Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Zandesh

  1. Hi there,So i've rented a server with 32 spots, and i'd love to turn it into a TFC server, however i've had quite some trouble setting it up despite following the different guides around, and my hosting company is not of much help without wanting a big buck, for supporting.I was therefore wondering, if there would be anyone in here that could help me set it up?All I can offer for now is admin rights at the server, but i guess it's a start.Anyway, I hope that there would be a helpful soul out there!
  2. [TFC 0.79.22] TerraFirmaChisel (Beta)

    I will try this out as soon as possible, and thank you for bringing this baby along! I'm a major fan of the chisel mod, and any step bringing me closer in TFC will be perfect!
  3. Yeah, that was after i tried to re-install everything, but it just too damn weird, now it works in SSP, but for some damn reason i can't get the server to work properly And the guys at my hosting company just posts some automated answers. So i guess i'll have to give up now!
  4. TFC Version #:TerraFirmaCraft- Version #:forge-1.7.10- note that an actual number must be provided for both of the above fields.Simply saying "current" or "latest" will result in your post being locked, due to the fact that in a large number of cases, users who say they are using the "latest" or "current" version are actually using an outdated version.SSP/SMP (SinglePlayer/MultiPlayer):SSP/SMPDescription:Have you deleted your config files or are using default configs and are still able to reproduce this bug? (Yes/No):NoDo you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed? (Yes/No):If yes, which mods?WAILA + FastcraftI seem to have a total darkness on the entire map like it's night, however when I get to a certain height, then it all normalizes, but below 10 blocks height, then it's like it's constant night, and i can't figure out what it is
  5. I have tried everything, also copying all of the files in the map. I give up for now, it's just not possible for me, whatever I do.However, thank you for your patience and support
  6. My steps was: Downloaded10.13.2.1291 Installed the client + server Dragged the server jars to my server And then happens. I suspect it might be the hosting company then causing trouble, because I have to according to their system to put the jar files in a folder called jar, because it can not load it if it's in the main folder with all the other stuff. Could this cause the trouble?
  7. was from the server console.
  8. I have no idea on what's that is supposed to tell me besides that it crashed
  9. I am :)And now it doesn't even want to start up..
  10. - Mods - Jars
  11. Yeah I did, and it's still dark, and it still does not load the TFC world, and I just did what you said.
  12. I have reinstalled everything, both my client and also on my server, and the problem still persists.
  13. Thanks for the quick reply, which code should i be writing to make sure it level loads a TFC world?
  15. WAILA Support

    Amazing update, could you also make a official support for NEI?
  16. Great work, i hope you will continue to update this pack as we move along, because I really love the Sphax packs!
  17. [Solved] TFC + Pams Harvestcraft?

    Hi there,I am sorry if i posted this in the wrong section, however I am looking to start my very first server with TerraFirmaCraft, and I was wondering whether Pams Harvestcraft would be compatible or not?I've tried looking around in the add-on section, but i can't seem to find any threads on this.So hopefully someone could indeed enlighten me on this matter./ Zandesh
  18. So this project stopped or?As far as I see, there's nearly next to no one making TFC compatible addons anymore.Is TFC dying out?I see there's a lot of suggestions, but addons haven't changed for at least +1 year now.
  19. Shellfish

    Crabs, Prawn, Lobster, Clams and the alike would be a wonderful addition to TFC.Furthermore lobsters could for an example taste a bit sweet, and also a bit salty, clams would most likely be salty in taste as well.As goes for the clams maybe you should use a tool like a chisel or something to break it open?
  20. Butchery

    This should still be implemented, amazing idea!
  21. I can't get this to work somehow, just like meh mattski.