Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by ahmed4455666

  1. Small game

    hmmm seems good and maby the ocean biomes would be full of fishes that u can catch and craft an aquarium and place fishes in it? because iam getting bored of dogs and cats
  2. Sleepy animals

    sleeping in minecraft was a feature added in 1.3 early with the redstone repeaters. however, animals and monster do live all days and nights long whitout sleeping. so why not making animals able to sleep too? cows: cows are animals that like to take a nap in the afternoon under trees. so why not making them actually do! well, that is what i'm about to explain. the cow would sleep with the legs stretched foward. the head facing the ground. criterias: -need to be atleast near a tree from 1 block from the last leaf. -time need to be set at afternoon (im not sure the time it is in minecraft) -if not under leaf pile, it needs to be in a little cave near the exit (the cave must be 3x5x4 at least for it to work) -(in a cave) the cow will sleep at afternoon. -the cow will only have 25% of sleeping with all the criterias shown up -cow WILL sleep when it's night time -cows can sleep if they are fenced in chickens: i've never seen a chicken sleep but i guess it sleep like it's laying an egg. so why not putting it in a sit way with the legs on the front with the head down. -chickens can construct thier own nest in the wild -chickens will sleep on the nest box -chickens will sleep if placed under trees even if it'S one block away from the ground. -time needs to be at least noon -chickens will lay an egg when they wake up -a possible effect of sleeping on chickens is feather falling from the body. (10% it happens during one nap) -chickens WILL NOT sleep in a cave. (because it's scary) -chickens WILL sleep when it's night time sheeps: -sheeps will sleep just like the cow does. -sheeps will sleep if placed under a tree -when sleeping, a sheep WILL regrow it's wool -sheeps WILL sleep during night time -sheeps will sleep when placed under a tree -sheeps will sleep if placed in a field during afternoon -sheeps have 5% chances of droppig whool on the floor during sleep time. -if all criterias are met, the sheep has 25% of sleeping pigs: pigs are little lazy and likes to take naps during the morning when it's still cold on the ground. they are not really usefull but for the same thing as every animals will specially have during sleep time (ooh, have i said that too early? naah, you'll see later). they sleep the same way as cow, sheep and mooshrooms. -pigs will sleep if placed under trees -pigs will sleep if placed in cave (3x5x4) -pigs will start running if woke up by -pigs will sleep when raining -pigs WILL sleep at night -pigs will sleep during morning -if all criterias are met, the pig will sleep at 45% of the time ocelot: what is cuter then kitties? your right! sleeping kitties <3. they sleep like all other does. -ocelot will sleep if near a bush (jungle minitrees) -ocelots WILL to sleep on a player's bed -ocelots will sleep near water ponds 1 block away -ocelots will sometimes sleep on player's stuffs: chest, workbench, furnaces (dont let them do that!!!) and bed. -ocelots will sleep if placed in plain during afternoon. -ocelots will sleep after a good meal -ocelot WILL RARELY sleep during night (they are nocturnal animals) wolves: "you little puppets is sleepy uh?" dogs likes to sleep with their master and they will be more healthy after a good nap on the wool floor -wolves will sleep if placed near fireplace -wolves will sleep if their masters sleeps too -wolves will sleep if placed on wool -wolves will sleep after a good meal -wolves will sometimes have nightmares and will wake you up during the night by howling (annoying) -wolves will sleep on player's bed -wild wolves WILL RARELY sleeps during night time (they are nocturnal animals) -wolves WILL sleep if forced to crouch (2 click on him) well if tfc staff wont make this into the mod anyone fell free to make an addons to tfc also all animals can't be interacted by anything [feed dog or milk the cows or shear the sheeps] while they are sleeping and you can wake them up with 1 punch and i they waken up in night they will take about 60 sec before they go back to sleeping
  3. [TFC 0.79.29] TerraFirmaPunk - HQM SteamPunk Adventures

    this modpack didint update since 3 months i have started to think he left this pack
  4. Improving TFC Terrain Generation

    i support this
  5. Sleepy animals

    not everything needed+ implement the sleeping mechanic for animals and fixing player sleeping will be more than good
  6. More Mobs Mechanics

    moved to
  7. More Mobs Mechanics

    no one have suggested those i have searched the forums before suggesting this
  8. Rare Meteoric Iron ore

    Well thats True How many meteors enter the Earth's atmosphere every day? Lots! In a recent article in the journalNature, March 28, 1996 vol. 380, page 323, Dr.s A.D. Taylor, W. J. Baggaley and D. I. Street at the University of Adelaide in Australia discuss the results of their 1 year radar monitoring of incoming meteors. When meteorites slam into the atmosphere, they produce ionization in the atmosphere. Radar echos from this momentary ionization allow the velocity, altitude and distance to be determined if you have two or more such installations for triangulation. The AMOR radar in New Zealand was used for a year in this fashion to detect 350,000 faint echos from very small meteorites with sizes between 10 - 100 microns. This works out to nearly 1000 every day, just from this site alone! Over 1508 of these meteorites ( 0.9 percent) were found to be traveling at speeds up to several hundred kilometers per second! On any given day, the estimates are than the Earth intercepts about 19,000 meteorites weighing over 3.5 ounces, every year of which fewer than 10 are ever recovered. About 2800 meteorites are in museums from previous 'falls' and are chemically found to represent about 20 or so distinct parent-bodies. The Earth acquires about 100 tons per day of dust-sized micro- meteoroids. source: however its rarely that a meteorite survives the atomsphere of the earth its chances under 0.00000000% but it do happen