Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Zedek

  1. Question that will become a suggestion

    Vanilla Minecraft is purely a survival game. Almost fantasy. This mod however aims to be somewhat realistic with reasonable breaks from reality
  2. Are Black Steels & above worth it?

    So steel is end-game?
  3. Metal Alloys and Cooling Metal

    Neither here nor there. We're discussing quenching. Also he's not suggesting that the combining melted ingots idea as something new but he thinks that the ingots should be in a liquid state.
  4. Stairs, slabs etc.

    I agree. I think there should be colored stairs, slabs, and whatever else. The decoration possibilities are awesome.
  5. Sequoia Saplings?

    I don't get it. Why don't sequoias drop saplings? I know kapok's are too big and would sort of mess up the balance of things but sequoias aren't that big.
  6. Scythes

    Yes but the flail is made to be a weapon and can be mastered as such. Also I guess a hand sized scythe would make a decent weapon. But I don't think he was talking a small scythe but more like the old edgy grim reaper's scythe.
  7. Scythes

    *most inefficient weapons ever Dude it's a farming tool. You ever think of actually using it as a weapon? It's awkward as hell.
  8. Different colored beds, different colored blankets/cloth, a table, four different colored strings, green colored wheat, scary looking scythes, short stubby knives, wooden buckets, and what looks like piles of gold, silver, and copper coins. Wow Bioxx what are you planning....
  9. That is an awesome saying. I've had Dynamic Lights and my laptop gets on average 20FPS in Minecraft and dynamic lights didn't affect it too much.
  10. Post your TFcraft Pictures

    I was never a big fan of log cabins or even houses for that matter. I prefer turning caves and cave systems into my base. Hollowing out a mountain is what I do in usual minecraft but seeing as there's actually physics in this game I've had to settle for a small little cave. I'll upload pics tomorrow.
  11. TF Wiki

    For the love of god how do you become allowed to edit the wiki, this is awful. The wiki is so damn incomplete and although it gives you some decent information it's still poorly formatted. I don't think there's even an article about the Firestarter. I know this mod is in beta but I still think we should be able to edit and create articles.
  12. Why bother?!

    With all those nice pictures you'd figure you would have run a spell check at least once...
  13. The Unofficial TerraFirmaCraft Wiki

    Really? What the hell
  14. TF Wiki

    Did I cause this? I suppose this was inevitable but count me in as one of the main supporting editors! We're so gonna kick ass.
  15. The Unofficial TerraFirmaCraft Wiki

  16. Mortar and pestle: uses for some materials

    Maybe the mortar and pestle can be used to create ingredients to make cool potions on a brewing stand. Like, non-vanilla potions. That is if Bioxx would try to add that.
  17. TF Wiki

    I understand that editing the wiki is not your top priority I really do. I'm not saying that's wrong. All I'm saying is that for a having incomplete pages or not having pages on everything that could be just irks me. I don't mean to disrespect your wiki I just want to help.
  18. Realistic Torches?
