Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Vlad

  1. ok so im really not sure whats up if this is a bug or not, recently in my world i reached the time of trying to make ingots but unfortunately after making the first ingot the anvil will no longer respond to making the second one. i started with a stone anvil, the rock was andesite so no its not that it was the wrong stone. like i said it worked for the first one but not the rest, so next i used nei and made a copper anvil, did not spawn one in directly but crafted it instead, same results, created one ingot and then a shovel, but as soon as i left the anvil gui and tried to make another ingot it dose not want to respond. i was using copper, and it was between the range of bright red and orange***.

    this is really starting to get annoying so if anyone has any insight on this i would be grateful.

    Some times it happens that the hammer brakes in a middle without even noticing, but this is not what happen?

    It's hard to guess, make a video if you can, this would really help.


  2. Haha I'm trying to make them lager hehe, but not larger like, every pixel gigantic, no, larger in the sense of the sprite, so it starts out as a small pixel and then you have a cloud and you can't see things because of it.

    Sound even better :)

  3. Am I the only one who twitched every time they read the OP 'curving' a chisel?

    You'd have to be pretty fucking strong...

    Yeah.. I guess I used the wrong word there, I meant the cutting action..

  4. Just to say, I don't see why it's hard to implement and even simple.

    I'm just disappointed the people seams to misunderstand me :wacko:

    .. So, 100% of iron is weaker and slower than 110% of iron + other metals? WHAT SORCERY IS THIS?!

    (About the suggestion? sounds... moderate :mellow: don't know what will Dunk and Bioxx think about it, though...)

    110%? :huh:

    What we in Russia? :D

    Anyway, if you combine iron + copper you get 2 alloys that are 50% iron 50% copper, there is no loss here.

    Same as with meals: apple + peach + steak = nothing special, but if you add olive you get strength 4 ;)

    Not a bad idea you have a couple problems though. Metals would need to get a huge list of attributes that way we could tell if they could be used for something. That isn't as easy as it sounds as far as I know. Items would need a color variable so that we could change them based on their metals, same with their blocks. Next, I'm sorry but we can't use a basic average + percentage idea it needs to be a little more complex than that and believable. Like JAG says it hardly makes sense.

    So I see people are missing my point -_-

    Iron is still iron even if the alloy is 90% iron and 10% silver, but same as with meals that could make a huge difference.

    Also like with meals alloys won't only show you they name but what they made from: 50% iron ...

    NOTHING is going to change the game now, only add, you still can make steel and red or blue..

    This only adds buffs like with meals.

    Can we just remove the meal system altogether? so many threads popping up with 'this just like meals' :/

    personally, the ONLY way I can say yes to this is if we implement theoretical alloys. only those, and those alone have secret seed based recipes. anything reexisting stays the same, but if you want... mythral for example, you must go though a dozen recipes, waste tons of metal, then suddenly, when you have wasted your life away, lost your spouse, you house, everything, you find it... and rub it in everyone's face ;D

    Same same <_<

    No you do not waste anything, and all the metals/alloys you have now are stay as they are, no new metals pop up and you don't need to worry about it.

    Think of it as of cups with juices, you can apple , orange and peach juices,

    if you combine apple with orange you get 2 cups of 50% apple and 50% orange, you didn't loss anything except now you can't have your apple juice ;)

    I don't think we need specific numbers, I hardly expect Dunk or Bioxx would want them, very rarely does any developer from what I've seen, this is a game changing idea that would need a LOT of refinement obviously, judging on the merit of numbers I think is a bit unfair.

    the idea itself however I think can certainly stand without them.

    I not sure this is a bad place for numbers, the buffs I suggested are going to be in ranges, so anything between 10-20 will suit., so no worry about anything specipic.

    I really made sure nothing is going to change in the game,

    also if it's really scary to see the number, we can make them hidden and let you rename the alloy you created.

    I don't know how I feel about this.

    On one hand, ideally in my mind, ores would have no name until given one by a player and their properties and alloys would be random(or chosen out of a set) and discovered through experimentation.

    However as it is we have ores at least based on real world equivalents, and this system would be odd in that context.

    Edit: JAG that's how you get the double durability and speed, it's ultradense blackholealloy magics!!!

    blackholealloy sounds dirty.

    The most close metal (black steel for example) is going to decide the base stats for the alloy, from they you might get some buffs.

    So basically try all you want red/blue are still the best, unless you will create something similar to them with buffs.


  5. Bears, I've seen two in my latest world, same build as yours.

    Villages, etc. No they do not spawn.

    Potions, I don't think so. Nether was possible since there was still lava deep down, haven't tested yet on the latest build.

    I do think they cover at least most of them.

    It was possible to use diamonds to make all of the vanilla things, but with diamonds, not chipped and it variants.

    No, don't try going into the nether:

  6. Theoretically it doesn't seem to hard. But that is the same with a lot of things that seem easy, they are really complicated, or vice versa. I'm just thinking, couldn't you make it so that the tree that grows replaces the current block that the sapling is in? I have no experience in coding so I don't know how this kind of thing works.

    Of course, by placing the sapling and the wood on the same block and who knows what happen.. or similar things.

    The point is that small bug + small bug + small bug = a big swarm, he can't make a release because of each small bug and most probably have other priorities, the only thing is wait.


  7. Idea picked from the All Seeing Eye, and made into a bigger one.

    The idea is to make is possible to combine any metals into alloys, and it will work similar to the meals.

    First we redefine what is metal, it's not just bronze or copper, but how much of each base metal it has:

    Bronze - 75% copper, 25% tin, 0% all the others

    So that way you can get TONS of different alloys like:

    Golden iron - 66% gold, 34% iron

    Zinc brass - 50% zinc, 50% copper

    Add what ever comes your mind :)

    How this new alloy will look like? What it's meting points?

    An alloy will be represented be the most close metal/alloy, for example Golden iron will still be gold and zinc brass will be brass.

    The function that determine what metal/alloy is the most close to the alloy can be really simple like sum of differences to each known in game base metals, or something more complicated..

    Now it's the part where meals come in.

    A certain range of alloys gets different bonuses:

    50-80% iron and 20-30% copper - durability +50%

    70-100% silver or 50-100% gold - speed +100%

    Like the meals it's all predefined (by random) for each world and you should try and play with it to find what useful combinations there is (even when you get a bonus you don't know what are the requirements for this, so here you try and play again).

    I believe this idea has a lot of potential for multiplier as well.

    Some blacksmith found out that an alloy made from 5% gold, 15% silver, 30% tin and 50% iron is creating a metal similar to iron but with double durability and speed :o

    It's going to explode the field of smiting without adding any ores or alloys :D

    Hope this idea won't get lost ^_^


  8. Another thing to vary: Ore depth and vein size. As well as tool durability or efficiency. (Within a range of 20% of current values, of course.) This will change the value or desirability of each metal per seed, within tiers. Red steel may be better than blue on one seed, verse vica on another.

    Size is already random.. no? What is depth of the vein?

    We are talking about stuff you should try, see and learn.

    Durability is hidden, unknown and you can't find it out (unless really bored). How do you know that it's not already random ;) (same reason it shouldn't be added)

    Something that is a far shot: I read that the All seeing eye suggested the idea of combining any metals to get alloys, this system can be similar to the meals system, It's hard to decide which new metal you will get (textures and stuff), but it can be so the first metal is the base and the rest adds properties, like +20% durability or what ever, so for example you can blend 3 bronze with iron to get a tougher bronze.

    Only in pseudo-random. Random is random, anything has an equal probability of happening, if you call it a rule...

    That's what I meant.

    Not necessary equal, that is called uniform random.

    I think there was a misunderstanding, by rules I meant the anvil crafting rules.

  9. It does? I always have the same rules... certainly for the base tools anyway. At least they're really close... now imma have to go check.

    Same as with meals, random from world to world, but stays the same in each world.

    I guess I'm just lucky to get this rules, anyway such combination should be impossible to get.


  10. I am very sorry vladp995, but you really need to explain what you say better. Today this kinda thing has happened a buch of times

    Anyway, You sound like you are agreeing with him and that the idea is still ok, but he is saying that theidea is NOT ok. I might just be really bad at understading, but i kinda think you should explain better. Please don't take this personaly.

    I guess I completely missed his point then :unsure:



  11. Almost all of fantasy stuff are "better than steel" and also require their own ores.

    I wouldn't mind having adamantium, as long as digging it could open Fun Kingdom Gates though.

    About "require their own ores" here comes the more different stone:

    some stones should be more harder to mine through and there may be height tier ores.


  12. I digged wiki and Priodic table.

    So, there's cobalt, manganese, chromium, titanium (which is actually about tier 0-1 as far as durability goes), niobium, molybdenum, tungsten, and osmium. The thing is - do we really want to go bat about this?

    Oh, and half of this stuff is fairly high-tech.

    Or we could do fantasy metals...

    EDIT: Am I the only one who likes this idea? Oh well, it was worth a try.

    So there shouldn't be any problems with variety even with "real" approach, with fantasy is even more simpler.

    So the question is who would like more variety?


  13. Stone tools are still differs in durability and there's actually three or four stone axes. You can check by crafting them out of different stones and then trying to repair on the crafting bench.

    As for metals, variety is sure a nice thing, but what metals exactly you can name that can fulfil the roles? I can see expanded tiers 4-6, but not others.

    It's about what I said..

    making tier 2 more stable: "Also make iron more rare like copper, so you can't just jump over tier 2 to iron.."

    and this: "But something specific would be: after iron we get more then black steel, but types of iron (green steel, yellow steel, whatever..), same as with copper."


  14. Stone Variety:

    In an early version of TFC, different stones created stone tools with different durability (Igneous Extrusive for better).

    Not sure how it's now, but is seems like all the stones are the same except the textures.

    Wouldn't it be more interesting if different stones were different?

    For example different mining times.

    So higher tier ores can hide inside a more harder to destroy stone, until you get a better tier pickaxe.

    Metal Tiers:

    Here I would like a big change.

    How the tiers are built now:

    So there is 3 tier-0 metals, and at the beginning of the game you would actually see some players with zinc and some with tin or bismuth, and I do like this variety.

    These 3 metals can be found almost everywhere, so no special stone hunting is happening.

    What is next? Everybody go after copper. And where to? I believe it would be igneous extrusive.

    But each one will may make a different alloy (bronze, brass, etc.) depending on what he found, and this is a good part too, but iron is so easy to find, that I just skipped this tier <_<.

    Once you have copper, you are hunting for iron, and stably staying on tier 3.

    So now you need nickel for the final metals. Once you find it, end of story with metals.

    Suggestion: More tiers like 0 and 2.

    And no that everybody are doing after the same ore and stone.

    Also make iron more rare like copper, so you can't just jump over tier 2 to iron..

    How about making more metal types for each tier, so that not everybody are doing exactly the same.

    This will open the possibility for more ores, and that each stone have unique ore types, and not like tier 0 and iron that found anywhere (but this should stay for tier 0 for the sake of ease).

    I'm not suggesting anything specific because I wanna see the reactions about this general idea.

    But something specific would be: after iron we get more then black steel, but types of iron (green steel, yellow steel, whatever..), same as with copper.

    Do you want to see more ores and metals on each tier, or we should keep it "real"? (even though it has high charcoal ratio ;))


  15. I don't remember the tool, but it has the rules bend, bend, bend I think.

    I tried making it from steel, and the anvil target was so much to the right, that even though I moved the anvil cursor to the right most edge (any more will break the ingot), bend, bend, bend missed the target to the left, so I can't make it a perfect tool.

    For a higher tier metals I'm not sure it's even possible to make the tool (even more to the right I guess), not to talk about perfect..

    A bug or what?


  16. And looking through code for numbers takes the fun out of it IMHO.

    I never did, I don't have the source.

    But I did made a finding that really helps me mining for ores..


  17. What is the maximum you can set this to?

    Also, I backed up my multiplayer world and then changed it and it doesn't seem to have ruined the world, though I think it's ignoring the change.

    You should of made a back up, the end is near ;)