Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Vlad

  1. Stone Variety: In an early version of TFC, different stones created stone tools with different durability (Igneous Extrusive for better). Not sure how it's now, but is seems like all the stones are the same except the textures. Wouldn't it be more interesting if different stones were different? For example different mining times. So higher tier ores can hide inside a more harder to destroy stone, until you get a better tier pickaxe. Metal Tiers: Here I would like a big change. How the tiers are built now: So there is 3 tier-0 metals, and at the beginning of the game you would actually see some players with zinc and some with tin or bismuth, and I do like this variety. These 3 metals can be found almost everywhere, so no special stone hunting is happening. What is next? Everybody go after copper. And where to? I believe it would be igneous extrusive. But each one will may make a different alloy (bronze, brass, etc.) depending on what he found, and this is a good part too, but iron is so easy to find, that I just skipped this tier . Once you have copper, you are hunting for iron, and stably staying on tier 3. So now you need nickel for the final metals. Once you find it, end of story with metals. Suggestion: More tiers like 0 and 2. And no that everybody are doing after the same ore and stone. Also make iron more rare like copper, so you can't just jump over tier 2 to iron.. How about making more metal types for each tier, so that not everybody are doing exactly the same. This will open the possibility for more ores, and that each stone have unique ore types, and not like tier 0 and iron that found anywhere (but this should stay for tier 0 for the sake of ease). I'm not suggesting anything specific because I wanna see the reactions about this general idea. But something specific would be: after iron we get more then black steel, but types of iron (green steel, yellow steel, whatever..), same as with copper. Do you want to see more ores and metals on each tier, or we should keep it "real"? (even though it has high charcoal ratio )
  2. Better Chisel Curving

    Right now you can use chisel to curve a stone block up to 10 times from each side, so basically you can create a box that must fit into a 10x10x10 grid. I'm suggesting to make it possible to fully edit this grid, like in mini blocks mod. So when curving a stone block you add up to 18 bit of information to the block, and with this change it will be 512, but since it depends on the player work it won't change the save file size much anyway. No sure about the collision, but you can make it simple by using a boundary box so it will be a exactly as before on with holes. This will enable far more advanced creations. What do you think?
  3. [TFC B72] MAtmos Configurations

    When using only your files, the sound seem to cut a lot.Tried using MSI with your files together, works well for now
  4. Rail prices are TOO DAMN HIGH!!

    that is what dunk said when I was suggesting the carts,
  5. Dirt Block Names/Stacking

    I already have about 10 dirt types..
  6. Rail prices are TOO DAMN HIGH!!

    I can say that this game is long.. lot longer then TFC, so it will be really hard to taste it from a video.
  7. Rail prices are TOO DAMN HIGH!!

    You can try "Wurm Online" (Notch worked on it before minecraft), really interesting MMO, involves collecting resources, crafting, building and has a very solid system with weight limitation.
  8. My personal review. +Hi

    Didn't thought of it that way.Then why ice is not getting any less solid until it passes the melting temperature?
  9. Rail prices are TOO DAMN HIGH!!

    Exactly, I can't even count the number of new structures and places people will built due to this limitation.You won't simple dig down collect the ore and get out, you will build a proper mine with roads and entrance. And building in odd locations like mountains, won't be just a decision but a challenge.
  10. [TFC B72] MAtmos Configurations

    I not sure if it's only me, but when I installed it, I removed it after 5 min. There is a really annoying crazy strong wind sound, no matter where am I (even when home), I hear this repetitive wind sound (about 3 sec long and then repeat), and it's giving you a really bad headache. Does this happens the anyone else? My house have a chimney, and about 16 blocks below it I still hear the crazy wind (something is really wrong with their calculations), I know there should be different sounds but I only hear crazy wind and underwater. missed that one, gonna try.
  11. My personal review. +Hi

    or you can simply get it from stones, chalk + hammer for example gives you 2 flux. There is a better reason for that, you need at least the same tier anvil or else you would simply break the anvil.Copper is harder then stone so working copper on a stone anvil would break the anvil, so you first make a copper anvil then you can work the copper on it. The assumption is that each next tier metal/alloy is stronger and harder then the previous. Also I think they should do this for hammer as well, so you will need copper anvil and copper hammer to really work copper tools.
  12. Rail prices are TOO DAMN HIGH!!

    If you think about it then you can't simply climb on a 45 degree mountain with bunch of stuff on you, a way to climb mountain is usually a long stairway that goes up the mountain in zig zags.If you look at this wurm map for example: you can see how road are made there, and how hard it's to make a road up a mountain. Anyway I totally support the weight limitation.
  13. Particles

    like here at 0:20, you can see the traces of the fall, by the dust that left floating, seems less weird that way I think.
  14. Rail prices are TOO DAMN HIGH!!

    does it mean you are going to remove rails and minecarts?Also it's a great change, getting very close to Wurm which I really liked. Also I hope you will add an option get load and drag carts, as well as sailing ships.
  15. profile pic, can put here?

    make sure your pic url is ending with .jpg or other image format. (can do so by right click -> [view image / open image in new tab])or download it, and then chose the image from your computer. finally the server can really be unreachable, try other.
  16. Alloys Like Meals

    Anyway last word from me: I'm suggested an idea, explained every bit of it, provided lots of examples, answered any question over and over again. And what I hear from ECC: you don't understand, it's bad, not going to work. over and over again. No explanation no anything. This is what is being egoistic. I sick of this topic and ain't gonna say any more here. P.S of course it's easy to tell others to rethink what they said, but don't forget to do it as well
  17. Alloys Like Meals

    "Seriously vlad... are you this egotistical all the time?" you didn't explain why my actions are egoistical.. Calling me dick.. or it wan't english?
  18. Alloys Like Meals

    this insult was under condition, and it met, i do mean it. why not explain yourself.. instead of just cursing for no reason.
  19. Alloys Like Meals

    a who da hell is talking about real life?if all that time you thought i'm suggesting you to mix iron with gold in real life, you sir are one big stupid idiot. "recipes" - say what?what are those recipes you talking about? anyway let's say I understand what you mean: if you have an ingot that is 50% gold and 50% iron and you don't want it, doesn't mean you lost it, you can use it, combine it with more iron for example. and explain those recipes thanks, that explains everything.
  20. Alloys Like Meals

    You just keep repeating your self all over again. And I keep answering NO, BUT I also gave you tons of examples and explanation why it works. Can you show me where I'm wrong instead of just crying like a baby. So please stop repeating your self unless you provide an explanation. I glad you simply assumed there are debuffs that no one ever mentioned (you only get buffs if you care about what my idea was) Dude I explained you everything: and trust me, if you know anything about coding it's not a big change.I you can't simply read, there is no point in talking at all. Lets just close this topic. "Stop pushing" - what am I pushing? you are the one that keep talking about it. so i'm answering your nonsense.DUNK - close this topic please.
  21. Mastery

    That's my point, once you get familiar with propick, smiting, cooking or whatever, you simply do it to perfection if you want.So I think that Bioxx plan of making some stuff hard to master and even impossible to master for some people, is never going to work. Unless this people are brain damaged or have other issues, they will master what ever they want.
  22. Particles

    The spread range is too much I think.What about the falling particles? I barely see them, why not make them same as the others, so you will see the falling traces.
  23. So in the first layer you are going to chisel blocks instead of mining, ok..what about the second layer? you still need to remove what's left of the chiseled block to keep going.. this is a "good" technique when chiseling only a few blocks, useless for big plans.
  24. Alloys Like Meals

    what are you talking about now?I get it that you don't get it..
  25. Melting Metals

    And this is not even a big bug, I got infinite molds and ingot lots of times.. now that's a bug