Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by halfmaster1

  1. Cloning objects in the forge

    I believe the either the duped or original items disappear when you click on them
  2. Ores blending in?

    That is why I suggest maybe only a later tier of ore. It would make the jump to it a lot harder.
  3. Cobble, Brick, Surface rocks

    It'll create the necessity of having a bricksmith in a community.
  4. Ores blending in?

    I was joking about the invisible armour. I just thought it would be good if we had no way to tell a certain ore from the rock itself. Also, nuggets you pick up on the surface should act a look like normal rocks, but smelt in a fire. Other ricks would just disappear.
  5. Cobble, Brick, Surface rocks

    Bricks should be made my chiseling a smooth stone to a brick size and then mining it. /ignoring the no discussing thing.
  6. blueprints are way too op

    So... Getting rid of a ridiculously easy way to accomplish things, making the accomplishments more fulfilling is the same as getting rid of everything that you can achieve. However, shovels do[i/] need to be slowed down a bit. Except on charcoal.
  7. So.... What is My Gender?

    I his, umm, her, uh, its? Their! In their profile, they say they will not share personal information. They also say that their posts are copyrighted. Hmmm....
  8. Ores blending in?

    Well, the ore wouldn't be invisible, you wouldn't be able to see it until after you mine it. example: You can see gold before you refine it: Picture but not uranium ore Picture I AM NOT RECOMMENDING URANIUM I am just using it as an example. Although I would love some nice invisible armour.
  9. Ores blending in?

    Okay, I have though of a better idea, how about there is one ore that is invisible, to make it more valuable. If we ever get end game fantasy metals, this could be it. To make it harder to find, the propick only picks it up if you actually click on it, so you have to run into a vein to find it.
  10. New way of powering

    Okay, I am sorry, but... Anyways, just because there is mechanical power doesn't mean there is automation. If Dunk and Bioxx come up with a balanced way to implement this, I am all for it.
  11. Excess Metallic Ore

    I do the same, except I haven't gotten CivCraft yet, and I have about 30 minecraft folders, not 2.
  12. Farming Nutrients bugged? (B72)

    Was it that dirt will not give nutrients in order to prevent people from resetting nutrients simply by digging up the land then re-hoeing?
  13. Ores blending in?

    Ore should be completely invisible, in my opinion, to make the propick more important.
  14. blueprints are way too op

    It still gets rid of specialization. You only have to get through the block once without a mis-click. After that, you can always be perfect.
  15. blueprints are way too op

    First of all, your guy's argument about getting a really small block is stupid; there is still slab mode. It wasn't any different before the update with detailed chiselling. This is where skill comes in, you have to know what you are going to do, if you just wing it, you might end up pointlessly click hundreds of extra times. Also, if you think that it is good if it speeds up your work, then why don't we add the ability to spawn in smooth stone, that would speed things up a lot, but it wouldn't help you survive. Also, why don't we allow people to toggle what kind of rock they are holding, it wouldn't help them survive, but it would help them build.
  16. Old Aquor Thread, please ignore.

    There should be an extended uptime for New Year's Eve.
  17. Allow Glass Bottles to stack

    Along with this, we should make food stack to about 4. I should have to build a food storage chest, not have it take up 2 slots in another chest.
  18. Farming Nutrients bugged? (B72)

    For me, yes. They still grow for me if I don't but WAY slower. I still think it is a bug.
  19. Farming Nutrients bugged? (B72)

    I can support this. Happens to me too. You can prevent it from decreasing by planting right away. It doesn't go down to 1 nutrients right away, though, it goes to about 1/4 max.
  20. blueprints are way too op

    I have a problem with it even in single player, being able to easily make, say, a very detailed roof. It should be harder. A lot of detailed blocks should be impressive, not normal.
  21. Edit: Okay, this is a LOT bigger than I thought. The plants that I plant directly after I till grow literally 10x faster than the ones that have lower nutrients. Incase you didn't read the old OP, then after I till, the nutrients of the square start at a very higher number, but if I don't plant something right away they drop to what they are supposed to be. If you do plant right away, the plants grow in literally about 10 ingame days. Is this happening to anyone else?
  22. blueprints are way too op

    If they were a lot more expensive then I would have as big of a problem with it. The main thing though is it gets rid of skill. Once you have made one good block you don't have to do a good job on the next one, you would just copy paste. It makes it way to easy.
  23. blueprints are way too op

    It should take a very long time to make something, unless it's with creative. As for the statue shop, say you make a statue, and it took forever, so you decide it must be worth a lot. You sell them for 5 iron ingots each. Someone buys one, then copies it a whole load of times and sells them for 1 iron each. How is that fair? However, without the blueprints, you know how to make them in your head. Someone could copy them, but then they do just as much work as you, so it is fair. Well, if you want to build a really big smooth stone structure, it takes a lot of work to get all the stone, which, according to you is FORCED TEDIUM. So why don't we add NEI in so everyone can just spawn whatever they need in?
  24. blueprints are way too op

    So? It is very annoying to have to mine 3 km to find iron, but that is still in. You have to click exactly the same with your pick and your propick and your torches. It shouldn't be easy to make a large chiseled area, it should be challenging.
  25. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    The problem I have with food is that I have stacks of cooked eggs and this is all I need. We could add a very realistic nutrition system, or we could go with gameplay and just make variety good in your diet.