Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Konlii

  1. 3 hours ago, Darmo said:


      Hide contents

    The first suggestion is bog tiles.  Bog tiles would be solid and walkable, but would slow the player, like soul-sand.  They would NOT be tillable.  Bog tiles could be for a certain radius around the swamp, and also all the little islands, and even the parts below the water.   They would take a LONG time to dig up (like obsidian-scale time) to discourage the player from massively terraforming them away.  Moreover, dirt, sand, or gravel tiles, in a swamp hex, surrounded by bog or water on 3 or 4 sides would, upon random tic, turn into a bog tile.  Or maybe a certain number of random tics.  Dirt perhaps taking fewer tics than gravel.  By requiring 3+ adjacent water/bog, you won't have bogs always eventually expanding into a square, as you would if it were just 2 adjacents.  Conversely, bog tiles placed in non-swamp hexes will eventually turn to dirt.  If there are types of bog tile to match stone types, then they simply turn to that dirt type.  If there's only one bog tile, then they adopt the native stone type of the island they're on (assuming that's code-accessible).  Bog tiles may or may not count as hydrating tiles.  If so, maybe at reduced range of 2. 

    I was just thinking of posting a thread suggesting an "angry bees" lingering potion effect whenever you chop a tree with a beehive in it or break a beehive open by hand.

    So what if there is a "biting mosquitoes" lingering potion effect that spawns from bog tiles?


  2. Another thing to add to your list of Pam's HarvestCraft notes if you haven't already:

    I just cut down a white cedar with a beehive in it and now there's a beehive floating 20 blocks high up in the air.


  3. 22 hours ago, Bioxx said:

    I assume you mean when transitioning from one island map to another every 4k blocks. If so, that isn't really an issue since the player is never meant to reach those locations.

    Even without a boat, I could easily swim west to the next island relatively quickly.  I left at sunset and arrived well before dawn only using up about half of the first hunger bar.

    I know this is not supposed to be a suggestion thread, but if you really wanted to keep players from doing that, I would make those flat-walled transitional areas wider and deeper.  More like the edge of the continental shelf that drops down into the inky depths.  And in the deepest waters spawn eldritch abominations that can swallow the player whole!  Mwahaha...ha......ha... sorry, got a little carried away.


  4. Going through the portal in Survival puts me in another dimension at exactly the same coordinates as the portal.  Going through the portal in Creative puts me in the other dimension about 5800 blocks south of where the portal would be (the portal opening is facing south).

    I teleported myself to those coordinates in the overworld and ended up in the middle of the ocean.


  5. 6 hours ago, Bioxx said:

    Being teleported to 0,0,0 when exiting some portals should be fixed with 0.1.4

    I finally found a portal!  When I went through it I didn't get teleported to 0,0,0, but I did get teleported to complete blackness and fell to my death.  Interestingly, when I went through in Creative mode it also removed all of the hex info from the top corners of the screen.

    I thought these just moved you between islands, but it looks like it is sending me to another dimension?  I get the "loading world" screen and my (journey map) waypoints go away.


    Seed: 861273177192767925

    Coord: 849 68 -6484



    Also, if it matters what other mods I'm running:







    Pam's HarvestCraft



  6. The attached is looking like my final texture.  For animating, they don't undulate.  I think I would describe it as more of a shimmy.  

    I think this is about as small as I can make the model before it starts losing enough definition to start looking cartoony instead of menacingly insectile.  We can still scale it down a bit and may just have to accept the fact that the entire body pivots around corners and the back half may clip the environment a bit.  I think the only way to make a centipede move naturally in Minecraft is to actually create each body segment as a separate entity and stick them together in-game, which is totally not worth the effort right now.

    Of course, Bioxx has his hands full enough just getting TFC2 fully functional so it'll probably be a while before we see anything with complicated animations make it into the game.



  7. And with v0.1.2 I find my fists ineffective, and must resort to bashing heads in with a rock.

    Is this a permanent thing?  If so, just cancelling the event is no good.  The bear doesn't care that I'm punching it anymore!  He just stands there with a bored look on his face!  Also, even if fists do 0 damage they should still have that bit of knockback, which is super useful if you're fighting something nasty and your only weapon smashes to pieces.

    Does Minecraft let you fire off another entityLiving.attackEntityFrom using a 0 damage amount?  Does that give knockback and aggro?  Is punching entities no longer going to be a thing?  Or is this only a temporary change while you work on something else?


  8. 12 minutes ago, Bioxx said:

    Thought I fixed it in v0.1.1. I'll put a new version out in a little bit.

    I'm not making big announcements when I update for the time being so just keep an eye on the version in the thread title.

    Ah, I see that you disabled item heating from the firepit in v0.1.1.  Obviously the temperature stuff is not complete yet, but I was going to mention that logs that have been heated can no longer be burned as fuel.  Also, shift-clicking is not enabled at all within the firepit GUI.  And ignore what I said earlier about getting lots of wood from chopping trees.  I took a closer look and realized that spruce trees simply have a lot more branches than I thought they did.


    Side note: I found a bear and punched it!  Then it ate me.  It was awesome.


  9. 5 minutes ago, Bioxx said:

    The F3 biome indication *should* mean absolutely nothing in TFC2. That said, maybe Pam's is doing a double generation and I forgot to disable it. I'll add that to my list.



    Seed: -6673919124436882977


    These are literally the first naturally-spawning animals I have seen in TFC2, which makes me think they aren't supposed to be here.  They spawn right next to my spawn on the beach.  F3 says I'm in a Plains biome.  Re-creating the world with the same seed gives me the same cows.


  10. Spoiler

    Seed: 4443557301047352346


    I sometimes spawn on a tiny island with no other land in sight.  There always is more land, it's just too far away to see, even with my render distance cranked up to 24 chunks.  In this example, the mainland is 400 blocks away and I had to go into creative mode and circle my tiny island at a distance to find it.  Is this sort of thing supposed to happen?



    Hex-based world gen is interesting.  It's still a little weird to see, but I'm thinking I might get used to it in the same way that no one questions why everything in the game is made out of 1m square blocks.


    Lakes and streams are cool.  I too have noticed after chopping trees that the leaves like to hang out in the air afterwards, though I do like the better-style leaves.  I have also noticed that some trees (spruce, for example) drop massive amounts of logs, like almost a whole stack.  Is this normal?  Admittedly, I didn't stop to count them, but it didn't look like there were that many individual log blocks in the tree itself.


  11. Go big or go home.  I'll try downgrading it from "enormous" to simply "huge" and drop some of the taper off of the legs to shorten them.  That was really unnecessary, after all.


  12. Okay Darmo, I know this thing is enormous, but I think detailed legs are important to the creep-factor of centipedes.  This is just a temporary texture, but I have made each color 2px square so that it will look like 1px if scaled in half.  Of course, if enormous tickles Bioxx's fancy, we can work with that, too.  Thoughts?


    Animation note: watching videos of these guys walk, it looks like the only joint that visibly moves is the one connected to the body, so it shouldn't be necessary to animate each leg segment separately






  13. On 8/8/2016 at 2:11 PM, Diego il Catanico Jr said:

    I know, but it will make the night dangerous for the only purpose it is in real life. Anyway the mod Hardcore Darkness can be inproved.  The total darkness should appear only in caves and/or when the moon is covered or new.

    Hardcore Darkness has those exact options in the config, so I don't think it is necessary for TFC2 to reinvent the wheel.

    Peaceful Nights Dangerous Caves is the mod that removes all mob spawning from the surface for TFC1, but I thought I read somewhere that non-animal vanilla mobs are being removed completely from TFC2.


  14. If you're looking to use this same model with different textures, here's a dark grey one.  For some reason MCMC makes it look a lot more blue than the texture really is.




  15. Easy change.  In my reference photos the barbs on these guys are often pretty subtle, but you'll definitely notice if a stingray decides it needs to defend itself.

    Also note, the whole thing should probably be scaled down in the actual code.  1 meter in width would be a bit large for this type of stingray.




  16. This frightens me... in a good way.  I scrolled down to the first screenshot and my mind automatically filed it under "things to run away from."


  17. Since all of the antler tips are angled slightly different, they won't all disappear at the same time, which is good.

    The problem I see, though, is that there is a big jump between the 1-width part and the 0-width part.  Now that MCMC supports it, could you replace the base part of the tips with a 0.5-width box?  Or maybe you could just have the base antlers narrow down a bit as they get near the tips?


  18. 41 minutes ago, cckcckcc said:

    I think he has a good point about seasonal variations though.  It wouldn't make much sense for butterflies to spawn on a singular grass block, surrounded by snow, in the middle of winter.  Of course, if you were in an equatorial region, it would make sense to see butterflies in winter.  The difficulty would be in managing the complexity necessary to maintain such seasonal/climate relationships, but I don't think it would be impossible.  It may be of concern whether it could be coded in a resource non-intensive way though.


      Seasonal tracking would go a long way in integrating ambient mob spawning in a way that the various general mob spawning mods, like JAS, cannot do, so I hope you will consider it.

    It's actually super simple.  I just have to check the current temperature and spawn based on that.  If it's cold enough for snow, it's too cold for butterflies.  If it's warm all year round, you get butterflies all year round.  I could pull the season info directly out of the TFC API, but the temperature info gives me what I want, since butterflies don't care what the calendar says anyway.

    Also... who has a good point?  I didn't see anyone mention seasonal variations.


  19. On 5/24/2016 at 9:30 PM, OneWolfe said:

    Love this idea! I am currently using Butterflies and Mosquitoes from the Forestry mod. The Butterflies are currently capturable with the Forestry Scoop but there is no way to decently mount or display them yet.

    I honestly don't know anything about lepidoptery, so Forestry goes into more depth than I think I'm even capable of.


    7 hours ago, KsterNator said:

    Maybe some bees would be a good idea, they would spawn in spring and summer near flower patches. And maybe spiders that spawn below a certain y-level and they can spawn in webs, which u could probably add in.

    I don't know if TFC just does things differently or if I was doing something wrong, but when I was doing the spawns for the butterfly I couldn't get it to work by specifying the block as I would do in regular Minecraft.  I had to use "TFC_Core.isGrass" instead.

    I appreciate suggestions for this addon (especially since it is in such an early stage and barely has any content), but at the moment I'm really trying to keep this to "ambient" mobs.  With bees, the most logical thing to do is have them spawn in hives, but if you have hives you will expect to have apiculture or at the very least be able to get honey from them.  You very quickly cross the threshold away from ambient.

    Consider the only ambient creature in vanilla Minecraft: the bat.  Bats are absolutely useless.  They have no purpose.  I could have easily called this the "Useless Creatures" addon.
