Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Sin

  1. Offtopic: @infinus5: Two words "bowls" and "stairing" are spelt wrong in your description, sorry </end spelling/grammar Nazi> On topic: They look great but such formations might screw around with the trees insta-falling (diagonal blocks etc.) and may require more searching for each tree which is more calculations per tree, which finally equates to just another straw in the hay pile that is server lag and possible tps lag. (As much as I hate limiting ideas to the "lag" argument) Still nice find.
  2. blueprints are way too op

    So locking isn't believable? How about copied blocks gain some form of signature so when people show it off, others know whose work it was. Bringing it to <censor>real life conceptualisation</censor> would be that furnishings or modellers etc. with a big name would either mark their work somehow or experts would instinctively recognise the style; so a tell-tale signature wouldn't be so far-fetched.
  3. Missing Chunks When Cutting Willows

    I haven't had this problem on SMP or SSP as of yet... any more information you can give?
  4. blueprints are way too op

    I like the lock idea, especially to make it toggle-able. Removes the risk of simple copy/paste plagiarism. I agree with Kimbblesrath: it is forced tedious work to recreate the same block along a structure - even something simple as a fence pattern. Remember you have already done the work to create the design in the first place, and there will be plenty more work in further detailing. Any idea how frustrating it is to get a block almost done then screw of a single sub-block; thereby having to start a fresh? To make it slightly less OP I already like the idea of consuming PER block. Paper and ink isn't expensive or too hard to find but it does add up for large structures. If it is getting a little over powered it could always be bumped up to 2 or 3 markings per page.
  5. I admit the trees do look pretty awesome but, Terrafirmacraft already has custom trees which also don't look too shabby. What exactly would this mod add? (apart from a little cosmetics).
  6. I'm also hoping to have this implemented - I've thought about it before and it seems that most of the code is already there - the feature would just need to be compiled together and implemented. Would make for a much more "finite resource" world with more incentive to keep those tree farms up at all times unless you plan to travel from the area. Forests would take years to regrow fully - so people would need to watch their harvesting. Later down the track forest fires and cross species trees could even be implemented for an unlimited amount of possibilities (though I'm just throwing around ideas).
  7. The Hoe

    Second this. Will never have to go through a "cycle" of mode changes to double check what my Chisel etc. is doing.
  8. big forge

    It would be a pretty big addition to the forge - but it would so pointless in making a single block forge for the small gui (since forges are cheap) that they may as well add the same GUI to the one block - as making the 3x1 or 3x3 etc. would become the norm from day one. So the question then is should it then be balanced in another way - possibly a risk vs reward concept? Or make it more costly to get the heat up initially?
  9. big forge

    Well I second this. But there would need to be a limit set. Maybe 3 max?
  10. Protection Meter

    Never used it - never plan to. It's just too out of place in the TFC world. Feels like more of a debugging tool in my opinion.
  11. Particles

    In that case can particals cause staining in your system? Example: Dirt falls and leaves semi-permanent dirt staining on your stone wall? This would be a layer effect otherwise you would need a new block for every placeable block in the game which seems like a lot of work everytime new ocntent is added.
  12. ????

    Also don't double post - just edit your previous post. Just for future refenrece because you seem new to the concept... JVM = Java virtual machine, an environment created on your computer itself. It's like Java runs a program in order to run your program while constraining the amoutn of RAM it can use. Make sure your Java is updated as Java 6 Xms has a phisical limit of 1.5 G
  13. Animals!

    Good. Fantasy mobs should be kept as far away from TFC as possible (in my opinion anyways). Zeds, skeletons and creepers already fill that niche. EDIT: Also (not in anyway showing impatience here just curious) any further development on the Elephant Dunk? Looks like a brilliant mob to add further idversity to the game. Also as I have found no confirmation so far, is there any 'chance' of ivory being implemented (unless this is a secret obviously). Cheers mate.
  14. Flux! and 2x Ingot Storage?

    Mates and I have a basement filled to the brim with item frames. The temperature of the ingots dont update when they're sitting in them much like anvils. It's cheap, in more ways than one , but effective.
  15. testificate zombies!

    In TFC, what else are you goign to use those emeralds for ?
  16. Did you know...

    I knew about the permanenet structure of a charcoal pit but exactly how large can one make it? Is there a limit? I haven't really tried it myself - probably should.
  17. What is the point of dry grass

    Bush fires need fuel.
  18. Particles

    Been interesting watching through the progression. Getting closer and closer to a pretty kool looking particle effect. As for low end computers couldnt you add options to reduce particle numbers shown through priority of each particle?
  19. Tall Grass, Saplings, and Spawn Protection

    That's actually a really good idea. It would be remniscent of real world camp sites etc. (more activity means less foilage on the gorund).
  20. TFC causes crash after mojang screen

    Have you installed PlayerAPI after Forge as well? Because it seems the launcher cannot find those files.