Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Mastropiero

  1. Realistic chicken drops and arrow crafting

    Also, arrows don't need arrowheads. To balance it, as was proposed before, metal arrowheads would be (almost?) always retrievable, stone arrowheads, would be retrievable only if it does not do damage (or maybe, sometimes?), and headless arrows would be always lost, as they cant withstand any kind of damage. If the amount of feather you can get from chicken bothers you, you can think on it as a "pile" of feather.
  2. Ability to play music

    I think Java has decent MIDI support. Playing for your friends would be so nice for all the comunity. EDIT: Hunting elephants to make a piano, anyone?
  3. Temperature bar

    Finding out wether you are in an eclosed room or at the woods can be tricky, if you want to keep your game smooth. ATENTION: GEEK TERMINOLLOGY FOLLOWING:
  4. Localization

    That is not a problem, as languaje files can be added one by one. Regarding the wiki, all wikis have the same problem... In game trandlation should run parallel to wiki translation, but only at a later development stage, when stuff is less likely to change.
  5. I need Dynamite!

    Imagine this: after mixing the sulphur, coal and saltpeter (1-1-4 mixture ?) you can create an explosive barrel, recipe would be the same as a chest with gunpowder in the middle. When placed, it should behave the same as vanilla tnt EXCEPT it will explode instantly when ignited. In order to survive the explosion (if that is how you roll), one should place some fuse, just like you can place string on the floor in vanilla, and light it from a safe distance. *insert picture of an Age of Empires II savoteaur*
  6. I need Dynamite!

    Gunpowder grenades were used at the late middle ages, mainly in Russia and previously, oil was used in clay bottles as incendiary bombs. Ancient greeks had some sort of napalm, the recipe was lost tho.
  7. I need Dynamite!

    Sulphur and Coal and Salpeter should be added in that case. Also, saltpeter+sugar = smoke bomb *wink* *wink*
  8. Chivalry in Minecraft?

    I can be very inspired, or very rigorous, but not both at the same time, while writing in a foreign languaje... even if i consider my self a grammar nazi...
  9. Question of Time.

    Thing is you would have to wait all that time to haverst your crops. It might ve not much for SMP, but if you are playing single player, that would be 16 real hours of gameplay... hunger and boredom would kill you.
  10. Ships!!

    This, and block placing recipes (i mean, like the Iron Golem, Snowman, and Wither in vanilla), one should place ship parts on the ground until the recipe is complete, and then, the blocks are replaced by an entity, that one can push from the shore to the water... now wouldn't THAT be cool.... Also, recipes would check blocks present in the ship,we could be able to customize them, adding masts and chests... making ships ranged from just a "hand driven bowl", to a multi sailed Galley....
  11. Chivalry in Minecraft?

    Murphy Law applies to him, even if he does not exist, he will be bodered.Back into business, i meant the net should have the effect of slowness potions, not its art. I could be thrown as a Javelin, and if it collides with a mob, a Net entity spawns, and the mob is slowed by it. Now that i think about it, it could just spawn a cobweb with different art. The first approach would mean that the net is attached to the mob, and the second one would be fixed on ground.
  12. Chivalry in Minecraft?

    I take adventage of this discussion to propose the use of nets for hunting and fighting. You know, the ones used by gladiators... It would be the TFC equivalent to a splash potion of slowness. (I know, this goes in the suggestions forum... but fits in the topic).
  13. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    Idea, based on previous suggestion by Infinity: When you die, you spawn at a netherish dimension, wich represent your near death status. Choice is presented, in the form of dispersed portals: You could take the easy to find one, wich takes you to your bed spawn point, no items, and temporary debuf. A harder to find portal, will make you respawn at death point, with you items, previous hunger and low health, meaning you "managed" to stay alive in that place.