Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by 0Beechlgz

  1. EnviroMine - alternative to TFC?

    I don't think Enviromine and TFC can really be compared. Enviromine feels more like an accessory mod, one that would be better played with other mods rather than just on its own. I agree with AllenW that it's a good concept but it's still in need of a lot more re-thinking and bug fixes. To name another inconsistency you can't warm yourself up at all in any way while inside a cave, not even with a campfire. But if you're outdoors in the same freezing climate at night you can warm up rapidly with just a single torch. Not to bash it though. It is still playable, a nice idea and I'm looking forward to seeing how it develops.
  2. Staying with 1.6.4 discussion

    If older versions perform better for more people I'm all for staying at 1.6.4. I can see why it would be a bad idea to fall too far behind in keeping up with the vanilla updates in the long term but for the short term it seems reasonable.
  3. [Solved][b78]Drastic reduction in performance

    Me too, it seems in my case the framerate is smooth most of the time but interrupted with lag spikes every 5 seconds or so. The lag spikes can be brief but other times the game hangs for a while, long enough for the sound to cut out temporarily. This is something I din't experience in earlier versions. It's still playable, just a minor annoyance. It seems that when I hang there's no sudden catch-up afterwards. Instead everything picks up from where it left of at the same pace which makes it much easier to deal with. I can't speak for Wooph but in my case if there aren't any new chunks being loaded the lag is much less frequent.
  4. Grass colour change across biomes?

    Oh right I see, I thought that was on a released version. Thanks for the clarification. I guess both topics are redundant now...
  5. At first I was confused about grass colour, I couldn't understand why the grass was the same colour whether I was in a tundra or in a jungle. I asked around, nobody knew, so I did a bit of digging. Actually found an old support post of mine asking about it before, must have been a good year or two ago and I just forgot in that space of time. It was implied by those who answered that grass biome colour changes only across seasons, not across biomes. Besides that though I have been unable to find any more mention of biome grass colour and nothing on why they aren't in TFC. If there's a good reason please let me know. Would re-introducing different grass colours for biomes ever be considered? I don't really know the reason for it's removal but I think it would be an important aesthetic re-addition to the terrain generation. A multitude of factors go into what defines a biome but grass colour is one of the most obvious. Other factors tend to be less obvious and can overlap greatly across certain biomes. For example, the presence of trees doesn't mean you're in a forest, the presence of hills doesn't mean you're in a mountain range, the presence of ponds doesn't mean you're in a swamp... but it would be far easier to tell for sure if the grass colours varied slightly depending on things like temperature and rainfall. Having to rely on F3 to tell if you're in a tropical zone or a cold temperate zone breaks immersion quite a bit. Also, I hear that TFC aims for believability (not necessarily realism) so this would be in-line with that. It's far more unbelievable that all grass around the world is exactly the same shade at all times, only varying globally and in unison due to seasonal change. It's understandable that this might not be very high priority if it ever does get considered, it doesn't make the game unplayable and only adds a visual change to the game. The mod is still very enjoyable without this change. Still I hope it might one day be considered, let me know what you think.
  6. Grass colour change across biomes?

    Well I made a bug report saying how grass colour was the same in every biome and provided a screenshot of such (where wet and dry areas intersect), but you replied to say it was intentional and that Dunk just hadn't been available to provide details on it. So from then on I thought grass was supposed to be the same colour in every biome on TFC and assumed my bug report was invalid. Now it would appear that I was right all along and it is a bug. I will provide a few more screenshots shortly.
  7. Grass colour change across biomes?

    That's interesting to hear. I didn't really have much of a problem with it personally, it was nicer than the old grass colour.
  8. [Solved] 78.5 - Ground Item Ejection

    Can confirm in my case also. Sometimes they can be ejected farther than just a few blocks or seem to disappear altogether (don't know if I just lose sight of them or they actually glitch away).
  9. Hotfix #: 0.78.3 Suggested Name: No water increases hydration, cattails or not. Suggested Category: Severe Description: Salt water behaves as expected - you step in it and crouch and your hydration doesn't change at all. Fresh water does not behave as expected (fresh water being the isolated ponds with cattails in them). You stand in it and crouch and your hydration decreases by one notch. It never increases no matter how long you stand or crouch, rather it will just decrease with time as it would if you were standing out of the water. Oddly, that one notch of hydration you lost getting into the water you will get back when you leave the water. This makes early game survival impossible if you cannot find clay and straw on time (assuming the kiln is still the way to get baked clay vessels and water bottles). I have not been able to test this in creative as I could not generate a world with any water plants in creative, thus could not be sure I was taking fresh or salt water. That too is bizarre and probably for another bug report. Survival worlds have water plants but creative worlds do not. Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: Yes - but I was using a clean installation of vanilla minecraft to start with anyway, deleting all configs after installation made no difference. link of the Crash Report: There is no crash.
  10. All water acts like salt water [solved]

    Thanks for explaining. I can attest to the fact some water pools with cattails did not rehydrate but I had travelled too far away from them to find them again to take a screenshot but it's good to know that for now it is playable, will stick to rivers from now on.
  11. All water acts like salt water [solved]

    Funny thing is I actually was, the water block I was standing in had 4 other water blocks surrounding it. Just tested it again right now. I thought I'd check another pool just to make sure and at last I can rehydrate my character. However this is the first pool I have tried out of many others that didn't work. Here's one that worked: Here's one that didn't: Bear in mind I stood in the middle of both of them. Perhaps it's still a bit buggy? Not sure if I can be of any more help with describing the issue, can't think of anything else to add.
  12. build 78 features.

    So that answers my question as to whether or not body temperature will still be implemented at a later date. By the way I really like how everything looks greener. It's a bit too far to the other extreme IMO but it still looks much better than before.
  13. Saltwater and Waterborne Diseases

    I'm in full support of salt water and fresh water distinction. It would make sense from a survival point of view that salt water shouldn't quench the player's thirst. I don't think regular non-tainted fresh water should be so dangerous personally. Perhaps a third type of water would be better reserved for that kind of thing, "Dirty Water" or something along those lines found in places like swamps, septic pools and murky jungle rivers. The chance of disease would be just high enough that the player wouldn't want to make a habit of drinking it, but just low enough that drinking it is better than dehydrating to death when there is nothing else to drink. You can develop a resistance to local fresh water as long as it's not polluted or septic upstream. While there's a small chance it can make you sick many people are able to drink river water for years without problems. Since TFC appears to be geared towards an earlier time in history when people had to have strong stomachs or die, I think it's fair to give fresh water a very, very low chance of causing disease. Perhaps there could be a higher incidence of disease for entering a new area (however you would measure that) that would decline with time. It could become complicated when turning one type of water into another. Salt water -> salt should be easy. Same with salt + water -> salt water. But clean water to dirty water and dirty water to clean water could be more complicated. I don't know how you could possibly pollute water in minecraft (especially entire areas of it) except litter it with items, which obviously isn't what we're after here. On the crafting grid it would be easy enough, just dirt + water. Dirty water to clean water may require some kind of filtration, certainly boiling at the very least to make it drinkable.
  14. B78 Pre-Release Live-Steam 04/08/14!!!

    How do I get there? I can't find the Twitter I'm supposed to navigate to it from. At first I thought it was the one that the admin Kittenchanley posted, but I couldn't find the B78 preview in there either.
  15. B78 Pre-Release Live-Steam 04/08/14!!!

    Suuure.... (I'm wearing my scepticals today)
  16. Update Frequency Poll

    "Whenever you feel like it" While it is good practice to try to keep to your goals time-wise I personally would rather wait a bit longer for a more polished off update than see an update released earlier that is too buggy to play or looks unfinished. Since this is not a job for you and you have lives outside of TFC, and I'm not paying for the mod, I'm happy to wait as long as it takes. A suggestion might be to maaaybe divulge a little info on how the update is progressing every so often, just so people know what's happening with the mod and if it's still alive.
  17. is terrafirmacraft growing as a mod?

    The problem comes down to basic respect for others. While there's nothing inherently wrong with shooting down ideas (especially those that have been done before), there is something wrong when people feel like they have to make the OP feel like an idiot for daring to post their suggestion. You can turn someone's suggestion down without turning it into an attack or passive aggression against the OP. Negativity and disrespect just makes everyone feel worse in the long run. I agree that people should read the sickies and take the time to find out if their suggestion has been done before. When I joined I had actually done that, so I posted my suggestion secure knowing that I had checked first and taken the time to think it through and post plenty of details and so-on. But the idea got blown to pieces by the regulars and I was made to feel quite unwelcome for having even dared to bring it to the table. I know that some didn't even take the time to read it before responding in a rage-like manner as they pointed out the suggestion had already been done before, but the threads they linked to were not even the same suggestion. After that I ended up leaving the forums and quitting TFC until I rediscovered it nearly a year or so later. People who post without reading and abiding by the rules and guidelines first are always going to exist and they are annoying, but they're not the only ones who get raged at and if you ask me nobody should be getting raged at.
  18. Forum question - Survival world screenshot log?

    If nobody answers then I'm just going to put it where I think it goes. Been working on and wanting to post it for a while now only holding back because I'm unsure where if anywhere is acceptable.
  19. I've noticed that we have a let's play section and I've never done a let's play before. I had considered it, but with the lag spikes caused by the chunk loading and the memory leak that requires me to close and re-open the world every five minutes, I don't think even a simple screen recorder is going to be able to record anything at a decent frame rate. And I just learned after hearing my voice recorded for the first time in almost 20 years, I sound like a very awkward prepubescent boy. I have always found screenshot logs more comfortable for both myself and the viewer. I can include only the most relevant parts so the viewer doesn't need to see the boring stuff (and if I include something that is still irrelevant they can just scroll down). I can keep my text short and to the point, if the viewer is a speed reader they can get through it much faster than having to wait through awkward talking. I can keep so many images per spoiler so that viewers aren't opening spoilers every few seconds, but not so many that their browser crashes when they open it. However we don't have a section for screenshots. Only one single thread for pictures. I worry that if I put my screenshot thread in the Discussion forum it will be closed and I'll be directed to the picture thread. If I do it in the Let's Play section it'll be closed for not having any videos. Where then could I put it, if it's allowed anywhere? Disclaimer: I'm not shooting down video let's plays. Done right they can be very good. I just don't have the technical capacity to make a good one.
  20. Really hoping this server picks up, some really beautiful builds alongside Laketon. I didn't know Laketon was so expansive! It looks like the map of a video game level or something, even the top-down view looks pretty. Anyway, every time I check there's 0 people online. My base was extremely dirty and primitive by comparison (literally a hole in the ground in the middle of a walled garden) but it was my best yet too and was really starting to blossom.
  21. The "Why Can't I...?" Thread

    In times of desperation raw meat is better than no meat at all, some people lost in the wilderness trying to survive have been known to subside on raw eggs, songbirds and small mammals because they didn't know how to or couldn't light a fire (or were just overcome by hunger). Raw meat digests surprisingly well. However in TFC it could carry the risk of poison and hunger status as well as refilling hunger much less than it would have cooked. So it's a gamble but one worth taking when faced with death by starvation.
  22. Gems?

    I also meant to say not item frames either.
  23. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    My IGN is 0Beechlgz, since I live in Europe most servers I try are empty during what is daytime here so I'm trying to find as many as possible to determine which is the busiest when I'm available to play. Can I please join the whitelist?
  24. Gems?

    Honestly I'd be happy if we could just make blocks out of them or be able to place them in such a way that we can use them as decoration (not floating and spinning over a surface though like the clay vessels do).