Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by ForestAgain

  1. Journal of a playthrough with v79.18

    Congratulations on getting blue and red steels! Looks like it wasn't an easy journey. It also made me realize how lucky was I indeed with my seed, I have tons of middle layer granite and I have found a lot of silver nuggets already. And have you watched Etho's TFC series? He was told as well to have severe Canadian winters in his world, and I believe his base wasn't even that far north. Though I wouldn't set my main base very far north, I agree that winters in TerraFirmaCraft look beautiful. Everything covered in snow, the lakes and the oceans freezing...
  2. Journal of a playthrough with v79.18

    Very cool! I like the designs of your horse barn and your metalworking area. I'm going to build a smithery in my world soon (I'm collecting stone for that right now) and you are a huge inspiration to me.
  3. Journal of a playthrough with v79.18

    If you create several maps of the same scale with nearby territories and place them in item frames next to each other, the images will join together in one big map. Many people, especially on servers, create giant maps of their surroundings to have a detailed picture of a large territory. Also, they look cool. For example, here's a 2x3 map I have in my vanilla world:
  4. Future of Chisels and planks in TFC2

    That's some very bad news! One of the reasons I personally (and many other people) prefer TFC to other mods and modpacks is its decorative abilities, with big block choices and micro blocks. But, well, TerraFirmaCraft 2 is a totally different game and it's oriented for newer versions of Minecraft, so sadly some older things, like chiseling, will have to get left behind. Hopefully the devs will find some other way to help people make their buildings more unique using tools of Minecraft 1.8.
  5. Journal of a playthrough with v79.18

    I like the Tolkien tower a lot, and the interior of all your builds: it really feels very like home. And your branch mining technique too, I will certainly use it in my world to find silver in a middle layer of granite (judging by all the nuggets I found at the start of the game, there's at least one big vein). Also, you make a good use of bricks, and your charcoal pit looks marvelous. I was planning to make my permanent pit just a room down the smithy building I'm working on right now, but now I think that I could make it circular like yours and place it next to a tree farm. Oh, and the map room! I love giant maps in vanilla, I hope to create a map wall too one day (even though I ended up using Rei's Minimap for TFC). Unfortunately, I haven't found any magnetite veins or sugar cane for paper yet.
  6. Why I will never smelt Bronze Again...

    That's impressive! Sure, you'll need to find a lot of iron veins to keep these bloomeries full!
  7. Shiphty's Shiftless Slog (A photo journal)

    Holy smokes, that's a lot of iron sheets! I'm only now starting to get into metalworking and I don't have much patience for ore gathering and smithing. And I've been lucky with the qualities! It's hard to imagine how much work you put into the blast furnace. Also, that's one large charcoal pit! 9x9x9, or am I wrong? I heard larger pits can cause lag in your world, have you had any trouble with that? (By the way, I am that person who likes chopping trees and making charcoal. Though I think you can't melt bronze with regular coal, and I keep melting my sheets in the forge...)
  8. Volcanoes

    I think volcanoes would suit the game very well. I think not all volcanoes should be active, though, some (if not most) of them should have a 0% chance of eruption. Also, volcanic islands would be cool.
  9. Crafting Table 2.0

    I like the idea of having the current 3x3 for most recipes, but a workbench for those requiring tools. And a new design.
  10. Rivendale A TFC Town

    That's a pretty cool house! And the texture pack really adds to the Hogwarts-esque feeling. Are those TFC lamps or are they from a different mod?
  11. Shiphty's Shiftless Slog (A photo journal)

    Pickling is fun. There's something really satisfying in having seventeen barrels of vinegar. I'm on year 1001 in the game and I'm seriously considering not planting crops next year, because all my food is preserved very well - I still have veggies from my first ever harvest! I think when my preserving house is finished and hopefully most of the food is kept in vinegar, I will be able to leave the area for a good in-game year and not bother about decay at all xD
  12. Shiphty's Shiftless Slog (A photo journal)

    Ha-ha, I'm also harvesting my crops ! Though it's October here. The veggies probably could probably survive another month in this climate, but the fruit trees must be harvested in their harvest period or you lose the fruit.
  13. Shiphty's Shiftless Slog (A photo journal)

    It just keeps getting better and better! What date is it in-game for you? Must have taken a lot of time to make this awesome house and so much terraforming.
  14. Shiphty's Shiftless Slog (A photo journal)

    That's a giant house coming! I never had the patience for big builds, even in vanilla.
  15. Surgar cane growth in the cold

    So, in multiplayer the perfect solution would be to have several towns in different climates, what about singleplayer? I'm not playing this mod for too long, is several bases a common thing? Do people build southern bases to grow sensitive crops like jute and sugar cane and northern bases for longer food preservation?
  16. Terrafirmacraft jokes

    I think that one shared vein of regular Native Gold and poor Galena I found recently is a pretty good joke by itself.
  17. early structures for latest builds?

    I spent quite a lot of time (several in-game months) in a tiny hole with a log pile roof. I digged a one block deep hole at first and filled it with log piles, then digged under the piles. Nothing fancy, and I guess it would cave-in if I made it bigger, but it did serve for a while. Also it's practical - you can store logs that way, and can load the piles without even entering the "house", from the top.
  18. Hiding through the first few nights

    I'm coming through my second summer in my first world, and I also have no bed and flux. And I was terrified by hostile mobs even in vanilla, so in every of my adventures I tend to hide in little holes closed by logs at nights. But yeah, like Kitty said, organizing your chores wisely helps a lot (like it does in real life! ). There's lots of things you can do at night during an exploration trip - cook up the food you found (if you have some bowls or a bucket, you can even do meals with the new foods!), reorganize your inventory so you have more space for stuff, take a core check. If you're lucky enough, you can find an ore vein during the day and mine some out during the night.