Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Uncle Gus

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Posts posted by Uncle Gus

  1. From another thread:


    Notable new feature is the addition of pitkilns and pottery. They work a bit differently now than they used to. After you find some clay (for now always near freshwater) right click with them in your hand to open the ui and craft your clay object. Next, right click on the ground in a 2 deep pit with the clay item to place it down (only 1 item can fit in a block) then right click with straw 4 times. Use a firestarter until you see flames begin to rise from the straw. Now quickly add a log on top of the straw, and then a piece of dirt/gravel/sand on top of that. If you did everything correctly and fast enough, you should see smoke rising from the top of the pile. After 8 in-game hours you can dig up the pottery. This process also creates a small amount of charcoal now which must be shoveled from the block before you can retrieve your item.


  2. Ah I see. So a dirt block is in the solid category, as opposed to the particulate category like sand, etc. That's different to TFC1 and I'm not sure how I feel about it. I guess it makes sense to allow a horizontal distance of 1 at least, but I wouldn't expect a large outcropping of dirt to hold up for long. Is the buildable horizontal distance defined per block or globally?


  3. A quick question related to what I was asking earlier; is block physics/gravity implemented for any block types? I know that cave-ins are implemented, so it must be in place for at least raw stone, but it does not seem to be implemented for things like dirt, wood, etc.

    What should we expect to fall down?


  4. Coming back to the original discussion, that being how building will work, I want to make sure I understand the discussion so far.

    There is a possibility that building will be far less typical in TFC2? And there is a possibility that breaking/placing blocks will be restricted in certain zones until that area has been pacified? Will that also affect dirt/gravel etc.? Meaning that there will be no crafting clay items in unfriendly areas?

    If building is indeed restricted by such things as encumbrance, would it make sense to make digging holes/cutting rock take significantly longer than it does now? This would mean that players are far more likely to create structures out of wood and hay (just like our real ancestors) than out of stone, or just find a nice cosy cave to live in. It would make mining take longer of course, but that could be offset by making the ore easier to find/closer to the surface, that kind of thing.

    I kind of like the idea of building something out of stone being a real achievement, cos hell, it is. I like the idea of having wheelbarrows (minecarts without rails) to move heavy items around. It would make for a great end-game activity. "I've conquered all the islands in this realm and crafted myself everything that I need. I will build a monument to my own glory out of stone. The finest marble, hauled from leagues away, laid together to form a grand dwelling." etc.


  5. Hey Bioxx,

    LOVE your work so far. I was just wondering what you would like to do about documenting the features as they are implemented. For example, I quickly found out that trying to light a fire in the same way as TFC1 didn't work, so I read through this thread and found where you explained the new method. Would you like us to start updating the existing wiki with the new information? Or perhaps add a new TFC2 section and document the features there? It would also be useful to have an idea of what has been implemented and what is still being worked on so that we don't report bugs on stuff that you haven't finished implementing. Is there something we can do to help in these areas?


  6. I found this pretty sweet blog post here and followed the instructions but it didn't work, due to the post being four years old and out of date. So I learned some Linux and re-engineered it. I tried to post a comment on it for anybody else who stumbled across it and wanted a working version, but the website doesn't seem to want my post. I figured other TFC server admins might appreciate having their servers automatically shut down and start up as players leave and join, so I thought I'd post my findings here for y'all. Here is what I was trying to post on the original blog:



    Okay, I registered an account so that I could comment on this post. First of all, thank you for posting this! It was exactly what I was looking for. I don't care about server memory or anything like that, but I am running a Terrafirmacraft server, which updates the world based on time lapse, so it's not enough just to have chunks unloaded from memory. It also has seasons, so I don't want to log off in the middle of summer and come back to a cold winter with all my crops dead.

    These scripts didn't work straight off the bat; this post is four years old, so lots of things are out of date. That's why I am posting this. I have spent several hours reverse engineering these commands to find out what they do and re-engineering them with up-to-date equivalents, while learning Linux (!!!) along the way. Before reading this, all I knew how to do in Linux was log in and run a script to get Minecraft running. I didn't even know how to stop it! If I wanted to stop it, I had to reboot the whole server.

    So here is my version, for anyone else wanting to do the same thing:

    What we're going to do is:

    1. Set up a webservice to listen on the default Minecraft port of 25565 and run a script when it hears something
    2. Create a script that the webservice will invoke that will check if the server is running or not, and start it if it isn't
    3. Set up a timer job to run every X minutes and invoke another script
    4. Create a script that the timer job will run that will check if there are any players on the server, and if not, shut it down

    Setting up the webservice
    For this you need xinetd installed. Try running it from the command line; if it isn't there, it will tell you how to install it. Create a file /etc/xinetd.d/minecraft:


    service minecraft
    disable = no
    type = UNLISTED
    port = 25565
    socket_type = stream
    protocol = tcp
    user = root
    wait = no
    server = /home/UncleGus/bukkit/
    max_load = 20.0

    Change the server folder to point to your minecraft directory.
    What this does is listen on port 25565 and run when it hears something. I don't know if it runs every time it hears something, but the way I have set it up, it doesn't matter. To get this service running, you will need to restart the xinetd daemon. This will happen at a reboot, but if you want to restart it now, you can with:
    $ sudo service xinetd restart

    Creating the start script
    In your minecraft folder, create a file called with:


    cd "$(dirname "$0")"
    # set these variables to what they need to be
    # this line checks if java is running
    if ! pgrep -f "$RUN" > /dev/null ; then
    # this line starts a new screen session called minecraft and runs the .jar file in it
    screen - dmS minecraft sudo -u "$USERNAME" -- /usr/bin/java -XX:ParallelGCThreads=2 -Xmx$MAXMEM -Xms$MINMEM -jar "$RUN"

    Note the changes here. I found that even when I ran java as my own user, the java processes still ran as root, so checking for java processes run by myself didn't trigger. Also, the screen session didn't seem to run in such a way that the stop script could talk to it unless I used root here. I'm a total Linux noob so I've probably done something wrong here and my server is totally insecure and you can probably hack in and have your way with my tiny azure server running nothing but minecraft. Knock yourself out. I also removed everything to do with running nc and forwarding ports; more about that later. Also, those echo statements didn't work and weren't necessary.

    Setting up the timer job
    Linux has a list of timer jobs in a table (basically just a file) called crontab. If you type:
    $ crontab -e
    You will be able to edit this table of jobs. The way it works is you define the time pattern and the command as follows:
    So something like "15 4 12 3 * echo Hi" would output "Hi" at 4:15am on the 12th of March. There are certain commands for repeating jobs etc. So add:
    */1 * * * * sudo /home/UncleGus/bukkit/
    to the bottom, changing the directory to where your minecraft server is located. */1 means every minute. This will take effect the next time you restart your server. Note the sudo. Probably very bad practice, but I found that without it, the process could not find the screen session.

    Creating the timer job script to stop the server
    In your minecraft folder, create a file called with:


    cd $(dirname $0)
    pl() {
    screen -S $scan -p 0 -X stuff '/list\n'
    echo $(tail -n 1 /home/UncleGus/bukkit/logs/latest.log | wc -m)
    [ $(pl) -lt 35 ] && {
    echo "No players connected, waiting for three minutes"
    sleep 180
    [ $(pl) -lt 35 ] && {
    echo "Still no players connected, shutting down"
    screen -S $scan -p 0 -X stuff '/stop\n'

    What this does in the pl() function is find the first screen session called minecraft and "stuff" a command into it of "/list" (in the original, the command was "who\015" but the who command doesn't work and the \0 was misplaced. \015 is the same as \n, the newline character).
    It then counts the number of characters on the last line of the server log (note the different location for the log file now). If there are no players, the count will be 34. If there are players, the count will be higher. So this script runs pl() and if there are less than 35 characters, it will wait for three minutes (in case people haven't had a chance to join yet) and then check again and send the "/stop" command if there are still no players.

    Don't forget to sudo chmod +x your script files so that they can actually be executed as scripts.

    Regarding the port forwarding, nc seems to have changed since this article was written. I did manage to get the port forwarding working once using nc.traditional, but I decided against using it in the end. My reasoning:

    1. I don't know if the script is run every time the webservice hears something on port 25565. If it does, this could be a bit messy if players are connecting over 25565.
    2. I only got it working once.
    3. If you have 25565 forwarded to 25555 on the server, then every time someone opens their multiplayer screen and queries the server on 25565, it will wake it up, even if they aren't intending to join it. By leaving it separate, you can have players add the server to their list, using port 25555, and when they want to wake the server up, they can attempt to direct connect to the server address without specifying the port. It will fail, but the attempt will invoke the wake up routine. Then they can just refresh their server list until the 25555 server is up.

    I hope someone else finds this helpful, I certainly learned a lot and am enjoying having my on-demand TFC server.


  7. I think we need more processes like the leather tanning. Nothing that complex in each individual step (so no crafting timers or any of that) but little interactive bits like scraping the hide. One example where a process could be implemented would be in creating alcohol. Brewing beer or distilling spirits etc. There could be some fun involved in that.


  8. feels almost feature complete.


    What's actually missing? The only thing I can think of is some use for gemstones, or some kind of "end" goal, like the Ender Dragon in Vanilla.


  9. I've searched for any mention of shears already and checked all the old threads and not found the recipe mentioned anywhere in these forums. I even found someone else asking the same question but it was never answered! I remember someone saying that they are made from two iron knife blades, so I made two blades and tried to craft them together, which didn't work. So then I checked the wiki, which tells me it's the same as the vanilla recipe. So I melted the blades down into ingots and tried that but this also didn't work. So I remade the blades and tried welding them, which also didn't work.



  10. Have you read, understood, and followed all of the rules listed in large text at the top of the support forum? (Yes/No): 
    TFC Version #:
    Forge Version #:
    SSP/SMP (SinglePlayer/MultiPlayer): Both
    Have you deleted your config files or are using default configs and are still able to reproduce this bug? (Yes/No): Yes
    If you answered no to the above question, delete all 3 TFC config files (TFCCrafting, TFCConfig, TFCOre), do NOT edit or add to any of the files, and try to reproduce the bug.
    This question is here because many bugs are caused by mistakes in config files. If you are unable to delete your edited config files, please provide a list of the config options you have changed.

    Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed? (Yes/No): 
    If yes, which mods? No
    If you have Optifine or Cauldron installed, can you still reproduce the bug after uninstalling them? (Yes/No):

    Not installed
 link of the Crash Report:

    No crash

    Normally tree leaves are not solid, but if they have a layer of snow on them, they are solid.


  11. Have you read, understood, and followed all of the rules listed in large text at the top of the support forum? (Yes/No): 
    TFC Version #:
    Forge Version #:
    SSP/SMP (SinglePlayer/MultiPlayer): Both
    Have you deleted your config files or are using default configs and are still able to reproduce this bug? (Yes/No): Yes
    If you answered no to the above question, delete all 3 TFC config files (TFCCrafting, TFCConfig, TFCOre), do NOT edit or add to any of the files, and try to reproduce the bug.
    This question is here because many bugs are caused by mistakes in config files. If you are unable to delete your edited config files, please provide a list of the config options you have changed.

    Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed? (Yes/No): 
    If yes, which mods? No
    If you have Optifine or Cauldron installed, can you still reproduce the bug after uninstalling them? (Yes/No): 

    Not installed
 link of the Crash Report: 

    No crash

    Using the vanilla recipe, you can craft snow blocks out of four snowballs. These can be placed anywhere and are not affected by gravity and they never melt. Players can use them in mineshafts etc. for cheap alternatives to ladders, or as bridges/walls etc.


  12. I really enjoy exploring abandoned mineshafts in vanilla MC; it would be great fun to actually _build_ them in TFC. I am hoping that somehow, in some believable and intuitive way, mining at some stage requires the use of minecarts.


  13. Another thing I have noticed is that sometimes I can't drink with something in my hand, so I always make sure I am using an empty toolbelt slot when I try to drink directly from the water.
