Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Bioxx

  1. Sculpturing Competition

    I don't understand how it works? Are you placing blocks?
  2. Making Sticks from logs with hammer

    Yeah its strange but I did not want to give the axe/knife yet another use. And it somewhat reminded me of harvest moon. So there you have it.
  3. Axe durability loss off by 1

    It is that simple. Fixed for 66
  4. b64 Date differs for SMP players

    What is the supposed to be the correct time when players are seeing 1001 and 1004? This is supposed to be synced by vanilla minecraft. I don't actually sync time at all.
  5. Meals?

    mmmm fried calamari.
  6. B64 - Charcoal Dupe Bug

    Well I worked out some fixes for the charcoal for build 65 we'll jsut have to see because I can't get it to magically create a full block at all.
  7. [CLOSED] B64 no sound

    ok well I need more details to be able to fix this. "i had the sound cut out after playing for about an hour, last thing i remember hearing was one of the new pieces of music." <-- can anyone else confirm this?
  8. B64 - Charcoal Dupe Bug

    I'm just not seeing this particular issue. There are some other related charcoal block issues that will be resolved in the next build but I'm not seeing that one at all.
  9. Why are we only spawning south?

    Poky is correct, you're actually spawning in the northern hemisphere. The reason is that I *may* potentially do some stuff with the southern hemisphere specifically.
  10. Opening inventory causes crash.

    It looks to me like your NEI may have have been installed wrong. Remember that NEI is a core mod, not a jar mod or a normal mod.
  11. TF Aesthetics mod

    Dunk is just trained to say no because that's the usual answer that he gets from me for these kinds of questions I don't mind if someone wants to spend months recreating what we've done here as long as none of our code is used in the process. The likelihood of someone actually completing the project is so small that if they were to finish, I'd be first in line to congratulate them As far as addons. We'll make it easier with an api in the future. But right now it's impractical for us to spend our time doing that. In the future I'll be fine with addons, just not right now.
  12. Squid spawning bug

    This is not a TFC issue. I've had it happen when I was playing a techmod a few months ago, where the area around my house had hundreds of spiders/skeletons/etc.
  13. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    I'm glad that there is healthy debate occurring here. I'll admit that I've changed my mind a few times about things as I've read through this thread. As far as penalties after death, I do not believe that they are unfair. However, I am taking into consideration the many points made about taking the difficulty level into account when dealing with penalties. I feel that I should elaborate a little bit on how things are looking in my head atm (by no means does this mean how the final product will actually look). First of all, I liked the idea that someone mentioned of the player waking up with nausea because it goes along with similar ideas that I've had where the player might wake with temporary injuries sustained from the event that killed them. Clearly there would need to be ways to counteract these injuries which would lead to an medicinal system of sorts to deal with ailments. Removing the benefits of dieing is only part of the solution. Providing a concrete but fair reason to fear death is the other. A healthy dose of fear goes a long way toward making a game enjoyable, as long as the player isn't left yelling "bullshit!" at the screen. The idea of making a player lose their items when they die would only serve to frustrate players to no end along with the many issues involved with sharing items etc so I won't be going that route. I believe it was redundantusage that brought up the general health system and I like the gist of where this was headed. Players should IMO be rewarded for not dieing. I'm tired of typing so I'll leave it at that P.S. I'd also like to state unequivocally that there IS a place for fantasy in TFC. It's an area that I haven't touched on a lot so I understand why some folks keep thinking that its not acceptable for TFC but this couldn't be further from the truth.
  14. New Spawn Protection Not Working?

    Try typing "/gsp" in the spot where you saw something spawn. if the spawn protection is > 0 and you know for 100% sure that something spawned in that spot then clearly theres a bug. I just went through and performed several tests to make sure everything was working as it should. and I never once saw anything spawn in the chunks that I was testing. I walled off large areas to prevent wandering mobs and allowed several day/night cycles to occur and nothing ever spawning in the enclosure. I won't rule out there being some bugs, but I'm not seeing them on my end.
  15. How SSP players should play?

    The reason that many things are not controllable via config is twofold. First of all, a lot of things are just plain difficult to allow being configurable from a code standpoint because of how they may interfere with other systems. The other, and more important, reason is that I am trying to create a certain experience with TFC. Granted, exactly what this experience consists of changes every week until I have it nailed down. If I start opening up a bunch of things in a config file, I'm going to start getting flooded with bug reports about things that I can't reproduce because the player has non-default settings and neglects to tell me... No thanks. I have enough bug reports to go through tyvm. That said, in the future when I feel that more of the game is set in stone, I'll be adding more options. But right now it is not in my interests to do so. On the topic of SSP, I cannot develop for both SSP and SMP from a design perspective. What works in one does not always work in the other, and usually its the SSP side that ends up screwing up the SMP game. So it becomes a question of priorities. Do I design features in such a way that a single player on his own can easily do everything? Or do I attempt to design in a way that encourages communities. I choose the later. I'm also perfectly aware that sometimes my design plans go awry and don't work as I intend. If anyone has noticed, I'm prone to rewrite entire areas repeatedly until it works to my satisfaction so keep that in mind for what its worth. the game you see today, may not be what you see tomorrow.
  16. As stated in the changelog if anyone bothered to actually read it (Hint: it should be done with every update), snow is not currently working at all pending changes to forge that I am waiting on. Until that time, no, you won't see taiga's etc. As far as the world looking the same... I only have so much control over it, though I will be tweaking more in the future. That said, the old system was bulky and needed nonstop tweaking and it still never gave desired results. To the comment of the scale of the world. I do not/have not/will not balance for single player. I try to make sure that the game is still playable for SSPers but SMPers are my priority and I rely on a certain group to give me feedback regarding these things. If I were to scale the world down more you would see far too rapid temperature transitions for each block you travel north and south. The current distances are proving to be perfect balance wise.
  17. Why isn't minecraft as awesome as this ?

    If possible to modify it enough I'd consider doing TFC for that in the future. I love c# and XNA
  18. The Poles Distance Poll

    That is an accurate representation of what I'd like to see. Although MC does not currently handle sloped rivers etc very well which is sad as that would be fantastic.
  19. The Poles Distance Poll

    The climate would in fact be very similar along the X axis. Mountains could appear anywhere along the Z axis and biomes as you know them will be drastically different. As a matter of fact, rock layers are no longer tied to biomes and later today nor will trees be completely either.This isn't some super duper awesome solution to biome spawning where I take into account humidity etc. Sadly that is still beyond my reach. The basic model that I'm looking at trying to emulate is a world in Civilization. I find think it will bring the greatest benefit with the least amount of work.
  20. The Poles Distance Poll

    This will not be a hard limit. It would be pointless for me to actually stop the player from moving at one of the poles. Also the X axis will just keep going and going. Only the Z axis will see any difference. Its important to keep in mind that while 250k blocks is nice and all, it would not be fun to traverse even half of that hence why the poll has such smaller numbers. Personally I think 40-50k blocks is reasonable as it provides plenty of space to make the world feel big.
  21. If you want to edit the wiki.

    added added
  22. Use shears to craft wool into carpets!

    I like it. Pretty easy to add with the partial block code. I'll get around to adding it when i get a chance.
  23. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    The problem with players just forming a consensus and living that way is enforceability. All it takes is one asshat to ruin the entire system unless there is a way to enforce these rules. That is the purpose of an in game system designed to enforce things of this nature. And I'll say it again. If you don't want to take advantage of these systems on your server then you do not have to! But the fact remains that without some way to enforce these rules, unless you are a very small tight knit server, people will break the rules when it suits them. Also I'm not saying that rules will affect the entire server. Anyone who has that impression is wrong. The laws etc are done on a town by town basis. Want to be a monarchy? Thats fine. Live in another town and want a representative democracy? Thats fine too. The freedom to choose. Eventually I'd like to set up a large official server for TFC and it will take advantage of these systems. Instead of trying to debate about why these should or shouldn't be in TFC, try to come up with ideas that make this the best that it can be. Dunk and I don't agree on a lot of things regarding Kingdoms I am for these things being set in game and not via config. Configs are like writing something in stone. I don't want to do that. In fact, the more that I can keep you out of a config the better. There are ofc certain things like the cave-in parameters etc that need to exist out of game and be global. But things that are decided by the players on a world by world basis should be determined in game without the use of notepad.
  24. Strongest Rock Type?

    Extrusive was chosen to be slightly harder than intrusive purely to take something away from Granite. For the longest time, Granite was so OP that for balance reasons I've done many things to give players some reason to use anything but Granite. As it stands the differences are so minute between intrusive and extrusive that I won't be changing them again.
  25. Temperature medition

    I chose C because its the system in which the entirely metallurgy process is based upon. I'm from the US so I am more comfortable using F myself, but I see the ridiculousness of it in comparison to C. Anyways I'll think about adding a toggle for F or something. As far as Kelvin... no, you can do the conversion yourself.