Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Buczkowski

  1. Clay is plenty common. A good hint if you're having trouble is to turn off better grass in the configs, removing the grass growth on vertical surfaces, and switch to the Blockheads texture pack as its clay is a very distinctive orangy red which can be seen from a long way off.


  2. Some aspects of world generation are completely random and no two instances of the same seed will be exacly alike. They shouldn't differ too much, shorelines and rock types should always be the same, but ores, trees, clay and such will be different.


  3. Woke up. Took a piss, checked forum post. Saw Butthurt. Enjoyed butthurt. Now, lets do some correcting!

    As to you noodles.. Let me refer you to a non stickie by bioxx

    There for, as in life, there is a chance he could add NPC's. Nothing is set in stone here, so please, before being all "I'm so smart, im going to correct a joke like an armchair warrior." Ask your mum about chances, and how they work.

    Now.. on to butthurt number 2. mr waveshaper

    I'm not gonna correct any spelling nor grammar, but I will correct the point you were trying so hard to make. Who the heck do you think I'm mocking? I wasn't mocking anyone! don't assume what is not there. And who said I was kidding? How is it a fake thread? Seems pretty real to me. You sound like the type of person that goes around telling people "Those are stupid questions." I can give a valid reason on the way prostitutes would change a game. But I'm not gonna because It's a joke. Yeah I'm sure everyone here would dig some minecraft prostitutes, SEEMS VERY LOGICAL. DON'T YA THINK?

    So pull your panties out of your "Butt" and see the joke. Cause I'm 100% sure you missed it.

    That being said, I'm going back to bed... AGAIN.

    Are you suggesting that prostitution might be the very compelling reason bioxx was talking about?

    Also, a better post to quote would be this one.


    There are plenty of things that NPCs could be used for in TFC but none of your reasons are good enough for me to want to have to add NPCs to the equation on top of everything else. Whats that? Your idea IS good enough? No its not.

    Once TFC leaves beta and we have in place an easy way for others to create mods targeted at TFC and you want NPCs then by all means add them. It is not and will not be a focus of our development.


  4. Sluices create ore out of thin air, so long as a single block of ore exists within its detection zone. Once you mine out all the naturally occuring ore a sluice will no longer work, but until then it will continue to violate the laws of thermodynacs.


  5. Ok I might have a solution to everyone's problems. What if using blue prints was changed so that when used on a block, every single micro block that is supposed to be broken becomes highlighted on the block, the belivability would make sense since if you were to draw out a design it doesn't automatically get created but you know what to break away. And it would make repeating things slightly easier knowing exactly what block to break however if you clicked too much you would mess up. Blueprints would also have unlimited uses because looking at something doesn't make it vanish. In creative people could have access to the current blueprints to automatically recreate designs. And for the multiplayer problem of people 'stealing', your creation, I think a server option in the configs dictating whenever people who didn't make a sculpture can blueprint it, could be added. If people still aren't pleased then perhaps it could take around 5sec, after clicking a block, for a blueprint to be created (drawing time).

    Thread over.

    This is probably the best way to handle this, and I wish I had thought of it.


  6. I edited the post to be different. *The reason I double posted is because I was on a crappy 3ds Internet browser (please don't start argueing now on the quality of the 3ds Internet browser)

    Does the 3ds browser include the edit button? Or is that something mobile browsers just don't include.

    Also, yes the 3ds browser really is horrible. They probably shouldn't have even bothered.
