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Incorporate a few of AtomicStryker's mods to TFC? (Dynamiclights, Multimine)

29 posts in this topic

If this hasn't already been suggested/ done already, why not ask AtomicStryker if you can incorporate the dynamiclights and multi mine mods into TFC? Both of them do add to the realism of minecraft, without adding anything that veer from TFC's theme.

I know that we can simply install them ourselves, but not everyone knows about them... plus I hate mcpatcher mods because my launcher mod doesn't support patchers, and it's ever so slightly aggravating to install all my mods, patch the game, find out what files get patched, and then pull them out and repack them myself just to use them (Though that isn't TFC's problem)


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The dynamic lights have actually been brought up in another thread but it might be better off here in its own thread. I'm all for dyn. lighting - it adds a great feel to the game to not have to constantly plant trails of torches.


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I know that we can simply install them ourselves, but not everyone knows about them...

I got one word for this: Standardization

This is something that everyone should have. Specially when the first PVP servers come arround, since it can be an edge over the other players.


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If you haven't seen this already, there is a massive, up-to-date complete mod list. If you're looking for something, it's most likely got it. As far as recommendations go, it doesn't do anything like that.

DanNetwalker, if you're all about edges over other players, what is your opinion of x-ray texturepacks? I myself use a click-mining fix that increases mining speed (on smp too) because it removes the delay Notch added for no reason. I'm waiting for the forge version to get updated so I can use it with the latest version of forge.


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honestly? the click mining isn't very easy to exploit in pvp, so I don't see it very important. However, that dinamic lighting mod IS fairly exploitable, because:

  • it's client side, and only for the people that has it. if I throw a torch down a mineshaft to check if there's someone down there, I can see the increased light as it falls, and the sudden darkness as another player picks the torch. th other player has a harder time noticing the trick, if they ever notice it at all
  • the bright item list is client side. nothing prevents me to add the swords or the bow to the list of things that make you bright in the night, which suddenly turn you a little more inmune to night ambushes and make you more aware of other player's movements

See? too much room for exploiting... this should be inside the total convertion, factory tuned for the right list of items, and not configurable by the player. Only that way the feature is fair for all the players


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^Which is a great reason for it to be added as part of this mod, to control and limit the amount of exploitation and maybe make the lighting a server-sided event instead of client-sided.


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I think that last point was actually a good reason NOT to add it in. It's similar to why you can't just plug in a keyboard and mouse to your PS3 for Battlefield 3, you'd suddenly have a greater advantage because of the variable responsiveness of using a mouse vs joystick (that is, if you're better with the keyboard/mouse combo than the controller). It's an issue of fairness, and forcing people to use higher graphics with out a fallback option is always a bad idea unless you know for a fact that it wouldn't be so hardware intensive that you'd lose a chunk of the player base because of it.

I'm not saying it shouldn't be added, but it could be a bad idea to force clients to use dynamic lights even if they can't handle it.

BUT!! You did say a factory tuned list of items - most likely including only things like torches, firepits, forges (and, if, used) restone lamps, etc. right? So that would keep it fair for those of us that can/do use dynamic lights.

And server sided lighting is baaaaad. The server would have to do a ridiculous ammount of calculations for each item beyond what it already does. I fear it would cause a tremendous ammount of lag.


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Look, there's a difference between "I turned down the extra lightning because my computer can't handle it" and "huh? other people can see my torches while I raid their castle? how? a mod you say?". I'll say something inapropiate, but here in Spain there's an old saying: "o follamos todos o la puta al rio" ( = "either we f*ck everybody or the b*tch goes to the river" ). It's simply not fair some people get that edge, when it could be easy and a great addition to put it in the mod. Kind of choosing between having no law and waiting for someone to put their own rules, or writting our own law so that everybody has the same rules.

And besides, there's no server side lighting for the torches in hand. The server already tells the client what object is holding in their hands each player and their coordinates, and that's all the information the client needs to add a new light for each player. Just one for each one. Nothing compared with those 200x200 castle with torches all the way arround the wall...


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That is an awesome saying. I've had Dynamic Lights and my laptop gets on average 20FPS in Minecraft and dynamic lights didn't affect it too much.


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Yea my old-ass laptop doesn't seem to have a problem with the dynamic lights at all.


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Question, as I haven't used anything like dynamic lights for many moons, does it come in contact with optifine at all? If it does, then its out of the question. I'd also need some real world data on how it affects lower end pc's before I'd even think about adding something like this.


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In it's current form it has an optifine version as well as a non-optifine version. It does not affect optifine at all, although that may have something to do with the fact that it is in patcher format, so it stays up to date with the current optifine version without needing to be updated.


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That's nice. If anyone needs something tested on a lower end PC, let me know ;D heheh.


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I as well can test on a lower end PC. So let me know if you need something tested on a terrible PC.


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I wish I could contribute, but I've got the best PC money could buy for when I built it >_>

...I can tell you how a really high-end PC handles it tho :3


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Dynamic Lights can put a dent in the FPS even on a high end system.


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Dynamic Lights can put a dent in the FPS even on a high end system.

Well for me, the 'dent' was from ~386 FPS to around ~352

definitely a 34 FPS difference would be devastating on a slower computer that only GETS around 60 fps normally, but then again I had every visual effect on the highest setting. I imagine on a lower end computer with the settings a little more optimized, it could be maybe a 10-15 FPS hit? Idk, just throwing out random numbers honestly


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Well for me, the 'dent' was from ~386 FPS to around ~352

Dear god, do you work for the Pentagon? I'm jealous.

I actually wasn't aware of the Dynamiclights mod before now. That's very neat. Multimine is very cool as well. If deep rocks end up having longer mine-times, something like that would be very nice to add so we can stop to defend ourselves from mobs without losing precious seconds of mining.

Adding stalactites and stalagmites to caves made of the appropriate stones would also be neat.


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Dear god, do you work for the Pentagon? I'm jealous.

I actually wasn't aware of the Dynamiclights mod before now. That's very neat. Multimine is very cool as well. If deep rocks end up having longer mine-times, something like that would be very nice to add so we can stop to defend ourselves from mobs without losing precious seconds of mining.

Adding stalactites and stalagmites to caves made of the appropriate stones would also be neat.

lol nah, I just ordered all the parts separately, built wired and installed everything on her myself, and sent myself pretty deep into credit debt

...totally worth it <3

And I knew of dynamic lighting (wanted it to get put into vanilla), but what's multimine?


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Low end system here! Old intel dual core laptop, integrated gfx, and 4GB ram :P. Yet I still manage to work in After Effects, 3DS Max, AND Photoshop (at once) with very little lag :)

Tested the dynamic lights mod a long time ago and I only had an FPS drop of about maybe 2-8fps.


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lol nah, I just ordered all the parts separately, built wired and installed everything on her myself, and sent myself pretty deep into credit debt

...totally worth it <3

And I knew of dynamic lighting (wanted it to get put into vanilla), but what's multimine?

It allows you to pause block breaking progress mid-block, so you can do things while you're mining without losing mining time.

Thread. Like I said earlier, if rocks tens of meters into the Earth started to take ~10+ seconds, something like this would be massively convenient.


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I wish I could contribute, but I've got the best PC money could buy for when I built it >_>

...I can tell you how a really high-end PC handles it tho :3

me too. Also i agree with multimine.

just sayin


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It allows you to pause block breaking progress mid-block, so you can do things while you're mining without losing mining time.

Thread. Like I said earlier, if rocks tens of meters into the Earth started to take ~10+ seconds, something like this would be massively convenient.

Ooh, me gusta

Also it would fit in great with TFCs believability focus


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Yes. i think however that there is one problem. I don't know if this is in multi mine or what but I use tnt mining a fair amount, so bioxx should make it so the damage on a block lowers it's blast resistance. Then I could spin-to-win with my steel pick and then use a tnt charge.


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Yes. i think however that there is one problem. I don't know if this is in multi mine or what but I use tnt mining a fair amount, so bioxx should make it so the damage on a block lowers it's blast resistance. Then I could spin-to-win with my steel pick and then use a tnt charge.

I'm now trying to picture someone - ANYone - doing this IRL, and all I can come up with is a visual image of The Mask


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