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Fire as a deterrent?

36 posts in this topic

I know that animals are scared of fire (prehistoric hominids used to scare mammoths off cliffs with it), so why should bears and wolves be fine with campfires and torches?


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This will be a thing sooner or later, when the hostile mobs in the night aren't magical but just common animals. Just wait for it :3


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Well, the animals, the first time that they see a fire they're scared, but the 4th time they're not so scary, because they become accustomed to view it.

Then maybe this trick will work only the first times that you use it, and not with every animal. I don't know if this is possible, but I think that you could add a new trait to animals that is "How much fire scares them" and then, when the days passes and you use torches or firepits a lot of times, the trait would decrease or even disappear.


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Dunk, this post is specifically targeted at you. you need to do the Vanilla method of AI code. before you yell, let me finish. when Mojang ACTUALLY was attempting to improve mob path finding they had someone on the team who was building the AI in models. To my understanding, each model had a specific characteristic that adjusted the overall path finding and attack. simply build a crap top of models, even ones you dont think you'll use, ones that cover everything from 'avoid fire' to 'stomp Steve and Steph' and then when making a new mob just plug and play :)

obviously more work then I make it out to be, but less long term work in the long run, right? 100 hours here, 5 minutes to plug each mob for the rest of this games life :)


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Well, the animals, the first time that they see a fire they're scared, but the 4th time they're not so scary, because they become accustomed to view it.

Then maybe this trick will work only the first times that you use it, and not with every animal. I don't know if this is possible, but I think that you could add a new trait to animals that is "How much fire scares them" and then, when the days passes and you use torches or firepits a lot of times, the trait would decrease or even disappear.

nah. i think fire should scare them at all times. i mean. set a wolf on fire and he won't go near a flame ever again. there's a reason why they fear fire and it's not the bright lights, smoke and sound. if you're a wolf and you live in the woods you know what wildfires are and why yiu should run.

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set a wolf on fire and he won't go near a flame ever again.

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nah. i think fire should scare them at all times. i mean. set a wolf on fire and he won't go near a flame ever again. there's a reason why they fear fire and it's not the bright lights, smoke and sound. if you're a wolf and you live in the woods you know what wildfires are and why yiu should run.

Set a wolf on fire and you will have short life :D.

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Set a wolf on fire and you will have short life :D/>.

i bet his pals are gonna live longer though.

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i bet his pals are gonna live longer though.

Yeeeees, very long, very long...

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Set a wolf on fire and you will have short life :D.

You mean the wolf will have a short life. :rolleyes:

Having fire as a deterrant would be cool, but it can't be too over-powered.

It would become game-breaking if you can keep the animals away by just sacrificing a few sticks to make firepits.

So maybe it should be more of an active ability. Maybe it should have a frightening effect if you hit an animal with a burning stick/torch.


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You mean the wolf will have a short life. :rolleyes:

Having fire as a deterrant would be cool, but it can't be too over-powered.

It would become game-breaking if you can keep the animals away by just sacrificing a few sticks to make firepits.

So maybe it should be more of an active ability. Maybe it should have a frightening effect if you hit an animal with a burning stick/torch.

Or maybe we can have finite-durability torches? :3


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Just like as it was planned for vanilla Minecraft, torches that go out could be cool if there's something else that doesn't go out. Like a lantern.

Also, if torches go out, they should also have the ability to light other things on fire. (leaves, wood, firepits, mobs, etc.)


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Just like as it was planned for vanilla Minecraft, torches that go out could be cool if there's something else that doesn't go out. Like a lantern.

Also, if torches go out, they should also have the ability to light other things on fire. (leaves, wood, firepits, mobs, etc.)

Well, technically, you can craft, if you have a steel or a wrought iron ingot, a flint and steel, so you can light other things in fire...


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Well, technically, you can craft, if you have a steel or a wrought iron ingot, a flint and steel, so you can light other things in fire...

I know. I wasn't saying there was any lack of being able to do so. Just that if torches can go out, they should also be able to light other things.


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Torches burning down wooden houses they are lighting is a downside.


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Torches burning down wooden houses they are lighting is a downside.

Yeah, it's a good idea, but it would be annoying if applied.

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Torches burning down wooden houses they are lighting is a downside.

Yes, it's not to say it couldn't be controlled though. As a torch isn't exactly a wildfire itself. I was thinking more along the lines of: Your last torch is going out, so you smack a pile of wood to set it on fire and use that to make another torch to keep going.


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'Well, technically, you can craft, if you have a steel or a wrought iron ingot, a flint and steel, so you can light other things in fire...'

nope, tested. does not work(used TFC flint n steel)


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Did you enable vanilla recipies in the config?


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I dont mess with the config. I play as the devs intended, no other way is right.

and I am aware vanilla items work. :/


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Light a man a fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of the night.

Light a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.


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You are wrong. This is wrong. Do some proper research. Most mammals are attracted to fire. They are curious. If you'd ever been camping, you'd see full well how attractive fire can be. When I go camping, we get skunks, raccoons, badgers, opossums and all sorts of other wildlife wondering right up to the fire with us.


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You are wrong. This is wrong. Do some proper research. Most mammals are attracted to fire. They are curious. If you'd ever been camping, you'd see full well how attractive fire can be. When I go camping, we get skunks, raccoons, badgers, opossums and all sorts of other wildlife wondering right up to the fire with us.

you're right, to a point. fire does attract animals because it's a source of heat and light, but swing a flaming stick in their face and they will probably back away, so yes, campfires will attract animals, but if you use fire correctly, you can scare them away

edit: wooo 1,234 posts


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you're right, to a point. fire does attract animals because it's a source of heat and light, but swing a flaming stick in their face and they will probably back away, so yes, campfires will attract animals, but if you use fire correctly, you can scare them away

edit: wooo 1,234 posts

the original suggestion was referring to campfires though, if I'm not misktaken; and flailing a stick in something's face isn't going to make it happy with or without fire on the end.

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Couldn't we have a weapon basically consisting in a long stick with one end on fire, which's durability is low and goes down even if you don't use it, but can 'cause fire damage to any entity hitted with it? Maybe you would make it by shift-right clicking with a stick on a lit firepit...

(Sorry if the idea sucks, it's pretty late right now, and i haven't slept well lately... :)

((Don't even know if i wrote that right, and i don't care either ._.))


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