Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by jakebalance

  1. worst passive grief

    Agreed. I made soooo many redstone contraptions in vanilla. I was running my own server and i had my " Owner ship" which in itself was a large wooden ship that i had floating in the sky and would move around from time to time. On one level was a "cannon room" basically the entire floor was dedicated to cannons that could fire TNT out to destroy the landscape.
  2. Emergency Survival Kit

    I have an issue with this idea. It would be VERY difficult to see. I have enough trouble trying to locate cobblestone blocks when i accidentally place them on a ledge or something. I would not want to go looking for tilled dirt behind grass patches lol. Usually My friends and I use Cobblestone. When you see it you know that you have been there, and if there are different branches on the path we put torches on the side of the rock that leads to home.
  3. worst passive grief

    My castle on my Vanilla server had walls set up on generators in case of a raid. Flick of a switch and i was protected from even TNT lol. Im looking forward to redstone or something being implemented in TFC so I can begin automating stuff now that we have our red and blue steel. Like an automatic bloomery feeder idea that i have brewing lol.
  4. worst passive grief

    On my old vanilla server that i was running there was a guy on there that i'm to fond of. I would set myself in creative mode, tp to his area from coordinates that i had previously wrote down, go invisible with commands, and use spawn eggs to have monsters kill him and destroy his shit. It was very satisfying. Edit - To the same guy, I dug a Small 5x5 pit with a 1x1 hole on top in his village that he built and stood there for 20? ish minutes and filled it with chickens... When you do this you get so many chichens walking in the tiny spot it sounds like gunfire. I covered it up after loading this thing with chickens. and backed up and waited for him to log in. with 8gb of Dedicated memory to the server his area was a bit laggy. he got in, spent prob 20 minutes looking for this sound. Dug up one of the corner blocks and POOF! the chickens exploded outward and COVERED his entire village. was again, priceless.
  5. soooooo

    Forgot the Russian guy that i was helping the other day lol
  6. Animal breeding?

    Theres no rush man. We all understand you guys are busy. Sit down have a cup of tea/coffee/soda, watch some tv, and get to it when you feel like it. rushing into that stuff will make you burnt out on it quick.
  7. Emergency Survival Kit

    Sticks, Rocks (to make additional Javs and to mark my path), food, water bottles, boat, Pickaxe, prospectors pick, and a bed I don't know about you but im not updating my server until a lot of the bugs are worked out ( white boxes, crashes, etc). Im sticking with Build 66 I think until something a little more stable comes out. Prob not until 69 or later.
  8. soooooo

    This is exactly the only thing im afraid of. That kind of stuff makes me feel like I should go buy English books, tie them to bricks, and throw them in their windows as a threat lol. I understand simple mistakes but that to me is like a cat sliding down a chalkboard. Kimbblesrath: Life goes by way to quick. Live it while you can. Ask anyone on here that is 22 or older lol. That's about when it really hits you.
  9. Horse Cart and pole drag

    O I've read it lol I'm quite interested in seeing something like that implemented.
  10. TFC Beta Build 67 Crash on Startup

    Ive had a lot of luck with "Magic Launcher for Minecraft" for loading mods. Not sure if its compatible with the new forge though. Haven't had a chance to update yet.
  11. soooooo

    Was definitely going to write an install guide first. Good call on spums videos as well. I will definitely use them as a supplement to the guide. should help some people quite considerably.
  12. soooooo

    I think im going to actually write a txt file to try to help people here probably after Build 68 comes out for people that are having trouble. How to install, what files they need, where to find them, and some basic trouble shooting solutions. Probably write a section for servers as well. Maybe get you guys to pitch in for some of the basic trouble shooting problems that we get? Like which configs to delete if you are having the "zomg the rocks are tin knifes!" glitch and stuff?
  13. Bugs?

    Try to remove your configs.
  14. TFC Beta Build 67 Crash on Startup

    Does it run with just Forge, Player API, and TFC? In that order.
  15. [B67] Bloomery Crash

    I havent had a chance to update to build 67 yet on my server or client but try removing the bloomery first Exit the game, delete your config files check your versions, relaunch, and try again?
  16. [B67] can't make any stone tools

    Agreed with Pakislav. Check your versions of everything and try to delete your config files. I haven't had the chance to update my server and client to B67 Yet however so im not 100% sure whats up.
  17. soooooo

    lol design a new plugin for Firefox that browses this website and every time It sees something that says "Help, Install, and not working" It pastes the contents of the txt file. Brilliant!
  18. soooooo

    *cracks knuckles* Looks like I shall await for the growing infulx of "ZomG I DonT KnOw HoW To InsTaLL MoDs, Plz HELP!@!!1!1!!!" posts in the support section. I should just write a txt file so i don't have to keep re typing this stuff lol.
  19. Strange new growling or engine sound

    Yup, Probably enderman. I about pissed myself with how horrified i was when it first happened to me lol.
  20. Help to install

    Glad to hear we got you all worked out MCnoob
  21. Help to install

    Download MultiMC and it will give you the ability to "Downgrade" your minecraft version. API universal
  22. Help to install

    MC has to be version 1.4.2 Try using forge version Dont forget Player API 1.1 Keep them in order Forge, Player API, TFC
  23. What do You Desire for Christmas?

    Building a new one for her I take it? Would love to have some cash. Pay off some bills, maybe a vacation. A Well needed Vacation. lol Either that or a new job that i get paid more at.
  24. The future of safe mod downloads....

    I just want to say this. The FBI Virus can be stopped with Malwarebytes. I get the FBI virus all the time up here at work. If you need to buy a $40 USD USB to SATA/IDE adapter and run a malware scan from a friends laptop or what ever on your drive. poof gone. clean up your temp files and etc with CCCleaner. Continue using your computer. -Edit- FBI virus wont be stopped/detected by antivirus, its malware.
  25. Horse Cart and pole drag

    I'm really looking forward to this and a naval vessel with storage to be implemented. Theres a lot more travel required in this mod and the implementation of these things is going to drastically change how the world shrinks as your technology improves, just like how airplanes have helped bring the world together by allowing faster and more efficient travel.