Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Rabblerouser

  1. I swear with some of the suggestions I see on TFC suggestion forum, I may not be playing the mod for very long. Then there's the ones that get mad at me for pooping in the punch and ruining their idea of fun. Hence another reason to leave even earlier.

  2. Salt Water

    If DF is any indication, this might slow MC down. :S Also makes beach settlements much less fun if thirst is implemented. However, if it NEEDS to happen, it would make more sense to have the water stay like it is, the bucket/water-picker-upper detecting what biome said water block is in and have the bucket "fill up" with the appropriate water. So you don't have to worry about all the other stuff.
  3. Chisels and mining stone

    My guess is the hammers in TFC are more "driving a nail" sized. Not SLEDGEHAMMER SMASH sized since it's designed to work metal. And I don't think using chisels to MAKE smoothstone would be all that realistic. I dunno. Maybe wrong. Let me follow your suggestion with another suggestion.. maybe make mining with a chisel make gem drops somewhat more likely? And make ore blocks drop more ores? Since chisels are designed for that sort of purpose in mind. -Goes to thread this-
  4. Super Hardcore, for real badass players.

    Remember the purpose of the mod isn't to have uber-super-annoyingly-hard stuff packed into one mod. Yeah, he wants it to be difficult and realistic, but he still wants players to have fun.
  5. Migration!

    Can't say I'm a fan of this idea. :S When you build a house, you put work into making it pretty and awesome. Forcing migration will take all the pride factor out and you'll start seeing houses with minimalistic designs.. That said, persistent animals (which came with Minecraft 1.8 adventure update) has made it so game "runs out" already. Once an animal is killed it DOES respawn (and if it does, it's extremely rare as I've never had them come back after "de-gaming" an area. That's why building livestock pens are so important. And this sounds like it'd have an effect on penned livestock.They already have a chance of glitching out of the pen as it is (maybe because of the height change?), this just sounds unrealistic.
  6. IC2 integration as "era"?

    I doubt IC2 is even compatible since the world-height update. I remember bioxx talking about the lack of clay immediately precluding the update RIGHT after the world-height update (which fixed it), saying that clay was still there, but it wanted to generate at the old elevation which, since the world-height update, meant it would generate deep underground. I can see something similar happening with mod-specific trees, a la rubber trees. Rubber trees are an integral part of IC2's tech tree. It's where you start from in IC2! I'd make sure rubber trees work before you start going into IC2-incorporation. NOT SAYING IT DOESN'T! I haven't tested. Just it's very likely.
  7. Slow Down! The Game Should Take Longer.

    It's slow enough as it is! It's YOU that needs to slow down. Not everyone works as fast as you. I've been in the stone age for a week sometimes (talking SMP where I can't cheat). And by the time a week's passed, a new update usually makes a new worldgen necessary. That said, I've NEVER been into the Metal Age without cheating. I hate to be the voice of difference (trust me, I really do!), but it's getting to the point where it is starting to just feel annoying to keep playing, hence why I haven't been playing it as much.