Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by candlesayshi

  1. TerraFirmaCraft Ruined Minecraft for me.....

    After playing and enjoying TFC for a while, I've gone back to vanilla and have stayed there pretty much for a while now. Been playing with friends and messing around, and it's just plain been more fun for me lately. I like TFC a lot, though. I just think that it's too limited. Not in terms of things to do, but that it's attached to Minecraft. It kind of put a barrier on itself in that way. I think Terra Firma needs to be its own game. Then, the possibilities really would be endless. Perhaps maybe even not have it with the now-common block-style that Minecraft popularized. Maybe something like cel-shaded graphics almost like Zelda: The Wind Waker, to give it its own unique feel and style. It already "feels" a lot different than Minecraft, but its attachment to it hurts it a little, in my opinion.
  2. I don't like the NPC idea one bit either... Then again, I groaned when Mojang added wolves and villagers (especially villagers) to vanilla. So, I suppose I don't like the idea one bit in vanilla either.
  3. Anyone play any musical instruments?

    I play guitar. A little violin, and keys.
  4. Getting Mo's Creatures to work with TFC, has anyone made it?

    I sadly also carry this sentiment. I was so excited to try it out, I liked the idea of all the turtles, and birds, and insects, and turkeys, and everything else. Then, I tried it and everything is clusterfucked all over the place, and it's just ridiculous. Not balanced at all either. I kind of hate it. I like the idea of the mod, but despise the execution.
  5. Your gamer's obsession?

    au contraire... I also love KSP.
  6. Your gamer's obsession?

    Perhaps not to the extent expressed in the OP, but I play System Shock 2 about once every 6-10 months.
  7. Animals!

    Direwolves would be extremely awesome, and I think they would work out extremely well. Smilodons I'm not too sure about. As I don't know how they could be done well enough, because I know I'd wish that they would try to stalk you and ambush you.
  8. [Request] Sphax texture pack

    Well, I hope you guys pull it off. If I knew how to make texture packs I'd help, because this looks really cool.
  9. Painting

    Holy crap! Aside from just using dye rather than having to mix paint separately and cleaning brushes, that's pretty much exactly what I was thinking.
  10. Painting

    First of all, I realize that this is a longshot of a suggestion, because it doesn't add too much in functionality (other than just being really cool, especially in SMP), and I can only imagine the difficulty involved in programming it into the game. Anyway, I was looking at drawings and reading about aurochs, to imagine how they might be in the game, when I came across this: ...and I thought. That would be awesome in the game. Like, crafting a paintbrush (perhaps from sticks and wool/fur), and mixing paint by combining dye and milk/water/egg/whatever that has a finite amount to use. Then, you could color the paintbrush with the paint, and hold the RMB on a block to draw lines of paint that follow the cursor along the surface of whatever blocks you're painting across. Perhaps also use water to clean a brush and scrub paint from walls. Might be cool?
  11. Painting

    I think that'd have more to do with the people you're playing with than the ability itself.
  12. Fire as a deterrent?

    Yes, it's not to say it couldn't be controlled though. As a torch isn't exactly a wildfire itself. I was thinking more along the lines of: Your last torch is going out, so you smack a pile of wood to set it on fire and use that to make another torch to keep going.
  13. Fire as a deterrent?

    I know. I wasn't saying there was any lack of being able to do so. Just that if torches can go out, they should also be able to light other things.
  14. Fire as a deterrent?

    Just like as it was planned for vanilla Minecraft, torches that go out could be cool if there's something else that doesn't go out. Like a lantern. Also, if torches go out, they should also have the ability to light other things on fire. (leaves, wood, firepits, mobs, etc.)
  15. Tribes with A.I. Controlled Characters

    I think NPCs might throw off the "feel" of things, in a way. If there were to be NPCs, I don't think they should be human though. Maybe like a gnoll or kobold camp or something.
  16. I'm a musician

    Yay! Hi, fellow musician! I'm also one, too. I'm a contempory electronic musician on the label Tympanik Audio. My first album came out in 2010, and I'm almost done with my new one. My music is over here:
  17. Big List of Mobs

    That elephant should really be a mammoth of some sort, IMO. Especially if wild cows are going to be aurochs.