Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Buczkowski

  1. Strange new growling or engine sound

    Herobrine? I dunno, the only new mob that makes that kind of sound are the bears. Or maybe the new cow sounds.
  2. [B66] Impossible metalsmithing plan?

    Plenty of room for draw, draw, hit. You should post a screenshot if yours looks different. I believe smithig 'recipies' are random depending on worldseed.
  3. Well, I'm opposed to bog iron, so long as it's fairly rare.
  4. Item recognizing tool or book

    You more or less play as the one of the first people, or only person period in ssp, on this world. It makes perfect sense that you don't know what something looks like until you interact with it.
  5. The future of safe mod downloads....

    Honestly, Minecraft is the first modding community I've ever encountered where volentary donations to modders is even permitted. There really is no precedence for handling these issues.
  6. Tiny Tweaks Metathread
  7. Official modding API

    Depends.Seriously, this issue is far to complex for any other answer untill we actually get the API.
  8. Did you know...

    The maximum size is 25 x 25 x 13.
  9. Rail prices are TOO DAMN HIGH!!

    Well, we are apparently getting rats so....
  10. TFC as a Technic Pack entry.

    Honestly, the reason TFC should never be included in the Technic launcher has nothing whatsoever to do with wether or not they have "permission" from mod creators. I too am getting sick of this whole "Herp, derp Technic is ILLEGAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111one one one" meme. TFC doesn't need to be in a launcher, period. It doesn't need to be aligned with a "popular modding comunity" for advertisement either. Not at least while still in beta. Trust me, the last thing we want right now is such a massive influx of new users that the forums are swampped with an unmanageable number of double posts, useless on or two word posts, angry arguments, and fifty thousand mispelled support threads complaining about the 'missing stone pickaxe bug'. The TFC community is growing at a good steady, sustainable pace right now, with few enough new users at a time that we can keep on top of ensuring that their all made aware of the 'dos and do not dos' of our forum 'culture' so to speak. Once TFC finally goes 'gold' we can talk about distribution and advertisement options, but until then, lets try to avoid the 'eternal September' effect.
  11. Running with Javelins

    Well, in the latest updates to the upcoming b67 changelog it looks like javelins are getting nerfed and arrows are getting buffed.
  12. Realistic Cow Milking

    Penultimate means 'second from last'. I don't think that was the word you wanted.
  13. My little world

    Wait. Auto update? My minecraft just keeps asking me if I want to update when I start and I just press the 'not now' option.
  14. A wild idea: Corpses and burial.

    Honestly, it seems optifine just randomly decides to not work for some people. I have no trouble at all, and have become so used to the ctrl-zoom feature that I've forgotten it's not part of vanilla.
  15. Better Shelters For Nomads

    Hmm. Must be a Spanish/Portuguese thing then since that is the only definition I've ever encountered.
  16. Better Shelters For Nomads Pueblos aren't temporary shelter either
  17. Is there a purpose for this mod?

    I don't know about a purpose, put perhaps we can convince Dunk to give us porpoise or two to liven up the oceans.
  18. Rail prices are TOO DAMN HIGH!!

    More like chariot racing.
  19. Sequoia Forest B2-B66

    What rock types are in the area?
  20. Stone Variety And Metal Tiers

    Why do you need coins in ssp?
  21. Rail prices are TOO DAMN HIGH!!

    Pfff. Real men transport their boats via portage.
  22. Better Chisel Curving

    I interpreted the title as requesting the ability to create curved surfaces with the chisel.
  23. Quivers for javelins and arrows

    Javelins also reload quite nicely if you use the inv tweaks mod. They can be anywhere in you inventory not just the hot bar.
  24. [64x] [WIP][B69] Albion Texture Pack v3.02...C:

    Doesn't forge have to be added to minecraft.jar first in order for the mods and coremods folder to even exist?
  25. Compatibility list

    Did you download CodeChickenCore.jar too?EDIT: I'm illiterate apparently. Nevermind.