Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Bioxx

  1. Temperature visualization

    It heavily affects crops.
  2. Temperature visualization

    Not entirely accurate. Snow cannot form because the way that mc handles snowfall is to read a specific value. TFC does not use this value and has no way of telling MC that rain should turn into snow instead. That said, his question was pertaining to seeing the temperature value. This was removed from the Calendar and can instead be seen in F3. The intention was to have a thermometer of some kind, tho I never got to that.
  3. Zan's Minimap

    Nice to see a minimap that works, the fact that rei's doesn't generate tile colors at runtime is strange(I'm assuming thats how Zan's does it).
  4. Finding the numbers for yourself if you want to go that route is fine, just don't go broadcasting the numbers to others.
  5. The fact that you and others are having trouble finding clay is because you aren't looking in the right places. Contrary to vanilla my clay is not tied to rivers or water. It is merely tied to elevation. I don't know the number offhand but let's say that clay will only generate at 148 or lower. You also need to keep in mind that tfc clay can have grass growing on top as well as the sides. So chances are that you're walking right over the stuff.
  6. New Developments

    There is no point hiding it I suppose. Work is underway on TFC2, an almost total rewrite of TFC. Those who visit IRC are probably already aware of this as I drop stuff in there time and again. Not going to go into specifics on it right now, but a lot of things will be changing. I'll make a post on the front page explaining why, when the time is right.
  7. Please no discussion in this thread. Use this thread to post only your pictures. If you want to submit multiple photos, please edit your post instead of replying multiple times. You ARE allowed to write a short description of what it is that we're looking at.
  8. Missing Chunks When Cutting Willows

    I am unable to reproduce this problem. I need more details on how to reproduce. The stone axe handling is simple so I'm sure its not that.
  9. Quick Question about Error

    I can only think of two things off the top of my head that would cause this. The server has a world file already and when the server is launched, it is loading the world which expects the vanilla manager. Or the server config is set to use world type Large Biomes or any other world setting (should be DEFAULT).
  10. What is this I don't even?
  11. Random Slowness 2

    Sounds like you're thirsty. When you die you also get a temporary debuff.
  12. About detail mode

    This feature is planned and will be coming soonish.
  13. eggs

    Nesting boxes are already planned and the vanilla egg dropping will be removed. No time frame but it IS planned.
  14. are Performance updates in the future?

    I'm constantly trying to find ways to optimize the heavy code but honestly the biggest performance killer is the world size increase form 128 to 256. It is just a ton more memory to have to deal with.
  15. TFC Birthday Contest Discussion Thread

    There is no limit to the number of photos. Also, the mode in which it was created will not be factored in.
  16. Dynamic Inventory Size [Better Wall of Text]

    A dynamically sized inventory is nice in theory but it would require a massive rewrite of all inventories just because of how shift clicking works in MC. Its something that I've delved into in the past and while I know of a few ways to pull it off, for the time being its off the table.
  17. I like this. Of course I have to do my own independent investigation of the techniques used here (part of my process), but this couldn't have been posted at a better time. Better light sources is something that I've been meaning to get to soonish. Well thought out posts like this are what get my attention. Including pictures shows that you took the time to properly think about each aspect. Of course posting pictures doesn't mean that I'll like the idea, but it sure can't hurt.
  18. TFCF (Recipe Tracker)

    I mostly agree with dunk on this, even though he may have put it more bluntly than I. That said, this in no way breaks the system that I've put in place for meals because players still have to research these for each individual seed and this does not figure out recipes for the player. As a result, I'm not entirely opposed this. Dunk was correct in stating that TFC has been designed with the idea that players in SMP would take up roles and perhaps want to guard the secrets to super effect meals. However if you choose to not play this way, it's your game. I don't really care how you play as long as any information that you distribute does not somehow affect players on a different seed.
  19. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    44 pages? Seriously? I'm not reading through this. When we switched away from the Beta 2 naming convention the idea of this coming along in 'Beta 3' went with it. That said, the ideas here may still find there way into TFC in the future, but for now I'm focusing on more core stuff. The big poll a few months back about weather people play ssp or smp and in what quantities had a lot to do with coming to this decision. I do still plan to give players a way to control territory but it will come later.
  20. TFC spawn chest

    This argument is sound. That is all.
  21. [B68] Crash on use of chisel (Which doesn't work?)

    It is something that I believe affects slower computers. This bug was happening a ton at one point and it was because I was trying to do too much stuff when the chunks were generating. I helped relieve some of that load but it didn't completely solve the problem for everyone sadly.
  22. [B68] Crash on use of chisel (Which doesn't work?)

    This is the "Already Tessellating" bug. it has nothing to do with the chisel itself as it can crop up at any time. Minecraft attempts to render something while its not done rendering something else so you get this crash. This is a fault of TFC but I currently have no origin from which to start trying to fix it as I haven't experienced this bug in months on my debug build.
  23. Added Beverages

    While there aren't specific mechanics for cooking implemented at this time, heating your food will cause it to provide better bonuses. Just saying.
  24. Spawn protection

    The spawn protection works perfectly as intended as the below picture confirms. I spent 2 in game days in the middle square and all 9 chunks are reading the same amount of protection. I also saved, exited and re-entered the world to make sure that everything was saving properly. It is. The fact that mobs are wandering up to your house and attacking you is your own fault for not building a wall. The purpose of spawn protection is to prevent mobs from spawning inside or on top of your house/base. Having your mommy check under the bed for monsters and her not finding any might mean that there are no monsters under your bed, but it doesn't mean they won't come try to find you once she leaves. There is a very common misconception that I've addressed in IRC back when this was first implemented and apparently it never made its way to the forums. The spawn protection affects a 3x3 area. This means the corner chunks ARE affected! To answer the question about multiple players. This WILL build protection much faster. An encampment with 10 people in the wilderness is far more likely to keep wild animals at bay than a lone camper on his own would.