Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Stroam

  1. Agriculture

    If genetics are involved you are right. A compromise, when harvesting a plant you have the option of harvesting it for seeds or food. I agree. In this thread I outline a late game method of reducing fuel. I would change the pit kiln from 8 logs to 16 or 32sticks if my suggestionsto wood getting implemented. For further discussion please reply to the linked thread. This is both surprising and may not relate if the cropgrowth based on time passage vs ticks. Time passage allows it to grow while you are away or sleeping while ticks must have the chunk loaded or have a tick simulator.
  2. Animal husbandry

    Time to revive this thread with more ideas. My goal is as follows. Limit size of herd based on continued player involvement. Deal with people leaving a server and then coming back. Make it as resource and code friendly as possible without getting into specifics. tie various aspects to an animal skill. Some of these goals will be met based on certain assumptions that may or may not be true. One such assumption is that you are working on a server in a group and that if you are gone, another player can do some quick maintenance. Another assumption is that mods will come along to make certain aspects easier for those who don't fit in the previous assumption. I am going to try and leave animal AI out of this because AI isn't easy, and doesn't work well with time simulation though hard to avoid when adding mechanics to animals. As a reference point, in TFC 1 right now you have a couple steps. Gathering the animals, taming them, collecting the goods. Certain servers have made this a little more difficult by making untamed animals not drop anything when you kill them. The only two times you can fail is not being careful when collecting and they die some how. The second is forgetting to feed them when in the process of taming. Otherwise you can have a herd of 50 + crowded in a pretty tight area, leave for a month, come back and still have a huge herd. The hardest part about the gathering is the distance and landscapes you have to bring them through to get back to your place. Since TFC 2 is island based I am going to assume that won't be too hard. I am going to also assume that if not in the base game, a mod will come out for to make animal transportation easier like the tucker bag for TFC 1. I don't see a way to make that more difficult without changing animal AI. Since Bioxx is keen to add transportation mechanics, I do think this is a good way to do it. Lead an animal to a train. For transportation between islands you could have ports. Lead the animal up to the docks and tether it to a certain block and then when you traveled to another place the animal would get transported as well. Maybe make sure a certain amount of food is in each transportation method so animals don't die during transportation. Taming is a good way to introduce some skill by making taming go quicker based on players animal skill. If players had an animal skill that went up each time an animal is tamed then you could require at low skill levels it takes longer to tame animals because at higher skill level it becomes much quicker. After taming there needs to be some form of maintenance that grows as the herd does or having 3 animals is not bigger of a task than having 100 animals. One of the ways of doing this is taking Tony's suggestion with a configuration option that if tamed and not fed they will die of starvation. (Directly feeding animals could raise your animal skill). Issues with this is things such as sleeping, and wild animals. The sleeping issue can be solved by a feedingblock. You'd be able to add food to the feeding block, each animal would use a different feeding block. Food does expire in these feeding block but with a higher tech level you could connect these to food silos so they are auto filled by the silo. Thewild animal part can be solved by having unfed animals dropping less meat which makes sense. It could also take more effort to kill wild animals through a number of changes involving, health, damage, hunger, and AI. The simplest way to do this is making knifing an animal to death costs more hunger than the food from the animal provides.Also because we are on islands it may be pretty easy to kill off all the animal populations on an island if you kill each one you come across. While this would limit the size of the productive part of the herd it doesn't limit the herd it's self. While filling up 20 feeding blocks does take a little time and a scalableamount of resources, people typically already have more animals then they actively use. Another mechanic to help curb animals populations is sickness. If x many animals are within Y distance of animal it could have a chance to get sick which if not treated can lead to the animals death. During testing you could modify the three values to what made sense for each animal and even allow each server to tune these options in a config file. This would encourage players to not put all their animals in the same pen and to spread them out more, you could also have someone with sufficiently high animal skill to identify and treat the illness. Also sickness should have a chance to spread to nearby animals. The last mechanic I am going to propose is something I would say is on the bottom of my list. Skeletons already had a behavior that allows them to look for cover. That could be retooled to make animals occasionally seek shelter from the elements such as rain and snow. If not provided shelter, be it trees or barn, they will take minor damage. Animals can heal this back by eating grass or being fed. This would mean animals need to be provided with enoughshelter,again this could be trees, so that they don't take damage from the weather, and don't crowd and become sick.Now I am not suggesting that one rain storm can kill off unprotected animals, but I am suggesting that if you leave your animals without shelterand it rains for two nights in a row, that your weaker animals would die off. For added difficulty I'd include a configuration option to have animals die of old age and untamed animals that would have died in an unloaded chunk instead wrap back around. Meaning if you had a wild animal that would die in two years and you come back in 6, you find an animals that's 4 years old. With these ideas implemented it means that people could choose the difficulty of their play. If people left for an amount of time they would just have to at the very least make sure their animals had shelter and were spaced. At the most difficult they would have to have the previously mentioned requirements as well as,make sure the feeding stations were full, andthat they had young animals that weren't going to grow old and die by the time they came back.
  3. Coins

    This is like the merchants mod for TFC 1 and I suspect a similar mod will be made or integrated inTFC 2 as Bioxx has already said he's playing with the idea of trade ships even though I can't find where currently.
  4. Food + Taste + Hunger

    This just seems annoying. If you are a black smith and go out looking for ore, you are going to need tons of food for what ever distance you travel to find the ore, plus mine it, and then get it back to town. If a farmer and blacksmith went to go tackle a dungeon then the farmer would have an advantage in that he could attack and travel longer without getting hungry.Itseems to be geared toward making the early game easier and the late game more tedious. Things IMO should start out hard, become easier till they managed. The farming in agriculture does keep a farmer pretty busy during the growing season but that can get negated through variouspeople helping out, growing on an island where the temperature is such that you can grow all year long, cooking, and proper storage. On my first TFC 1 server we lived in the far north, around -25000, with a very short growing season and not that big of field. You could grow for 4 months out of the year, yet we could grow so much in that short amount of time, that you only had to grow every other year. I would rather make food harder to get, then make people eat more often.
  5. I suppose we could have one person get 1/2the amount and same chance of catching rare fish. based on their fishing skill. This means one person in the boat gets 1/4th the amount that two people in the boat get, cause 1 net per person, which balances out.
  6. Agriculture

    Yah I'd say some level of smithing and wood working would be required. I remember using a modern version of this when I helped out with agriculture research. The system you proposed definitely needs refinement, and is quite complex. Lets see if I can synthesize it a bit more. Going to push back knowing anything to simplify it. I'm also going to do it in powers of 2. Novice -knows nothing because this is where everyone starts. Adept - knows the first two ingredients, and if it is: insects pests, blight, pathogen Expert - knows the first two ingredients, a third, and if it's: insect(smallor tiny) pest (rodent or birds) Blight(mold or fungi) pathogen( single cellornematode) Master knows all 4 ingredients and if it's: insect large(beetle or moth) tiny(mites or aphids) pest rodent(mice orvole) birds(starling or sparrow) blight fungus(mildew or black spot) mold( slime or water) pathogen single(bacteria or virus) nematode(Root or cyst) It's generic enough that unless you research it can apply to any plant. Since there is fewer ingredients in the method I outlined I'd make it so it can only be applied once per plant life cycle, or you can allow them to apply more than one and if they apply the second before the time limit it kills the plants though I'd go with the nicer path and not let them. I would also make it so if you have 2 ingredients and they match 2 out of 4 then the plants have a 50% chance of recovering, 3/4 would be 75% chance. If you got 1 ingredient wrong it would be a 0% chance.You could also delay the visual updateso you don't know instantly if it is effective or not. Also I'd make the chance of it happening no more than 1/32. That way early game you aren't hurt by it too much. It's not until you have larger fields that it becomes a major problem. I would make it have a chance of spreading to crops up to two blocks away. Meaning early game if you space your plants really far apart you canpartiallyprotect from it wiping out your entire field.
  7. Agriculture

    The benefit of having weeds tied to the farmland is that it works on both planted and fallow fields. I was thinking instead of a seed sack, using a planter, but a seed sack could work. Later planters made of metal and wood could carry significantly more seed. A pot does 4 which is annoying, sack could do like 32 which is fine fore one person. Planter could do 64 which is quite a bit, and then you could upgrade the planter to have seed containers that hold 64 seeds and allow quick swapping. The weed graphic I don't know which would be easier honestly, something to leave up to the developers really. If seed only drops from produce then I guarantee that you'll have less than what you are use to, specially if uncooked food doesn't fill up your hunger as much. You are right in that if people want to avoid the early game survival aspect they can have a starting town. I definitely would make all herbivoreanimals eat grass like sheep and if they don't have enough they die. Feeding them would allow you to put them on smaller fields, breed them, and maybe mature faster. More on that in a different thread. I would make the hunger bar decrease slower. I would make uncooked food fill it up significantly less with diminishing returns on food you recently ate. I would make cooked food fill up the bar significantly more. I would also make it so when your hunger bar runs out you start taking damage.These changes would make foraging every day until you have a farm setup necessary. It would encourage you to seek out a variety of foods. It would encourage people to cook their food and make a variety of different meals. This would be similar to how it was in a mod pack known as Blood n Bones. If you haven't played it I suggest you watch a lets play to get an idea of the early game to see where I'm coming from. (BTW I do not suggest copying anything else from that modpack because while it was fun, it was also super hard and at times more fun to watch other play then playing yourself. In the best armor and weapons in the game, you could still die in a swamp at night) For water I too would make your thirst bar decrease slower. I wouldn't make drinking fill up less but I would make drinking non flowing water have a chance of making you sick which can be negated later by tediously filtering your water, or adding alcohol to your water. Because you couldn't die from hunger in TFC 1 and it had the slow and zooming effect I purposely didn't eat while building. This allowed me to ignore food, less chance of breaking more blocks then intended with my higher tier picks, and place blocks more precisely. Hunger should never be a benefit. When mining I didn't drinkwater because you don't need to move very far in mining, you don't die of thirst unless it's warm. Usually had a water barrel up top so that when I wanted to leave I could drink then empty the barrel to fill it up.Grab the other barrels full of rocks, dirt, gems, and ore. Got on my horse so I could move again and ride home with sometimes 4 barrels of stuff with one of them being full of small vessels full of stuff. As for the horse drawn plow, if you allowed animals to eat crops this would merit not leaving a cow/horse in the crop field. For plowing you could equip a plow on a beast of burden which then works it's magic in an area around the animal. You could then lead the animal around on the field letting it work it's magic on the field. There is always the chance to miss a section which would make those farming levels useful so that you can see where you missed and either bring the animal back around or finish it with a hoe.
  8. Sluices you have to add sand or gravel. That's kinda like bait. What if spears were for fish, traps were for crabs, digging was for clams. With the new vanilla boats you can have two people in a boat so you could require nets to be used in a boat that has two people in it. The benefit is a larger haul and/or chance of catching rarer fish. If TFC 2 requires you to eat a variety of food, then catching different things could be very beneficiary. Or if TFC 2 still has nutrition you could have each thing provide a different type of nutrition. I am not sure about eels because they are poisonous. You really have to prepare them right to eat. They don't seem to be a staple anywhere from my look on wikipedia but they are expensive.
  9. Clam digging can be done with a tool that that you use on sand. When used on sand it can check if there is salt water within X blocks, if the block is at sea level, and use the same over worked mechanics as fishing and gold panning in tfc 1 use. Barnacles could only grow on rocks touching a rock adjacent to salt water and touching another rock adjacent to air. Thiswould cause a band two wide, to avoid crowding you could have them use similar code to mushrooms in vanilla which stop expanding if they are "crowded". Spear fishing with some sort of bait is a golden idea. Decreases server load, adds variety of what you can catch by switching out the bait. Traps I agree should wear out and require bait, be under two blocks of water, and if you wait too long you get rotten seafood. If it's just bait and throwyou are getting something for pretty much nothing. I mean reeds aren't hard to get and rotten flesh isn't very difficult either, unless there is no zombies. Nets I'd make a re-skinned version of the fishing rod. Skill can effect how much is caught, what is caught, and durability of equipment. I guaranteeif I made a net and a fisherman in Africa who has been doing it for the last 30 years made one, his would last longer than mine. Probably more effective too and take less time for him to make. Hmm I wonder if you can use skills to determine crafting speed? I don't see a reason it couldn't but have never tried it or seen it done. It would have to be crafted on something other than a crafting bench which is no big deal. Looking at the code from forestry you can modify time it takes to craft something, but I don't know if that can be done at run time. If so that'd be cool as you could extend that to other things like casting speed. Chunks effecting drops is also an awesome idea, you definitely would want to guard that secret so that chunk doesn't get over worked.
  10. Agriculture

    I agree with the fallow. and you do propose a good idea with the weeds. A farming block is 15/16's tall. This means you could visually show weed growth on the farming block. You could have a green pixels appearing on top of the farm block. The top is 16x16 so stage one could cover 1/4, staged two could cover 1/2, etc. I would keep the number to 16 because minecraft stacks are traditionally powers of 2. stage 1: 1-4 weeds : 1/4 farm block covered stage 2: 5-8 weeds : 1/2 farm block covered stage 3: 9-12 weeds : 3/4 farm block covered stage 4: 13-16 weeds : totally covered farm block If the farmer doesn't take care of the weeds by 16th weed, then when the 17th should be added it turns into a dirt block. When that happens itdestroys all the nutrients of that block because it's now a new block. Another thing I would change is when you currently hoe grass on TFC 1 the farm block has full nutrients. I would decrease that to 1/4 th nutrients so people don't let grass grow back over it and re-hoe it as a way to avoid fertilizer. I've actually used that trick in tfc 1 on just fields, it does destroy the dirt but who doesn't have tons of dirt laying around in chests?
  11. Eye candy, decorative, ornament, visually appealing but functionally unimportant. Could you elaborate on how these traps would be constructive and used in game? Like what makes the hand trough labor intensive game wise? Is it different then going up to a specific spot on the beach with trowel in hand and clicking?
  12. You'll have to explain to me how it adds hours of gameplay. To me it looks like you've just suggested eye candy and easier ways of fishing.
  13. Food + Taste + Hunger

    Maybe this should get posted I know the title doesn't match but it's kind of become a food prep thread.
  14. I am always up for more sea life, but before you do that shouldn't you have coral reefs for fish and sponges, kelp forests for urchins, etc. Most the time when I see all of that combined it's in a mod of it's own, which just means it's a huge undertaking being added to TFC 2 which is another huge undertaking.
  15. Agriculture

    As I mentioned before, I think seeds should only come from produce to make you early on weigh your next meal verse sustainability. I also believe seeds should not stack. This is so that it's possible to include genetic information in the item and makes it annoying enough that planters and seed silos are desirable as they would hold a lot of seed. If the seeds stack you can't include genetic or viability information because a stack removes that data. Skillof the farmer should effect their ability to see soilandseed stats,how much seed they obtain from produce, plant health, and carry over to bees. If you tie skill to produce drop then a highly skilled player doesn't need to take care of the plants as they can get plenty of food from a very few plants. Also you need farming to be more effective than scavenging, yet not so effective that you don't need cooking. Weeds I think should not directly effect plants. I think weeds should more rapidly use up the nutrients in all square around it with a radius of 1. This makes them undesirable because nutrients should return slow, and if any plants are near it they will have less nutrition. At the same time pests should spread to nearbyplants, that way you don't want bunch your plants up too much because of pests, and don't want too much empty field because of weeds. You also want to make plantsgrow really slowly when not adjacent to other farmland so people don't hoe in a grid skipping enoughto prevent pests and weeds. Genetics should effect how tolerant the plant is to various conditions and how much produce it drops. So basically it's survival under various conditions and it's drops. The two things should be inversely related.A crop that sucks at surviving should have a higher yield than a more tolerant plant. Which means you want to find the right balance of drought, pest, frost resistance for your area to maximize your yield. If the plants aren't resistant they have a greater chance of dying which gives you nothing, yet a plant that is resistant to everything alsogives you no produce. If you make people use hoes more often like having to re-hoe to increase aeration in the soil, then the durability of your hoe matters as you don't want your hoe wearing out too quickly. Darmo, you mentioned breaking speed. While that isn't feasible for tilling soil, it is feasible for plant harvest. So you could have different tools have different breaking speeds for plants in the same manner you can have picks breaks blocks at different speeds. You can also make it so that if you don't use the right tool you don't get any drops like punching stone in vanilla minecraft. This would be a good way to introduce tiered metal tools. Anything you come up with to effect plants by doing something to the soil needs to effect a stat in the soil and not break it because then it becomes a different block and destroys the stats. Also a warning on AOE. It sometimes causes you to break something you didn't want to break. For Instance carpenter safes and warded glass which should be able unbreakable and any AOE block breaking item targeting a block next to it. Now I have not checked what is causing that so I would just be cautious. Things that shouldn't be added mostly because they are either not feasible is growing plants outside of farmland and animals pulling plows.
  16. Clay working

    I can't think of a way to make pottery a worthwhile profession so no skill. It's just not used enough and if you had sand casting pottery would literally be there just to get you by till you have metal and wood. The huge kiln would indeed be a higher tier with the aim of using less fuel,firing more pots at once, and once warmed up cooks them faster. An interface would be nicer then placing and collecting, specially if you were keeping it hot to get the speed bonus during mass production. I don't consider the firebrick expensive because the stuff to make it has no there use and one vein produces so much. You will want your metal structures up first.
  17. Saws & Sawmills

    Building cabins ishard work as you can see here. I definitely agree your first house probably won't be a log cabin. It should be a cave. A cold, damp, dark cave.Adobe and sod would be cool. Ya, the concepts I wanted to bring out in the idea is processing outside the crafting table,encouraging people to work together, and something to work towards. Teleporting would totally miss out on having a horse haul some to railroad, where it'd be loaded and hauled to a lumber mill. Or I think it would amusing for the lumber yard to be down hill and to toss the logs into an aqueduct that carries it to the lumber yard.
  18. Boats/Rafts

    You still can do that. Each island is X big and the water between it is ywide. There is progression out to z island east and west. So your minimum world would be (x+y)*z. After that you can extend it as much as you want and people will only find oceanto the North and south beyond the island. East and west will start generating random islands beyond the progression islands. I'd try to end the edges in the oceans between islands but that's me. I can't give you exact numbers because I don't have them. Also there should be some performance improvements in TFC 2 but how noticeable that'll be will depend on added features and mods.
  19. Clay working

    I am not a fan of the currently proposed mini game, mostly because I don't know how one would go about coding that for minecraft. The way it is in TFC 1 is okay except mass producing isn't really possible and the 8 logs ever time is expensive.I haven't played around with terramisc yet so don't know how well that kiln improves it. In TFC 1 there is 4 containers and the rest are all molds. The current molds seems perfectly fine to me. You barely use them as is except the ingot mold. The 4 containers bowls, small vessel, large vessel, and clay jugs are the most highly abstracted and happen to be round. Clay working often requires getting the clay wet so you take your clay and toss a stack of it in the water. It then turns into a single item called wet clay. You right click wet clay on a solid block and it makes a clay crafting stationthe same way you make a sandwich table in TFC 1. This would have a slot you could stick your wet clay in, an optional spot for a potters wheel, a spin toggle, output slot,the same grid that TFC 1 clay uses,and a up and down arrow with a number to display the levels 0 through 3. The grid starts out empty and when you click a square it adds clay and subtracts durability from the wet clay. You can also click on the clay to remove it and add durability back to the wet clay. When you have the recipe correct on all 4 levels it'll show the product in the output slot. If pull out the item all the grids clear. So a scythe mold would be level 0 completely full, and then the current pattern in level 1. A potters wheel would enable you to toggle spin on and off. In spin mode it fills in the entire ring in one click. so if you clicked in the centerit'd only be one. If you clicked the a square on the outside edge it'd attempt to fill in the entire outside edge, stopping when you run out of wet clay. A significant time saver if you are producing more than one. When you finish making an item it's still wet and needs to dry so set it some where. Once it is dry you can fire it in a pit or in a kiln. If you fire it before it dries you will only get pottery shards. A pottery kin is constructed similar toa bloomery with two additional chambers. Exmaple: The stairs would be replaced by the vent block. Note the wall block with charcoal on it. It needs charcoal to run. Also note that parts of it require fire bricks. The firing chamber is three long in this example and starts after the firebrick block and stops onebefore the chimney. This is a cut away to show you the inside. You'd put a wall there with metal trap doors to access the pottery. I also think ingot molds should be made with sand and not clay.
  20. Saws & Sawmills

    I would makehave higher durability on the upper end axes and slightly lower the durability on the lower end axes. I'd allow people to team up on the same block to make it go significantly faster.I propose that logs can only be carried 1 at a time on your back slot like barrels in TFC 1 but can't go into any other inventory slot. This means early game you'll do your wood manufacturing on site, and later in the game have the option of transporting it to a place specialized for production. First you need to decide what size you want your wood pieces because once cut you can't add it back. You have cut logs, strippedlogs,timber beams, planks, and sticks. Each variety has a warped version that doesn't work in recipes for that size. So a warped plank can't be used as a plank but it can be cut down into sticks or crafted into firewood. Timber and larger can't be used used in ovens/fireplaces but can be used for making charcoal or supports. Warped timber can be used for charcoal but not supports. Planks and smaller don't count toward structural stability. Back to the logs. To make it useful for other stuff youneed to first take off the bark with your hands by punching the different sides of the log or speed it up using a draw knife. Next we can cut it into timber but when you do so it has a chance of warping. You can get 1 to 2 timbers that are either straight or warped by placing a wedge on top of the stripped log and hitting it with a hammer. The bonus 2nd timber is based on your wood working skill and represents less waste. Or if you have two people and a whip saw you can place that on top and both of you alternately clicking it to cut it faster and always get twotimber and less chance of warping.Now with this timber you can pick it up, use it for supports etc. No longer needs to go on your back, it's just heavy. Or you can further cut it up with a regular saw into planks with a chance to produce warped planks on a Wood cuttingbench. You do this by placing a saw or ax in it's slot and the timber in the other slot and then clicking cut which will make the timber disappear and partially fill up a gauge. Then keep clicking cut till the gauge fills up and products appear in the output slots. Ax produces 1planks with a high chance of warping. Saw produces 2 with lower chance of warping. Higher skill gives a chance for +1 plank with ax,up to +2 planks with saw andalso lowers chance for warping. This process can be repeated for sticks with the same chances. Meaning an unskilled personwith just a stone ax can get as little as 1 stick per log with much wasted time. A skilled woodworker with the right tools and a buddy can get up to 32 sticks per log in a shorter amount of time. 2 timbers *4 planks * 4 sticks = 32 sticks! Not that you are trying to make just sticks but it shows what the right tools and skill can do. Putting your stripped logs next to some water will over time produce soaked stripped logs. These have a lower chance of producing warped timber and producesoaked timber instead. Soaked timber again has a lower chance of warping and produce planks and warped planks. Soaked stripped logs and timber if left out in the sun will dry after a day or two. Wood cutting bench is made by taking two stripped logs and placing them next to each other, then clicking on them with either an axor saw. Now that you have the base products it's time to go into the finished products and an additional crafting station! Carpenters workstation made by clicking two stripped logs next to each other with a hammer. Here you will have a crafting grid with an output slot, a craft button, a progress bar that you can click on to see the recipes, and threeslots on the left for hammer, glue,and nails. Nails are made at a blacksmith, glue is made by boiling down various animal parts or tree sapin a bowl. Tree sap drops when cutting down a tree. You need to heat up the glue to make hot glue which slowly cools down. Here you can combine two planks to make a panel, uses some hot glue. 5panels make a box, uses more hot glue. A box, a panel,and 2strips of leather make a chest, requires nails in the nail slot. 6 panels, 2 hinges, and nails makes a door. A barrel requires hot glue and planks surrounding a metal hoop. Quality handles that increase tooldurability can be made with a single plank and knife. They can be further enhanced by applying wax. A panel and 2 planks can made into plank blocks, requires glue. I'll let the programmers come up with the rest. Each time you craft something you have a chance ofmaking firewood instead. They higher your skill the smaller the chance. Different metals will increase tool durability but nothing else. Down the road when you have more metal you can make a multi-block sawmill where you can specify what cut you want and just feed it stripped logs.
  21. What binds players together

    Oh I'm sure Emoniphknows what DnD is and has even played it or games inspired by it. I just thinkEmoniph is very creative, an experienced modder, and was looking into psychology at that time. Which makes that mod a good example at what can be done with the new minecraft system.
  22. Regional Difficulty

    Well this seems to be a thread centered around progression so here's my two cents. Man started out as scavengers and gatherers. It wasn't until we acquired tools that made killing easier that we started killing things. Our first tools were crude digging devices for getting roots easier, rocks for breaking nuts and bones of dead animals to acquire the marrow that a predictor left behind, knifes for quickly taking what meat we could from a carcass and running before something dangerous came. Spear was our first effective killing weapon because it extended our reach and every fighter knows how important reach is. We still spend most of the day from that point on finding food. Techniques diversified as some went into the plains, others the forests, and others along the coast. One such technique was setting the forest on fire. This made animals run out which gave you a chance to kill it with your spear, and got rid of those pesky trees blocking the light from berry bushes and other food providing plants. Eventually someone noticed if you planted some of the seeds you obtained from the food, that more plants of that type would grow the next year. minecraft a survival game First make hunger actually decrease yourhealth bar till you die. Then addwild plants few and far between. Next only get seed from produce making you weigh current survival over stable food source. Make the food bar decrease slower and make the uncooked food fill it only a tiny bit. Have diminishing returns on food you over eat by making it fill your hunger bar less to a point.Add in all the difficult I mentioned here with growing crops.Tie seed drops to player skill. Make attacking things decrease your food bar quicker as well asmake animals harder to kill and obtain meat from. Require fishing rod to have fishing line that requires ametal hook toreduce people to spear fishing.Make early game mobs afflict you with hunger to make people avoid them. The first set of islandsshould not be about metal at all. It should be about getting a stable food source. To subdue the first island/regionyou should have to makesacrifices of food, enough to fill up X points of hunger. After you subdue the island then you are allowed to break stone. Until then you need to pick up rocks andeven then lowest tier thing you need to break stone is a copper pick.
  23. What binds players together

    In regards to alchemy, something neat that uses flasks,randomization by seed, andwhat not that you may take inspiration fromhere. Made by the same person who made Witchery I believe. I loved that mod and this one looks pretty awesome as well. Cooking - I should add to that thread. smithing/metal - Since that was a year ago and I think I saw a comment somewhere that he's already done the ore spawning, I don't think adding there is useful. I see on the github a lot of commits called anvil stuff as well. We should indeed make an agriculture thread.
  24. What binds players together

    Going to stay here in this topic because I feel we don't have to worry about derailment which happened in the magic thread. If something of note gets written I'll copy paste it into the appropriate thread. The trade - You already know how I feel about hard barriers. Magic - we've covered, Alchemy - I'll respond in detail there. I feel you have some details about how to start, and then list the end products, and hand wave how to connect them. martial - until you give me enemies I can't handle, I don't see a point in making it easier to kill. butchering - great detail, feels quite fleshed out one might say. Gem cutting - Again great detail, feels like it only needs a fine polish and to be included under jeweler. The idea of gem currency I like. Glass blowing - Seems fun. Only issue I have is the block dragging, since it's spinning shouldn't what ever you do on the top half effect the bottom? Also if that's the case do you need to show both halfs? Animal breeding - Was going to comment on this one till i saw it was over a year old. The AI in minecraft just isn't there to support a good portion of the proposition. Pottery - has a lot it can improve on. Details later. Bees - I might add more to that. At this point I am at a little bit of information overload. Wood cutting - Will add to later. cooking - Smithing and metal - It's one of the most discussed and detailed of the professions. There's a lot to go through and probably little to add. Agriculture - the "here" link is broken, and in the other one I'll take the time later to parse it out the info. There is some psychology aspects behind that statementthat my mind won't go into at the moment. I'm not saying your wrong or right, just that there is interesting discussion to be had there later ifso inclined.
  25. What binds players together

    Well if apply the above profession model to TFC 1. You have: farmer Animal Rancher wood worker potter smith cook Stone mason Fisher Farmer - You've already said food is too easy, well here's a farming profession. Finding wild plantsis pretty easy but nomost the time it doesn't drop seedand the seedsdon't stack. Now that you've gathered seed you plant it next to water, it's late spring. This is the first time you have farmed and you have about 12 plants that you sow into the ground. 3 of the seeds get used up but generate no plantsyou have no idea.You ignore it for a couple days and come back and 2of the plants are gone! That night while you are around your camp fire you observe a wild pigcome up and eat 1 of your plants! You chase them away. The next day you put up a 1 high dirt wall around your crops, then dig a trench around that. You look proudly at the 6 plants that are left. Over the next few nights you observe wild pigs unable to cross your barrier. The plants are starting to get a bit higher and you notice that 5of them are kinda of yellowish and don't know what to do about it, 4 of them die over the next few days and 1 turns green again. One day while working on something else you notice a goat has gotten over your barrier and ate 1 of the last two plants remaining! You angrily chase it off and it easily jumps over you barrier. You look down at your 1 plant left. It was the one that had turned yellow and then green again. It's almost mature. You watch it like a hawk over the next couple days as it becomes mature. You harvest your 1 carrot plant and get 2 carrots. You decide you want to replant them. The first one you fail to obtain a seed from, but the second one you get a seed. flash forward You are now and Adept farmer. Your wood working buddy has helped you with making a fence around your crops to keep out the animals and made lattices for growing berries, and supports for orchard trees. They also have the seed and yellowing problem with the additional problem of birds.You have learned that if you use bone meal on the soil before you plant, less of the seed fails and that you have to re-plow each time you plant in the same spot. A good portion of your crops still get yellow and die but the carrots that came from that first seed you raised seem to be more resistant. You have learned to rotating your crops helps you get more use out of the field but still have to let a field go fallow some times.You usually get 2 plants plants from a crop, though sometimes only one, and you get seed from the produceevery time now. You are also starting to raise bees toproduce wax for candles and wood work and honey. They have their difficulties such as getting stung, wood worker needing to build frames and replace them every other year, you need a smoker, you need to find a queen, occasionally they start swarming, and you need to moderate the amount of honey you harvest or they may die off especially in the fall andover winter. The whole honey collecting and processing has it's set of tasks. flash forward You are now an expert farmer. You have found that using a mixture of bone meal and ground fish eye in a mortar and pestleon the soil almost always guarantees the seed will work. You and the wood worker have made scare crows to help protect your berries and orchards.Instead of planting by hand with each of the seeds taking up a slot, your wood working buddy has teamed up with the blacksmith this time to make you a seed planter that can hold like 25 seed. They occasionally need to fix it. You have learned yellow plants are caused by pests and have found that planting certain plants together in a field helps fight pests. You have learned that putting a 1 block gap between groups of plants helps stop the spread of pests. You now test the soil with your metal hoe to see the nutrients,soil hydration,andaeration. You have learned you occasionally need to water in the summer. You have foundfish or ground up sylvite help add nutrients back into the soil and no longer have to let a field go fallow but now weeds pop up that use the nutrients at a rapid rate unless you pull them. You have cultivated various plants to be more pest resistant and to produce 2 producealmost every time, and about half the time get 2 seeds out of every produce, sometimes getting 3. You have also made yourself a bee keepers outfit from flax that prevents you from getting stung. flash forward You are now a master farmer. Your blacksmith and wood worker have come together again to upgrade your seed planter to use the bonemeal mixture you've been using and it even uses it more slowly than you would have by hand. Your stone masonand wood worker havemade a seed refilling stations so all you have to do is click your seed planter on theoneyou want the seed for and it fills it up. Your cook has made a pesticide from extra garlic and weeds that works great on your crops and orchards. You never lose plants when you add that to your other pest prevention techniques and has also made alcohol which is really effective at killing weeds. Your crops you have cultivated to produce 2 to 3 produce every time, they are drought resistant so you no longer need to water them during the summer,and you get 2 to 3 seed from each produce meaning you have plenty of seed and produce. I could go on like this with each profession but I'd like to hear peoples thoughts on this one and see what others come up with for each profession. Darmo, you mentioned some sort of barrier. If all the professions were like this I can't imagine you having time for more than three of them. Specially if the wood worker gets through 2 weeks before the farmer gets back on. That could be quite the set backfor the farmer starting out.