
    The Minetweaker mod, found here:
    The Minetweaker Script, "Therighthon's TFC Addon.zs", found in "" below. (The forums won't let me upload .zs files) Place this in the "scripts" subdirectory of your .minecraft.

    The Customitems config files, in, found below. Place the contained folder in the "config" subdirectory of your .minecraft.
    The "Required" resource pack found below. Treat this as a resource pack, that is to say, place it in your resource pack folder and then select it in game.

    I may add more blocks and/or items with these mods. I am currently thinking about adding either wooden beams (crafted with a stone tool and a log), or some other stone age wooden material. Timber Frame and Petrified wood blocks are also in  the works.


  15. Yeah, I can't figure this out either. One thing that might be possible, in theory at least, is that if Mo' Creatures will run without CMS, you could use another mod of a similar caliber to spawn the mobs. I would try it myself, but it sounds like work, and work is for industrious people.


  16. I would really like to see where you can get with this thing. I have been working on a  TFC-Thaumcraft based modpack using minetweaker, ever since I learned that Nodes generated properly in 1.7. As you might expect, it is a little rough around the edges. I am not an experienced coder, or I probably would have tried to do what you are doing a while back. Anyways, I have some ideas for what you could do with the pack, and some tips that I figured out.Suggestions:I also used TFC crystals to get shards, but I decided to make it so that you have to refine shards into balanced shards (in the crucible). I then made it so that balanced shards can be "unbalanced" by arranging them in various patterns in the arcane worktable. I think that your current idea would probably work better for a mod, but I think that it would be cool if diamonds could be made directly into balanced shards.I am not sure if you are already planning this, but magical metalworking (thaumiumworking etc.) should require vis to work the metals. Maybe add thaumium and voidmetal anvils?Not sure what your plans are for transmutation and ore-duplication. I ended up implementing transmutation similarly to Thaumcraft, but with a "Tier" system. (If you want to see the scripts, I will post them. I haven't tested the balance, and I balanced my pack to offer some shortcuts through TFC, but the system accounts for metal tiers) As for duplication, I made it possible to enrich poor and normal ores.One thing that I am really interested to know, is how do you plan to implement the pickaxe of the core? Will you split the functions, i.e. have a pickaxe of the core which mines richer ores and a ProPick of the core (please come up with a better name) that does the really cool ore-vision thing?I really like the wand cap system that you are planning, not so sure about the wand cores. I think the pitchblende thing is cool, and actually makes sense, but I think you should leave the silverwood and greatwood cores in the game. There is something intrinsically wrong, in my opinion, with metal wand cores. It just doesn't make since that you would have a metal wand, and metal wand caps, I guess.


    Also, you said that you want to make the integration as seemless as possible. I recommend using vidaj's worldgen, as he seems to know what he is doing, and honestly, TFC worldgen is not innately magical enough to make sense as the setting for a magic mod.


    I will probably suggest more things as they come to mind, but for now I have one final request: Make sure to keep your priorities straight with development. That is to say, creating functioning, and preferably tamable Taintacles should be your number one priority.Oh, and vidaj, if you are reading this, you should make the magical trees in the magical forests drop a different kind of wood.Advice/Notes


    Enchantment Tables, along with, as you mentioned infusion enchanting both work fine, though sharpness and power are incredibly useless.In case it could effect your balance, Golems can work bellows.The arcane bore works beautifully, aside from a quirky bug where it harvests the wrong type of rock. i.e. granite might drop rock salt. I am not sure what the heck is up with that, but it is certainly odd.


    Greatwood trees spawn normally, but the cave spider ones spawn normal cave spiders, not TFC ones. (I am not sure there are TFC ones, actually)TFC has a lot of unused mobs from vanilla, for example TFC Blazes, Pigmen and Ghasts.Nether generation is fine, except for the wither skellies and blazes being Non-TFC versions. My MT based conversion introduces a Crimson Cult tab to the thaumonomicon, through which I added a recipe for obsidian.The Outerlands don't work at all. Even if you cheat in a portal, it doesn't work. I am not sure why, but probably TFC's fault. 


    Thanks for taking the time to read all of the way through to this message. My apologies for my verbosity, but I am really excited about this, and I can't wait to see what comes of this. In fact, if this mod indeed comes to full term, I will even cease to be annoyed that I spent so much time on my minetweaker scripts. Also, if you want any help I may not know Java, but if you want someone to bounce ideas off of, or someone to make textures, or write MineTweaker scripts, I am willing to collaborate.


  17. Just use minetweaker to add a recipe that allows you to craft sulfur and redstone or something to make glowstone. It would require everyone on your server to get minetweaker, Minetweaker tends to be useful in the long run anyways.


  18. One thing I love about Terrafirmacraft, is the amount of diversity it adds in terms of building blocks. With raw, smooth, brick and cobbled variants for all of the various types of stone, it offers a lot of possibilities. I do wish though, that there was some way of making stone pillars, similar in texture and function to the quartz pillars in vanilla. Not only can they be used for pillars, they can also be used to add unique textures to stony builds and can make floors pretty interesting. I was thinking they could be crafted with six stone bricks in the shape of a door, but anything works.


  19. I am trying to figure out some way that does not involve decompiling all of Thaumcraft, that would allow me to adjust the amount of damage dealt by Thaumcraft Foci so that they would be usable in TFC (Part of a modpack I am working on). I have no experience in programming Java and frankly, very little experience with programming in general. Does anyone have any ideas?



    Also, is there a better section of the forum to put this post in, because I wasn't entirely sure where non-development related suggestions went. Thanks!


  20. One of the largest problems I have encountered while playing TFC is the immense amount of lag that I experience near forests. From my amateur observations, I have come to the conclusion that the lag is primarily caused by the leaf blocks not culling with one another, thus causing every single side of every single leaf block to render needlessly. While I appreciate that this feature does serve a purpose: Not only does it add depth to forests, it also makes it possible for people to see leaf blocks normally even when they are walking through them, the lag is never-the-less a problem. I propose that leaves be made to cull their non-exposed sides with each other so as to reduce lag, or to make this an option in video settings. I am not entirely sure how to solve the problem of rendering leaves while you are walking through them. Perhaps you could apply an effect to players with their heads in leaves similar to how being in water applies a blue overlay to the player's screen.
