Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Vlad

  1. Mastery

    You completely derailed this topic too..
  2. not yet I still don't get how are you suppose to get raw stone with chisel?
  3. Item Frames Makes Storage So Much Easier

    If you want we can go back to alpha, there where no such thing as blocking chests.. or double's pretty new, maybe TFC is just not updated yet? (it's 1.3.2 from the F3)
  4. Mastery

    To get it started.. Almost all my tools are perfect, getting raw stone with ease, and I have a mining secret. But I don't find this things as something you can master, once you know what you know how.. To take it farther, I have no idea of a single thing you can actually master.. any ideas?
  5. Item Frames Makes Storage So Much Easier

    Last time I played vanilla you couldn't place chest on chest without blocking it. 1.4 it was.
  6. Alloys Like Meals

    No, problem.Something off topic: I still wanna make that game with an unpredictable crafting system (kinda of impossible, or extra heave and hard) Where nothing is hard coded, instead there is a huge smart algorithm, that if you give him a stick, a hook and a string it's gonna create a fishing rod. So if I will ever get to making it, this idea may fit there nicely.
  7. Alloys Like Meals

    Anyway, point is the same, combining anything into alloys.So what do you think about how I expanded this idea? I mean, It doesn't require any new metals, and you don't ruin the metals but just play with it.
  8. Alloys Like Meals

    DUDE it's cheating It wasn't there when I read it (since I always go to the last page..), you edited it, and it sure wasn't THAT big. gimme time to read it..
  9. Stone Variety And Metal Tiers

    But we already have almost all of this.. adding on metal or two won't change much, unless it's a new tier.. good point
  10. If you mean using slab to fade away a block, with red pick it's much faster to just mine.If it's mining.. chisel can't mine at all I think.
  11. Alloys Like Meals

    Can't agree, or should I say disagree.The idea came from here: Never found where the all seeing eye mentioned this, but I still took this idea further. Sure that the final part with pseudo-random bonuses is similar to the meals system, but there are tons or rough like games (I'm even working on one), so it came to me as obvious addition. (many games adds some king of final boss, but it's not exactly an idea they took from someone..) And since people here are rarely understand big idea, basing it on something they are familiar with should of helped (but it didn't in the end). Also I'm glad the idea denied, I can use this awesomeness in the future somewhere else.
  12. Item Frames Makes Storage So Much Easier

    Awesome Gonna rework my storage. I'm pretty sure that vanilla doesn't allow it though.. (at least for me)
  13. What are you doing with chisel and without a pick?Can you further explain this.
  14. Rail prices are TOO DAMN HIGH!!

    What about the other rail types? Wood or stone?Or different carts?
  15. Alloys Like Meals

    Of course Because cherry, steak and bread, are gonna make you stronger, but adding an apple to this meal is going to remove this effect.. It's not like I'm going to force you the use this idea, but I do like you to use it, it's amazing
  16. Item Frames Makes Storage So Much Easier

    So how TFC is going to use redstone in the future, it's magic and not really suits the TFC theme. Chest on top of another chest? Can you open them like that?
  17. Item Frames Makes Storage So Much Easier

    What do you do with redstone?Open doors?
  18. Spumwack discussion

    swamp what?joking, I watched some tutorials, he's fine I guess
  19. Better Chisel Curving

    nvm, it's just that when the english is almost correct (or I don't know the word or phrase) I'm able to completely reshape and misunderstand the meaning..
  20. Item Frames Makes Storage So Much Easier

    hint - square screen
  21. Better Chisel Curving

    Now me too..I not sure about my english but this phrase: "100 000 cast points to whoever gets this reference and the blatantly obvious one in my sig" doesn't make any sense translating it using google translate so I assumed you challenged to someone to get that link in the spoiler in your sig.. and I did it.. in 20 sec
  22. Item Frames Makes Storage So Much Easier

    nvm, you missed the joke
  23. Better Chisel Curving

    No prob: a new record - 20 sec
  24. [B66] High Tier Metals

    We just checked that we all have same rules, so..., don't worry