Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Current survival strategies

25 posts in this topic

Being well aware that the game is not finished or nearly set up for survival, there are still those who will undoubtedly try, myself being one of them. So to all of you out there who have given this a go, what are your strategies? Personally, I eat mostly rotten flesh and any garden contents I come across, following rivers as long as I can.



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Yeah I was a hardcore TFC survivalist as well so have been trying out TFC2 survival mode as well. I have not yet figured out how to make a firepit yet though. Here is what i learned so far:

1. Gather stones immediately and knapp out a axe head

2. Use your hands to knock down tree leaves so you can collect sticks (lots of them!)

3. Chop down a few trees and collect wood to eventually build a shelter from the night-time googlies

4. Follow a stream to find a fresh water lake ASAP, you can collect stick and chop trees along the way but usually wait to chop trees till at my lake site

5. Build a rudimentary shelter out of logs near a lake

6. Attempt to build a firepit (still have not gotten it to work yet)

7. Explore during daytime and try to find food

I have found only bee hives, but when knocking them down I get a Queen Bee. Not sure what to do with that. Bioxx said food items not implemented yet as of .7 so I don't expect to find any.



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Surviving has been a mute for me. Using Pam's Harvestcraft (as suggested), but haven't seen any gardens spawn. Not sure if TFC spawning might be overwriting some Pam generation or not. :\


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21 minutes ago, defiler86 said:

Surviving has been a mute for me. Using Pam's Harvestcraft (as suggested), but haven't seen any gardens spawn. Not sure if TFC spawning might be overwriting some Pam generation or not. :\

TFC is overwriting Pam's normal generation, so the garden are rare, but they exist.


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22 hours ago, CJHKing2 said:

6. Attempt to build a firepit (still have not gotten it to work yet)

Stand in a spot and throw down 4 sticks, 4 rocks, and at least 1 log(this will require 4 straw as well in the next patch). Then using a firestarter, aim at the block where the items are sitting and hold right click for a while. You'll see smoke for a bit and eventually a firepit will form.


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11 minutes ago, Bioxx said:

Stand in a spot and throw down 4 sticks, 4 rocks, and at least 1 log(this will require 4 straw as well in the next patch). Then using a firestarter, aim at the block where the items are sitting and hold right click for a while. You'll see smoke for a bit and eventually a firepit will form.

Thanks Bioxx! I thought I must be missing something :-) Love the additional items needed to make the firepit.


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To make torches craft a stick with charcoal

to get charcoal make a pot in a pit kiln

Edited by Stroam

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From another thread:


Notable new feature is the addition of pitkilns and pottery. They work a bit differently now than they used to. After you find some clay (for now always near freshwater) right click with them in your hand to open the ui and craft your clay object. Next, right click on the ground in a 2 deep pit with the clay item to place it down (only 1 item can fit in a block) then right click with straw 4 times. Use a firestarter until you see flames begin to rise from the straw. Now quickly add a log on top of the straw, and then a piece of dirt/gravel/sand on top of that. If you did everything correctly and fast enough, you should see smoke rising from the top of the pile. After 8 in-game hours you can dig up the pottery. This process also creates a small amount of charcoal now which must be shoveled from the block before you can retrieve your item.


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It may be tempting to find a spot and settle down but you will starve to death most likely if you try this. You might be able to settle down if you find some animals, have some food stored up, and food in the nearby area you haven't picked. At that point plant some seeds and eat your stores until you run out. Then eat all the surrounding plants. Last east the animals and hope your crops will be mature soon. It is helpful to have the ocean nearby as there is an infinite amount of squid. So having a place near an ocean is highly beneficial.


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On 27/4/2017 at 2:37 AM, Uncle Gus said:

How do squid help? Can you eat them?

Yup. They drop raw calamari from Pam's Harvestcraft.


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On 4/26/2017 at 9:35 PM, Stroam said:

To make torches craft a stick with charcoal

to get charcoal make a pot in a pit kiln


I've yet to see any clay.


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43 minutes ago, Akirameta said:

I've yet to see any clay.

I've only seen it along river banks myself, not in swamps or lakes yet.  Which doesn't mean it isn't in those places, I just haven't seen it.  I find that it appears maybe once every 10-15 hexes along rivers?  So once along average size rivers, it seems like.  More on very long ones.   But I haven't made a scientific survey of it yet; ymmv.


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Thanks @Iron Miner. I found it now. I wasn't looking under the water in the rivers.


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17 hours ago, Darmo said:

I've only seen it along river banks myself, not in swamps or lakes yet.  Which doesn't mean it isn't in those places, I just haven't seen it.  I find that it appears maybe once every 10-15 hexes along rivers?  So once along average size rivers, it seems like.  More on very long ones.   But I haven't made a scientific survey of it yet; ymmv.

I'm pretty sure that it still doesn't generate under lakes, as I havent found any under many lakes. Also, how do you deal wih mobs? I barely make it to a lake when I get killed by a ton of mobs that spawned under a tree branch


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Quickly build a very small shelter, or run into the water far enough that they won't follow.


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37 minutes ago, TheSnarkyKnight said:

I'm pretty sure that it still doesn't generate under lakes, as I havent found any under many lakes. Also, how do you deal wih mobs? I barely make it to a lake when I get killed by a ton of mobs that spawned under a tree branch

I don't really play survival much - just to test features basically.  I'm not trying to actually 'survive' yet, though the update that increased garden spawns did make that more viable than before.  If I need to survive zombies I pillar up 2 high and kill them.  Skeletons I run.


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I run along rivers and collecting food, clay, and wood when it's safe. Then I follow the river back to the ocean and set up a hovel against a cliff face. I plant the food on the side of the river and eat mainly calamari from killing squids as there isn't enough crops to sustain me even with 5 gardens worth of food. 


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On 4/30/2017 at 7:29 PM, Akirameta said:

I've yet to see any clay.

I did actually find some clay by a lake yesterday.  It was only along the edge, not in the bottom (I think maybe the lake generation 'ate' most of it).  So not easy to see from the air.  I only found it incidentally.  But apparently it does spawn around the edges of lakes, at least.

A temporary and very situational tip for finding gardens - if you use mapwriter, the grass and leaves and anything that uses a greyscale texture to 'biome-match' color shows up as shades of grey on the map.  But pam's gardens (and vanilla flowers and trees and stuff) have color.  So you can actually find the shady and soggy gardens on the map without too much trouble.  Shady are a green pixel, soggy dark brown.  breezy gardens seem to use a light colored pixel, and are pretty hard to spot amongst the grey.   I haven't paid enough attention to the others to tell.   But shady and soggy are pretty good.  It seems like they show up once every 50 hexes-ish?  Soggy often in groups of 2 or 3. very near together.  So there's actually a fair amount around now.  Obviously this will probably eventually be obsoleted.  But for now it works.


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On 26.04.2017 at 7:35 AM, Stroam said:

To make torches craft a stick with charcoal

to get charcoal make a pot in a pit kiln

For more charcoal and don’t waste your clay just use already prepared pottery. Don’t pick up it from pit, cover it with straw etc.


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I've been testing out various early housing. I don't know if this is what Bioxx intended or if it'll stay like this but this should give you some ideas. Dirt can pillar indefinitely and support out to three blocks each making it able to span out to 6 blocks if there's two pillars that go all thee way down to raw stone. Here is an example of a very stable small dirt mansion that demonstrates what you can build on day one. 



The river is 6 wide which is just small enough for a dirt bridge. allowing you to go under the water to enter your house. Mobs also don't cross two gaps two wide and 2 deep allowing one to jump from this cliff into the house but not let the mobs do so. This dirt mansion is almost mob proof. The occasional spider might get in, but easy enough to deal with and provides string. Because it is next to the river you can get water at night and grow crops withing 4 blocks of the river. This setup can be stacked to go up an infinite height. The most simple setup I've found is digging a stair case down to raw stone and then a entrance into a 3x3 wide and 2 high room and then one dirt block for a door you can attack through. If you have extra time you can dig a "Chimney" in the center and build it up two blocks so you can see the sky and mobs still can't get in.


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highly doubtful the gravity was intended this way, but cool nonetheless.


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Hello everybody.
I started playing TFC, relatively recently.
This version (that is, TFC2), I liked more than the previous one.
But even at the very start of the game, having collected all the resources necessary for minimal existence, after building a temporary shelter, I came across a kind of problem in the further development.
I can not assemble a workbench (open locked cells).
Without them, further development is stopped.
I do not know what to do, I went through all the available logic and bonality variations, but the output never found.

I will be very grateful for help in solving this problem!

Yours faithfully RoN1N

Edited by R.o.N1N

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4 hours ago, R.o.N1N said:

I can not assemble a workbench (open locked cells).

Ya, I don't think Bioxx has coded that yet.  The game is VERY early alpha stages.  You can't make a saw or any metal tools yet, never mind the stuff that requires a saw to make it.  The stone age isn't complete yet, even.  The only way to "solve" the problem is go creative mode. 


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Thank you for the timely assistance.
Your information was very useful.
I will wait with impatience for the further development of this project, which undoubtedly interested me!

The developer, the greater fellow. A truly small amount of work has been done!


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