Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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More Randomization by Seed (like the meals)

40 posts in this topic

To make it clear, yes I was joking.

This would make the game impossible, same as the idea with metal/logs getting random temperatures, it's a hidden information anyway, making it also random would be wrong.

The meals fits perfectly because they show what you have created, so unless trees can tell you their burning time, this would just be annoying then anything else.

But just for the record, a game that fully made out of randomly generated contend can be fun.


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To make it clear, yes I was joking.

This would make the game impossible, same as the idea with metal/logs getting random temperatures, it's a hidden information anyway, making it also random would be wrong.

The meals fits perfectly because they show what you have created, so unless trees can tell you their burning time, this would just be annoying then anything else.

But just for the record, a game that fully made out of randomly generated contend can be fun.

Never said it wouldn't be fun. But we are trying to get believability here. For extremely randoms world, someone should go and make a completely different mod, the random mod or something like that.


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Never said it wouldn't be fun. But we are trying to get believability here. For extremely randoms world, someone should go and make a completely different mod, the random mod or something like that.

He shall make a game, and it's name will be randomized with each use :P

Even the style of the game and the physics in the game would be random.

A complete chaos (with some degree of order).

How to make such game?

Easy. Make a program that makes an executable that weights a random number between 1mb and 10gb, and fills it with random bits, hopefully you will get a game ;)


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He shall make a game, and it's name will be randomized with each use :P

The even style of the game and the physics in the game would be random.

A complete chaos (with some degree of order).

How to make such game?

Easy. Make a program that makes an executable that weights a random number between 1mb and 10gb, and fill it with random bits, hopefully you will get a game ;)

Any degree of order would damper the randomness! You can't even call it a game, it could itself simulate life or the universe or ... well nothing... These have all even chances of happening, wait for it and probably will amaze you... or not...


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I'm not sure but aren't rules are already random?


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I'm not sure but aren't rules are already random?

Only in pseudo-random. Random is random, anything has an equal probability of happening, if you call it a rule...


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Only in pseudo-random. Random is random, anything has an equal probability of happening, if you call it a rule...

That's what I meant.

Not necessary equal, that is called uniform random.


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Another thing to vary: Ore depth and vein size. As well as tool durability or efficiency. (Within a range of 20% of current values, of course.) This will change the value or desirability of each metal per seed, within tiers. Red steel may be better than blue on one seed, verse vica on another.


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Another thing to vary: Ore depth and vein size. As well as tool durability or efficiency. (Within a range of 20% of current values, of course.) This will change the value or desirability of each metal per seed, within tiers. Red steel may be better than blue on one seed, verse vica on another.

Size is already random.. no? What is depth of the vein?

We are talking about stuff you should try, see and learn.

Durability is hidden, unknown and you can't find it out (unless really bored). How do you know that it's not already random ;) (same reason it shouldn't be added)

Something that is a far shot: I read that the All seeing eye suggested the idea of combining any metals to get alloys, this system can be similar to the meals system, It's hard to decide which new metal you will get (textures and stuff), but it can be so the first metal is the base and the rest adds properties, like +20% durability or what ever, so for example you can blend 3 bronze with iron to get a tougher bronze.

Only in pseudo-random. Random is random, anything has an equal probability of happening, if you call it a rule...

That's what I meant.

Not necessary equal, that is called uniform random.

I think there was a misunderstanding, by rules I meant the anvil crafting rules.

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why not have random piss tastes? would serve your mind right Bear ;)


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The problem with random alloys is that our recipes would have to be completely re-written to incorporate this. Everything only works with specific metals this means we would need to use a large set of properties per metal to see if they could be used in any particular recipe. All metal items would once more need a variable color also.

Wikipedia gave me this though...


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That's... ok, it's not impossible, i know. But it's a fucking ton of work for something counter-productive: you are breaking any kind of believability by placing the player in a completely unknown environment, with completely unknown propertys, ecosystems, dynamics, and such. This confuses players completely, they don't have any idea what they are supposed to do. That's already a problem now, when we have a guideline of how their world is; however, completely random worlds would make us unable to help them, as no one can know how it works except those who are playing in that world. That makes for a extremely frustating game.

"Randomnization" (in the sense intended by the OP) is fine when applied to small scales, NOT when everything around you is pure chaos.

This sounds to me like you're arguing more for realism than believability, a believable world does not have to be identical to this.

it just has to have ways you can learn the way it works.

Although, it being a fuckton of work I would argue, in the long run great systems with lots of variety serve infinitely better than the most carefully handcrafted intricacies. This is the strength of Minecraft.

You would learn how to play a new game each world you start, that wonder of your first game, never gone, ever. I like this idea.


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This sounds to me like you're arguing more for realism than believability, a believable world does not have to be identical to this.

it just has to have ways you can learn the way it works.

Although, it being a fuckton of work I would argue, in the long run great systems with lots of variety serve infinitely better than the most carefully handcrafted intricacies. This is the strength of Minecraft.

You would learn how to play a new game each world you start, that wonder of your first game, never gone, ever. I like this idea.

Believability requires realism, as it's basically "sacrificing realism if that gives the player a better gameplay experience". How would you sacrifice realism if you don't have any? What this mod tries to do is to make an entertaining, good game, in a somewhat realistic context.

I'm not saying it's not a good idea, sounds really awesome. But i don't think it fits this particular mod... :


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You're using believability in an extended sense, believability is just another way something could be, very little in this world is key to it's functioning, gravity, daylight primarily, most other things could be changed easily and still provide a believable world.

In my mind this is a clear case where shedding realism would greatly enhance gameplay long term.


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I have to agree with renadi here sorry JAG, if someone could get this work done then by all means we should implement it just as much as we should leave the beloved symbols of Minecraft in. They by no means make sense, but gameplay wise can be explained (see my explanations of redstone and creepers) and therefore are believable. This kind of extreme amount of content is right up our alley we have a way to extend our content beyond reality why wouldn't we. Now the question is does Bioxx and Dunk have time to code something beyond reality especially something this massive.


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