Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Calvissuperman

  1. [Solved] Can't right click a Forge

    Oooooo thanks man!
  2. [Solved] Can't right click a Forge

    I had a working forge, and now all of a sudden I can't right click it anymore. I broke it and re-made it in the same spot, and after I light it up I'm still unable to fight click it. I even remade the forge itself and it won't let me click it. Recently my house caught on fire and burned down, but other than that nothing has changed. I really don't want to move it somewhere else...
  3. [Solved] Can't right click a Forge

    So when I break an adjacent block, it works. But there's nothing above the original chimney! This is annoying
  4. [Solved] Can't right click a Forge

    No, it is regular smooth stone you collect with the chisel. I switched it out with other blocks and nothing changed
  5. [Solved] Can't right click a Forge

    I don't have internet on my computer, only on my phone. Yes the block Is chiseled
  6. [Solved] Can't right click a Forge

    Yes, I took this With my phone.
  7. [Solved] Can't right click a Forge

  8. [Solved] Can't right click a Forge

    No, it has a bent shaft.
  9. Better Fire Mechanics

    Minecraft is pretty good about forest fires, but having a fireplace in your wooden home is almost impossible with vanilla minecraft. It would be nice if this were changed a bit so fire wouldn't have such a huge range if it had proper ventilation and fireplace materials blocking the flames. Small idea, but for me it's pretty annoying to have a 5x5 fireplace, or not one at all.
  10. Multiplayer Time Fix

    This was back a while ago, like around May 2014. I would login dead from loss of hunger and water. I see now that this is not an issue anymore, so I am glad that my server is running as I want it to. I was just worried I'd be getting the same results as I did back in May. Haven't had any weird issues like that and I'm having a ton of fun! Thanks for the reply!
  11. Multiplayer Time Fix

    I really like playing games with my friends, and minecraft is just made for that. So naturally, I installed this mod on a server and started having fun! After one day of playing, I logged out and came back the next morning. I log in to a dead character, and 6 months of time has passed in my world. Is there a way to fix this? So far the only method I've found to keeping time in check was to install McMyAdmin and use a setting to turn off the server after no players are logged on, and start it back up when someone tries to connect. I feel like there is an easier way to keep time from running forward without anyone around, and I think it is something that needs to be implemented directly with the core mod. Thanks for reading! Calvissuperman
  12. My first night QUESTIONS

    So I've gotten back into this glorious mod, and just died on my first night because straw is not a solid block anymore. What is the easiest way to build a first home now? I can't possibly gather that much wood right away, I've resorted to using pumpkins which is usually luck though. Is this ok? I feel like straw should be solid, maybe you could like add a log to some straw and reinforce it? I would be ok with that
  13. My first night QUESTIONS

    Can I make an alloy in the forge, such as bismuth bronze?
  14. My first night QUESTIONS

    Do support beams start on fire? EDIT: Yes they do. Ow
  15. My first night QUESTIONS

    Hey, does anybody know if a forge will start my roof on fire? I have it setup so there's an opening inside the house, but the main chimney is built from stone. Should I be ok? Same with pit kilns?
  16. Torch Poll

    I really love this mechanic, but what I don't love is the lack of permanet lighting options. If there was something else in the world that was permanent such as glowstone, or lamps I would love this addition so much more. Right now it keeps me from making an area free of mobs. My farm always has mobs inside it, and that is really annoying. It makes the night something you have to sleep through. I want this to stay in the game, but I really like having some sort of permanent lighting. I would be just fine with an oil lamp that went out every 3 ingame months or something like that, and you just have to refil it or relight it. That would be awesome. Just somthing a little longer lasting.
  17. My first night QUESTIONS

    Also, do cattails always mean drinkable water? Because I'm standing right next to one, and right clicking with an open hand and I'm not drinking any water. I even hear frog noises and such
  18. Support beams acting weird

    Has anyone noticed behavior out of these support beams that seems a little odd? I was placing them in a square pattern around my house instead of a single beam in the middle, and weird things started happening. I couldn't get a wall of cobblestone to stay a wall, it would always slide out one block and stay floating in a weird position. Also, why do you need a minimum of 3 vertical support beams in order to place a horizontal beam? It makes no sense! I have to dig down in the ground to add more vertical support if I want to put in horizontal support lower to the floor. Here's an example: l_ll_ll_ll_l Works l_l l_l l_l l_l Doesn't work, the horizontal beam will pop off. l_l l_ll_l l_l SSSSSSSS S stands for stone. When I have te support beams like this, the lower edge acts really weird. I can't really show it here, but if you try it out yourself you'll see what I mean. l_ll_ll_ll_ll_lS l_l l_ll_lS l_l l_l l_l l_l l_l l_l