Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Warlord2150

  1. Mining and mine carts

    This is great. Forcing the creation of a mining operation very literally is nifty. +1
  2. Salt Water

    I really like everyone's posts on this. Water and the conservation thereof is a point in TFC that is <way> too easy to overcome. Having to either come across the right kind that is naturally safe to drink, or make it safe by another means is just great. I think they should be put on tiers of cleanliness. This way, when they were to mix, both could default to the lowest level of cleanliness of the adjacent varieties of water. Also, charcoal filters anyone?
  3. ECC, if you jump on, you'll find the server's forums (aero's explorations included).
  4. Salt Water

    Hey - just wanted to bump this idea and see if our favorite devs had made any progress in the direction of salt water versus fresh water. I was reading the Horse Cart and pole drag bit and it came up. I would love to see ocean biomes being undrinkable, swamp water has a high chance to poison you, fresh stagnant water from ponds might have a low chance to poison you, and the only clean water you can rely on would be from rivers.
  5. SMP: Prisons

    Here's the problem. In multiplayer, there is no penalty for death. Sure, you lose any levels you have accrued, if any. Sure, you lose any gear you were carrying, if any. But really, all that happens is you just reappear at spawn or your bed and continue what you were doing. The issue I have with this process is that if you have an issue with thieves, which I do, killing the thief does nothing if all they were doing was opening your door and snagging stuff in your unlockable chests. I dont mind the RP factor of thieves, I just want a way to defend myself from them. They respawn, come back, and do it again, perhaps after waiting until you log off for the night. I think if you kill someone, a PvP kill specifically, the killed player should be sent to a different area, say the nearest prison block available for example, instead of spawn or their bed. That way, you can maintain the RP aspect of still having thieves, yet if you have a prison, and can manage to catch the thief, you have the benefit of knowing that he/she wont be bothering you in the future until he/she is released. The prison block itself could just be made from say a bed surrounded by wrought iron ingots (which keeps it somewhat expensive to make) and produces a block that creates a spawn point for anyone killed in PvP. Something important to note with this, unless you were going to manually release said prisoner, the block would have to put an output signal set to a certain timeframe and you could redstone link it to an iron door that would stay high for like sixty seconds to let them realize it was open. It would pop open say one hour after it was triggered so that the release is automated. This does several things. Keeps the prisoner locked away for long enough to either make him think twice about messing with you or to reconsider his career choice, lets you hide your stuff (and his) in a different area than before, and reinforce your lodgings so youre not so easy to annoy.
  6. SMP: Prisons

    Yeah, I agree. If your server has such a griefing problem, Id try whitelisting a little more conservatively. Furthermore, you cant leave out potentially good features out of fear of something that might happen on some servers.
  7. SMP: Prisons

    Lol. Yes, I wouldnt want to confuse TFC with Baldur's Gate <facepalm>
  8. SMP: Prisons

    ECC, I totally agree with you, yes if a griefer takes advantage of it. However, on that note I also totally agree with renadi in that almost anything can be used to grief. Personally, I think the majority of people will be able to effectively use something like this as it was intended, and attempt to police their servers against irritants. If nothing else, the RP factor alone makes it a nifty and novel approach to thievery.
  9. NPCs?

    Do NPCs belong/work with TFC?
  10. NPCs?

    Im not playing with words, Im quoting you. Whereas you are not. I have said repeatedly that Im not arguing one way or another, and at this point, am only arguing for the sake of being allowed to argue.
  11. NPCs?

    So with that in mind, the devs obviously know everything, and this entire forum is useless. Well played.
  12. NPCs?

    I never said to mod TFC. I would use mods with TFC. Frankly, I dont care one way or another on this topic in general, npcs or no. My inquiry was with the general populous and what they want, and that kind of spiraled out into the defense of the ability to ask whatever question I want, no matter how unpopular. Really? Isnt this mod to improve minecraft gameplay? Thus isnt it the community's job to improve on the game as we see fit? TFC staff isnt the only community, weather they made the mod or not. That is the purpose of a forum, to share ideas. Youre not going to like all ideas, but that doesnt mean staff have to troll their own forums, smiting any potentially good ideas. You never know when youre going to come across a good suggestion that could change TFC as we all know it.Again, Im neither for nor against npcs, I just want a general opinion of everyone. Also, aliens definitely exist.
  13. NPCs?

    And once again, you can no all you want. Thus bringing us back to the point of the poll. Thank you.
  14. NPCs?

    And once again, youre not reading before you post. Im not interested in if TFC devs want to budge or not. The world does not revolve around them. And FYI, aliens totally exist.
  15. NPCs?

    Either youre not understanding and saying kill it, or youre just not reading it at all. Im not saying it should be implemented into the default TFC. Im not even suggesting any will even consider it. The purpose of a forum is for discussion. I am discussing the idea of NPCs. If you dont like the idea, dont participate. There are a lot of other buttons to click on in these forums. Alternatively, inform the group you dont like the idea and why, then argue for or against. Or dont. But dont troll the idea of a suggestion. That is what this forum is for, and I simply wanted to take a poll of who likes and dislikes the idea. OBVIOUSLY the game devs dont want to do the work involved in coding NPCs, and thats fine. It is also what independent modders are for.
  16. NPCs?

    So notate the topic title. Make it clear in a sticky. Make a subpage under downloads showing 'planned features' and 'never ever ever ever in a million years unplanned features' instead of trolling posts just asking questions of the community. Im not trying to get hopes up. If people cant understand the difference between 'suggestions' and 'change log', theyre going to bust your balls about the topic no matter where its posted. You can ignore it if you choose to do so, but it will be brought up because the feature is in vanilla. Some portion of the community would like to have it, if not in default tfc, then with mods. Which is fine as far as Im concerned. The bottom line is it isnt your job as a board mod to tell people that they arent allowed to bring up a topic, even if it isnt planned. Im not saying it is planned. Nowhere in any post I have made does it insinuate otherwise. Im simply showing that maybe, just maybe someone's opinion doesnt match yours, and people might be interested in NPCs.
  17. SMP: Prisons

    I would want to have a prison cell (or more than one if possible, so I could have a complex), made from stone bricks or smoothstone and an iron door so nothing can (easily) be broken by hand. I would prefer that it be not made of something more durable - like bedrock - so that friends can also come along and break the prisoner out, but they would have to break into the prison complex and whatnot.
  18. NPCs?

    Isnt this forum about suggestions? Just because you dont like the suggestion, doesnt mean it will never be implemented. Having community input is helpful to any form of development. Even if you dont ever plan to put something in to TFC shouldnt invalidate a discussion.
  19. NPCs?

    But this isnt about changing things. If Bioxx chooses to add npcs, great. If not, oh well. Its just for information's sake in regard to the other polls involving this topic. Frankly, I dont care about anyone's personal reasons for liking or disliking this topic. Just vote yes or no and get on with your day.
  20. NPCs?

    I dont care if they are added. I want to know what people want as a whole. There are several mods that can be used to add them to the game. I just want to see how many people want what.
  21. NPCs?

    Actually, it was directed at that very topic that seems to be garnishing so much interest. There seem to be a lot of people with differing opinions on what npcs should or should not be, and I wonder how many fall into each category. But thank you for showing your lack of support
  22. NPCs?

    While I appreciate the input dunk, trolling a legit inquiry is somewhat lame. I want to see what the general consensus is, thank you very much.
  23. SMP: Prisons

    What if you region'd homes? Anyone on the 'list' would spawn safely wherever after they died. Anyone else would go... elsewhere.
  24. Please Lock....

    I approve of this. Would make my worlds much more pleasant.
  25. SMP: Prisons

    I would think it would just prevent zerging. The thief couldnt just keep running right back to wear down the thiefee, and the thiefee couldnt do the same to the thief that is stealing from him. It would ensure that there is one fight for control, unless the thiefee has friends nearby that are willing to help him.