Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Veb

  1. Sterling Silver

    My deepest apologies
  2. Sterling Silver

    You should change the mix ratio on sterling silver to 90% silver and 10% copper. Get's closer to the actual millesimal fineness of 925 (92.5% silver) Or you could rename it to another silver standard like the scandinavian silver or the german silver. They both contain more copper than sterling silver.
  3. Sterling Silver

    Getting an extra 10% of silver shouldn't be that hard. And I usually just use all my spare copper to make bronze for one or two extra bloomeries. Either that or I make a cool little warehouse where I store it. Having a metal collection is quite cool, imo. They could change the ratio to 70-90% silver. That would at least ALLOW you to create a more believable mix. The thing is that adding 40% copper to a silver standard will literally make it brown and it would totally ruin the properties that sterling silver has. This is not a necessarity of course. My world just got deleted, (2 weeks worth of work) so I guess it will take a while before I'll be working with the stuff again anyway xD
  4. Mammoth in terrafirmacraft

    I think they would not only fit, they would be beneficial to the overall primitive scenery TFC offers. They're big, rough and cool just like the mod itself! It would be awesome if they were implemented rideable.
  5. Something I thought would be kinda cool was if you could put down a gunpowder trail as a fuse for a powderkeg. This would be a cool feature and a more believable way to ignite powderkegs as it is highly iconic and works. You could make it so that igniting a powderkeg without a fuse would make it explode instantly giving you no time to back to a safe distance. The trail would be a black redstone trail basically.
  6. I don't see where the problem is, though. What you could do is increase the amount of saltpetre needed to make gunpowder. Therefore balancing it at least. Adding a lump of coal doesn't make any sense.
  7. For the next update, I have a suggestion on a small change. As it is now, you use one sulfur powder, one saltpetre powder and one piece of charcoal to make a portion of gunpowder. I think it would make more sense if you crushed the charcoal in a quern and got 4 powders from it. I think one whole piece of charcoal is a little too expensive for one gunpowder. Let me know what you guys think.
  8. One person speaking on behalf of a vast number of players. Delicate.
  9. The only suggestion I made was to reduce the amount of charcoal in gunpowder. Nothing more. It's not hard to do and it wouldn't change the gameplay much. Besides, you can always ban powderkegs on mp. And btw, I don't always play alone. I play on a server with my friend and we use gunpowder to mine a lot.
  10. It's a small change and it's more believable to use 1/4 of a charcoal piece in gunpowder. And gunpowder is actually a really cool way of mining, I think.
  11. I am aware of what the mod tries to achieve, yes. You got my point wrong. Most of my arguments were related to being beneficial for a dynamic gameplay, I was not coming up with a realism improvement. I guess it would be believable not having to crush kaolinite to make fireclay also then? Because it's the exact same idea. And if we are going to bring a little realism into this, traditional gunpowder as it is made for example black powder weapons only contains about 15% charcoal (saltpetre being the dominant ingredient). I agree with the ''believability rather than realism'' idea of this mod, but I believe there is a point of balance. I am at the level of having realistic alloy mixture ratios. I find having to crush charcoal into dust before mixing it with sulfur and saltpetre quite believable. Charcoal being the dominant ingredient in gunpowder is just wrong. Believablity is a point of balance between realism and dynamic gameplay.
  12. The point was that it is how they do it in real life. You would have to crush all the ingredients into powders before mixing them into gunpowder. If you use gunpowder for mining, you will need a ridiculous amount of charcoal. Having a bloomery or a blast furnace in addition to this will make charcoal your most used resource. All of these little changes is (in my opinion) what makes a great mod. All that needs to be done is to change the colour of one of the powders, name it charcoal powder and replace the charcoal in gunpowder with it. It is, of course, only a suggestion.
  13. Could you make textures for the ingots when they are stacked on the ground? Make them look more 3d, and perhaps more shiny? I am absolutely in love with this pack. It has come to the point where I can't play the game without it hahaha, but yeah besides the ingots, marvellous textures. Cheers.