Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Bioxx

  1. I've used chisel and bits, and it's quite good. I have not looked into any sort of compatibility and probably won't as its functionality really isn't necessary for TFC2. I'll leave that up to them if they wish to support TFC2 or not.


  2. 16 hours ago, Novocain said:

    Just a lurker, but I just want you to know that you're awesome Bioxx.


    2 hours ago, CtrlAltDavid said:

    The stone shovel head and the stone hammer head textures are switched!

    Fixed, thanks!


  3. 1 hour ago, __LEXX__ said:

    I do not want to carp, but they can be seen without night vision. The player can keep them swimming on the boat. But I understand that this is a wound version.
    I also found blocks of water above the ocean. If I see it again, I will attach a picture.

    P.S.: TFC2 0.1.6

    Players will not be able to reach those locations in the future as they are on the edges of the map zones and a mechanic will be put in place to prevent transitions by boat or swimming.


  4. Updated to 0.1.7

    *Important* A firestarter is now required to light an unlit firepit.

    If you happen to find a worldgen issue that I may need to investigate for myself, please use the command "/dbg report" in game at the location. It will copy some relevant information to your systems clipboard which you can then paste into your post.



  5. 39 minutes ago, __LEXX__ said:

    In the ocean there are sharp changes in the bottom and deep holes. In the ocean there are sharp changes in the bottom and deep holes.

    You're never intended to legitimately see those locations, so its fine.


  6. Yeah, so due to the use of vanilla biome information, the vanilla generation is still occurring to some extent. I'm mixed on that really. For now I'm going to ignore it, but if it becomes too easy to use vanilla objects to get around tfc mechanics perhaps, i'll look at disabling some of the vanilla gen bit by bit. That said, I'm sure I'll still disable some things as I come across them.


  7. 4 minutes ago, Konlii said:

    Oh yeah, this is the kind of update I like to see!  Proper biome reporting.  And whatever you did to worldgen seems like it also sped up chunk loading, so teleporting/creative flying is now much snappier.


    Was river width always proportional to lake size or is that new?  Either way, it's a nice feature!  One strange thing about rivers/lakes I found is this smaller river coming from a different lake suddenly stopping about 16 blocks before it hit the big lake.  Is that to stop ouroboros rivers from feeding back to their own source?

      Reveal hidden contents


    What you're seeing is likely a product of the broken lakes atm. I need to overhaul them on the chunkgen side of the equation now that I've got them working on the mapgen side. As much as I love my islandmaps, sometimes translating them into the minecraft world can be a pain in the butt.

    5 minutes ago, aliceingame said:

    Desert vegetation look really good.

    Not sure if entended, but I found several 1 hex lake in this seed just have to follow the river next to spawn, there is at least 7 in this island : -2106250991069264680

    Worldgen seemed to be much smoother on world creation.

    not sure if intended, but leaf of kapok do not have the "better leaf" type of texture


    Kapok are not intended to have it, but I think Blackwood trees are still missing it. 


  8. Updated to 0.1.6 Added some desert stuff and did a lot of rewriting on some core systems related to island generation. Lakes should be more common(tho they still look pretty bad. Actively a work in progress.). Fixed a major bug with runaway forest generation. This should help a lot of cases of worldgen seeming to hang.


  9. 59 minutes ago, dudo_fuzik said:

    That andesite sand is vanilla glitch of falling entities changing metadata to default like red sand to classic sand in lazy loaded chunks

    What do you mean by "lazy loaded". I dont play vanilla very often so I don't know the vanilla glitch.


  10. 1 minute ago, Konlii said:

    I'm finding random staircases of andesite sand in an otherwise chert desert.  The andesite sand is only one block deep.

      Hide contents



    world seed and coords please? I can't seem to find this ocurring anywhere


  11. The Biome map is a moisture+elevation map with some temperature assumptions built in as well. That's where white comes in, its just high elevation so its assumed to be cold even if it isn't. The "biome" aspect of it isn't terribly useful. That's something I could probably address and it would help me on the code side. Anyways its all based off of the original island generator that the TFC2 code is based on.


  12. 12 minutes ago, dudo_fuzik said:

    3168098752557973178  coords of the island are x:-726    z:-1991

    Dunno I'm not seeing the mass entities issue. Were you able to tell what type of entities were in the world? I know I've seen that bug happen in vanilla before where there were hundreds of mobs suddenly, but it could be a number of things really.


  13. 20 minutes ago, dudo_fuzik said:

    Ok, this is maybe wierd but I have addiction to finding bugs so here is another few.

    Found a portal and got to a subtropical island. Then it started lagging like crazy and I was wondering why so I opened F3 screen and found out that there were 2000 entities. It looks like there isnt mob cap or it bugged out.

    While in creative mode when you open survival inventory the off hand slot texture is on hotbar but slot still in place. When exiting it goes back but upon entering it is again on hotbar.

    And a small one. When item is dropped inventory doesnt update and ghost item remains. This also applies to giving items with cheats or JEI (with NEI too).


    Sorry if I made gramatical mistakes English isnt my native languge. :D

    Can you please supply me with the world seed?


  14. 48 minutes ago, MrBlack said:

    I believe that is a feature, when weeds and such grow on a hard surface they will clump together to form a sort of dirt/waste clump. I think that is what Bioxx is going for.

    Yes indeed. Maybe when we get more art for type of vegetation, we can change it up a bit, but for now the effect is intended.


    3 hours ago, MiaMia said:


    This seed hangs on world creation. Waited, waited, and waited some more... Restarted my PC, "re-created" the map, so it would start fresh, waited... went to make some coffe. Nope. No go.

    I'm posting it here, might turn useful for debbuging purposes.

    Didn't hang for me but was certainly much slower to load than expected. The culprit is probably trees.


    11 hours ago, Redsm97 said:

    so i am happy that you are utilizing other mods like pam's, so as you don't have to do as much work. and i don't know where agriculture lies on your todo lists of tiers(since i saw you were focusing on the stone age before move to different ages), and you may, or may not(i don't mind either way), want to add a few foods to catch it up to what tfc 1 used to be. i did some checking and pam's does not have everything that tfc 1 had

    I probably will not be adding any TFC specific foods. There are a number of things that I may end up doing to change pams stuff around but I've got no intention of diving down the food rabbit hole again.


  15. @Darmo indeed the hexes know everything about themselves, including if they have a river and how big this river is. There is a maximum limit to river size because we don't want them to be bigger than the hex itself, but they can become quite wide. So yes in answer to your question, that would work perfectly. You'd just query the nearest hex and check its properties. 

    That, I might add, is something that isn't really possible in vanilla worldgen because it has comparatively little data about itself or its surroundings.
