Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Bioxx

  1. MCModelCreator(MCMC)

    uggh should work now
  2. Tameable, 'milkable' giant spiders.

    Well hypothetically speaking, if you were to keep spiders like that, an overhang would work fine to allow an opening at the top to drop in live food.
  3. Racoon *FINAL*

    You're correct, the shape of the head is good, but maybe the scale of it is the issue? Honestly tho, that's something that I can handle with a simple GL call in game. Heres a good thin raccoon photo. I think the model in V2 here will probably look perfectly fine once textured, and if need be, I can scale the head down to like 80-90% of its current size.
  4. TFC2 Enchanting

    As magic is planned in some form for tfc2, this is a perfectly acceptable topic that I'm interested in hearing thoughts for.
  5. Tameable, 'milkable' giant spiders.

    Lol that's some Dwarf Fortress stuff right there.
  6. Racoon *FINAL*

    I like the overall shape of the head. However the body seems a bit thick. Raccoons tend to get a thick coat in the colder months thatmakes them look very fat, but they really aren't fat creatures usually. That said, if we slim the body at all, it may make the head look too big so this shape is probably acceptable.
  7. Giraffe *FINAL*

    Looks good, I like the shape. I agree, Idon't think the mane is really required. As far as the eyes. I don't mind them as they are, so if the bigger eyes don't look quite right either, then 2x1 is perfectly acceptable. Evil giraffe is kinda funny.
  8. Rat Model and Texture *FINAL*

    Thanks guys, I'll take a look at this when I'm done working on the rewritten animal spawn code. So it may be a few days before it gets in game. I'll try to figure out how to allow mcmc files as well. Edit: I totally dropped the ball when creating the Contributor group.It didn't have permissions to upload content among other things. Hopefully works now.
  9. Future of Building in tfc2

    Remains to be seen if we'll ultimately go that route Miner. Procedural metals isstill on the table, but I'm still mulling over that feature.
  10. Future of Building in tfc2

    Well that was just an example Darmo. In reality, its my plan to make sure that the starting island is viable. That way we don't have players tossing world seeds like TFC1, just because it was dry. As far as the forests, since we're on islands you can just walk along the beach to get around if needed. All portals will be pretty close to the beaches due to elevation restrictions in their spawn parameters. So it shouldn't be the most difficult thing to find the next portal if traveling north/south.
  11. Future of Building in tfc2

    I would say that most of those concerns probably aren't valid Tony. I briefly touched on the stone layer thing earlier. I'll also add that the player no longer needs to dig core samples if there is only one layer. We haven't really discussed ores being moved to invalid stone types. If I wantTetrahedriteto appear on tier 0 islands, I can simply tell the WorldGen to make sure that at least one of the 9 Tier 0 islands have metamorphic rock as a stone layer. It's as simple as that, no guessing game involved for the player. He'll still have to explore a bit to find it if the starting island isn't copper bearing, but he'll know its there. I do not see how any changes are restricting the player from building beautiful structures(With the exception of detailed mode and planks). Yes there is the discussion on encumbrance and transport, but as none of that is yet set in stone, its not fair to judge one way or the other as to the outcome as a whole. I like to bring out ideas to you guys that maybe i'm really interested in, but then I don't do anything with it for a few months to chew on the feedback and make an ultimate decision. Unfortunately, this has the knock on effect of perhaps misunderstanding some things. As a side note, I've always stated that TFC doesn't respect creative mode. I want you to build things that have purpose. When I can create a system that requires you to build elaborate structures, that is exactly what I'll do. I recognize that MC is a building game, But I have never felt the need to cater to the building for the sake of building aspect of the game(I just don't enjoy it). Detailed mode and the resulting block types in TFC1 were really just an experiment that ended up becoming far bigger than intended, and they became massive headaches for me later on with multiblock structures like the blast furnace. TFC2 is a chance for me to maintain my sanity and still develop a mod that I can be proud of.
  12. Future of Building in tfc2

    I should rephrase, TFC1 was never setup to allow you to have absolutely everything you needed in one location. Exploration was a requirement. Something that I want to push even more for TFC2. If you choose to live permanently on the starting island, you can. You'll just have to travel further to get some things.
  13. Future of Building in tfc2

    To be fair, TFC1 was never setup to allow you to stay in one place. I opted out of a second layer, in part, so that I could properly have sprawling ore veins that consist of many thousands of blocksthatspread out across the island. If a second layer were in the mix, this would honestly severely hamper me from creating the desired experience for mining and caving. TFC2 is all about streamlining (not simplifying) different aspects. TFC1 was an absolute mess that started as a mod about one thing and very quickly spiraled out of control into other areas without any pre-planning or direction. Manyaspects of TFC2 were, in one form or another, plans for TFC1. The problem was that TFC1 relied so heavily on certain assumptions about vanilla MC that it was next to impossible to achieve the desired effects. The climate system for instance was a ton of work. Sometimes it worked well but often enough there were major limitations. Deserts and rainforests are a prime example. Once you reached that latitude, as everyone knows, you'll hit a wall of trees in a straight line for thousands of blocks. I'm probably just a perfectionist and it may not bother you guys but things like that really really irritate me. Enter the pregenerated island maps. They solve all of my worldgen concerns. But then I have to ask myself, do I want to let players freely traverse the entire world? Well sure I could have boats enabled by default and just let them figure it out themselves, or I could try and provide some sort of structure to their play with soft objectives so that there is a purpose to continue teching up beyond copper (which many players will probably agree is a problem with tfc1). At the end of the day, you guys will just have to play the finished product and decide for yourselves.
  14. Future of Building in tfc2

    The funny thing is that I know full well that TFC2 will have a great deal in common with TFC1, even if the flow itself is a bitdifferent. I just can't seem to convince anyone else of this.
  15. Future of Building in tfc2

    TFC2 in MC 1.9 is being a real pain due to some shoddy coding on Mojang's part right now so I'm having trouble flying around and finding a good spot for some screenshots as requested. To address some of the island questions, here are some renderedisland maps. You may notice some oddities in some of these maps. As usual, everything is still a work in progress.
  16. Future of Building in tfc2

    It's you're imagination terex :). These arent vanilla MC/TFC1 mountains which were essentially giant spikes from y64. Depending on the island features, it might be a slow, gradual climb in elevation from the coast or consist of steep beach cliffs, etc. Each island is allowed to have a number of 'Features' that alter the entire feel of the island. My personal favorite feature is Valleys. When a valley forms, it starts with a single hex and spreads out the find a bunch of nearby hexes( these can be quite large), then it sets the elevation of all these hexes to whatever the lowest elevation of all grabbed hexes is. Sometimes the valley is just a shallow depression because it did not grab any very low hexes. Other times however, the valley may have some cliff walls that are 30-40 blocks in height.This can lead to very nice scenery. The greatest benefit to precomputed islands is that we can have geologic features that make sense in their surroundings, unlike standard procedural world. As far as the lack of stone layers, it was something that I really debated about but ultimately decided was in the best interest of the game in general. That was the very first feature that I ever modded for minecraft, and was essentially what kicked off TFC1, so it really wasn't an easy decision.
  17. Future of Building in tfc2

    Its important to keep in mind that each vertical set of islands is the same difficulty and there are 9 of them. Making it to Tier 1(Copper) would mean you could easily visit/conquer 27 islands. There are only 16 stone types. Not being able to find the stone you want really should not be an issue. As to what Darmo has said about the islands being 64 blocks deep, that way on the low side. Beaches may be at 64 but the majority of the landmass of most islands well exceeds that height. To the question of trees, thecurrent setup is to have 3 tree types per island, similar to TFC1. There is a common, uncommon, and rare tree type for each island. Sub Tropical and Tropical Islands will always have palm trees in low lying areas, typically very close to oceans and areas of high relative moisture. As for biomes, the island maps do somewhat track individual biome types on a per hex basis, but exactly how much I'll be taking that into account in generation remains to be seen. Marsh and Lake biomes are the only types that are really used atm.
  18. Tree Growth

    We actually have some code in place for this but I opted not to fully go this route. The way it would need to be done, is for Natural Logs(we differentiate between natural logs and player placed logs in tfc2) to be TileEntities that store which tree schematic they used on generation, then when the tree grows, it looks up its schematic and replaces those blocks with air, then loads a new schematic for a bigger tree, and places it in its place. Technically it would work perfectly fine. However as Tony stated, this makes things a lot heavier and the 'coolness' of it does not outweigh the added complexity and resource consumption.
  19. Questions Regarding the New Block Physics Demo

    Looks correct Andeerz.
  20. Coding question

    It depends on the complexity of the minigame really. The anvil takes a fairly large amount of code because the item being worked needs to retain the data from previous work sessions, among other reasons.
  21. Questions Regarding the New Block Physics Demo

    For the record, when the time comes for me to go to all the places in code that need it, I'll be making some structural stuff toggleable. As far as the tremors, I have some ideas but its all in my head atm.
  22. When can we play tfc2?

    Ha, believe me, I wish I could get it to you guys faster. I have to be able to focus to get anything meaningful done. The times when I can find myself both interested in what I'm doing AND able to focus are few and far between of late. It's a lot of work to get even simple things working sometimes and the complexities of post mc 1.8 development really don't help. That said, I do force myself to launch eclipse at least once a day to see if I'm feeling it. Some days I get stuff done, and some days I don't. It's really a crapshoot from day to day.
  23. Questions Regarding the New Block Physics Demo

    After tweaking the settings a bit i was able to build this Its not as grand as the above image but its a working proof of concept. Stone bricks now have a scan depth of 3 and a range of 6. Note that the '3' is actually more of a soft 4 for all intents since the block looking for support is searching for 3 blocks vertically that have a block beneath them. So within 6 blocks horizontally there needs to be a 4 vertical blocks of support. Ithink this should allow crystalcrag's bridge to work.
  24. Updating to 1.8 &1.9

    While Mojang IS owned by MS at this point, they've (as far as we know) been pretty good about allowing Mojang to do what they want with the java version of MC. They know better than to rock that boat. MC on the windows store, or w/e it is called, pretty much isMC 2.0. Many of the fears that people had at the outset seem to be mostly irrational. Whatever happens, happens.