Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by stringburka

  1. If anyone has a good design for a revolving starcase btw, I'm in the market for one. I have been trying in creative the past week but haven't been able to come up with a nice design. I have room for a 5x5 footprint and the floors in the tower are 6 blocks high. So if you have one to share, please do.

    For a 6 high 5 by 5, I don't think you can get anything decent-looking without detailed chiseling which will take hours upon hours to do, at least not if it's for a circular 5 by 5. If it's a square you can simply do the old method of "circling" slabs.


  2. Perhaps zombies are already living rabies-infected humans? Pretty much no human disease is so zombiish as rabies; increased saliva, aggression, a craving to bite others (which spreads the disease), sleeplessness, loss of sensation and partial paralyzation. Heh.


  3. My vote is also on the "Yes!", I would definately use such a feature.


    And while I don't think it's common for people to _deliberately_ go out and say, jump off a cliff, I do think that the game currently incentivizes getting killed on occacion, especially in the early game. If I'm down to 400 hp due to malnutrition and is attacked by spiders, as the game currently is I'm much better off taking the chance and fighting back than fleeing. Either I get XP or I get nutrition.

    If on death your nutrition in each category was set to 10% or whatever it was before you died (highest of them), then death would nearly only be a penalty, and in nearly every case you'd want to avoid it at all cost. It'd be like a "hardcore light" option that, unlike HC, works in multiplayer.


    If not officially implemented, I would _love_ an addon that did this.


  4. So, I'm soon probably gonna start a small multiplayer server, and I want to keep survival the main focus. As such, the current system of "when you die, you get full nutrition/water/health/hunger" is kinda bad, since it incentivizes dying a lot. But as a multiplayer server, hardcore mode isn't really feasible.


    So I'm wondering if there's any config or addon or another mod that can lock these, _especially_ nutrients, so that when you die you respawn with the same as before (well, not with 0 health, but apart from that)?


  5. One clear issue is that you can actually eat raw meat and iirc you can't trim decay from sandwiches and possibly salads.

    With this change, you would be able to eat raw meat, it's just that it'd be risky.

    And yeah, with sandwhiches and salad you'd need to eat them decently quick or they'll go bad, just like in real life! :)


    It'd mean food spoilage isn't an on/off switch, but rather a gradual thing, so you have to weigh between minimizing risks and maximizing how much nutrition you get out of each piece of food.


  6. Something that would be interesting would be to have at least some risk of illness in the game. I know Bioxx had said that there shouldn't be any visible icky things, so this wouldn't be visible except as a debuff.

    While there are a wide variety of illnesses IRL, the ways to present illness in the game is quite limited, as is a stone age person's ability to diagnose it. As such, I think having two distinct illnesses would be enough: Cold and food poisoning. These would have distinct causes and effects.



    You could get a cold by being in cold weather, especially with improper clothing and far from a fireplace. Basically, it'd check once every RL minute, and there'd be say a 1% chance of catching a cold if you're in cold weather. The chance would be reduced by .2% for each piece of clothing, and by .6% if you're near a fire pit/forge/whatever.

    When a person has a cold, it also checks once every five seconds if there's any other player in the same or an adjacent block, if that's the case there's a 10% chance they catch it too.

    The effect of a cold would be a notable but not debilitating slow effect, as well as faster consumption of water, and also you would not heal any damage while sick.. The cold would last about three minecraft days, though drinking tea (a new object that is made on the fire pit by water jug + one of the various non-poison saplings or bushes or what have you) or eating raw garlic would reduce this by 4 minutes per time you drink or eat it (so an incessant consumption of those things might cure you in a day).

    Cold would never be lethal, as long as you drink water.

    Yes I know you don't get a cold simply from being out in the cold, you have to be exposed to the virus, but this is for simplicity's sake and there's plenty of ways to be exposed, as well as plenty of diseases with similar symptoms.


    Food Poisoning

    This would be a catch-all for various illnesses with similar symptoms that are usually gained by eating or drinking contaminated food. You'd gain it from eating raw meat or spoiled food (something like a chance equal to the spoilage percentage plus 10% if it's raw meat) or, rarely, from drinking water directly from a pond (something like .5% per sip).

    The symptoms would include a notable slow effect, a general faster consumption of water, and you would not heal any damage while sick. In addition, occacionally you might suffer bad liquid uptake, immediately losing about one tick on the water meter, or sudden hunger, losing about two ticks on the food meter (those are the things that could be described in icky ways, but that's not really needed for the game), and also a bad cough, a ten-second debuff dealing about 5 damage per second. This would happen randomly, with each happening perhaps an average of five times per illness period.

    Food poisoning would last about one full minecraft day.

    Food poisoning could be lethal, though it's unlikely unless you are suffering from severe malnutrition.


    This would allow a more continuous survival play, putting the point where you're beyond survivability issues further away as it increases chance/risk and thus you can't feel guaranteed to be able to do certain things at certain times as much, eg "oh no, I've gotten a cold, will I manage to harvest and pickle everything before winter now?"


  7. One option might be to give bonus XP for the first time you get a specific message of a specific mineral? So there is no need to store info about the specific blocks, but each character has an invisible list of minerals and virtual "checkboxes".

    Basically something that would be something like:Bismuthinite: Traces [ ], small sample [ ], large sample [ ], spot-on hit [ ]

    Native Copper:Traces [ ], small sample [ ], large sample [ ], spot-on hit [ ]

    Native Gold: Traces [ ], small sample [ ], large sample [ ], spot-on hit [ ]

    Magnitite: Traces [ ], small sample [ ], large sample [ ], spot-on hit [ ]

    and so on, and the first time you get the matching message, you get a big chunk'o' XP for that skill.

    To compensate, further decreasing the amount of XP gained from poking at random rocks. That way, while you could in theory still spam it, it's much less beneficial than going out and finding different ores!

    The reasoning would be simple, in that the more different minerals you've learnt to recognize and study, the better you get at recognizing them :P


  8. Thanks a lot. It didn't seem to work on wild plants, but I simply waited until all the tomato plants had the same sprite and then harvested them. Now I have fresh water, a decently safe base, and food for at least a few days as well as six newly planted tomato plants, and some kind of wild onion/leek/garlic/whatever I haven't dared harvest yet.

    Woohoo, for once I'm surviving at least a few days.


    I also saw some chickens in the woods, but then I got lost and had to spend a night running from zombies so I don't know if I can manage to find them again...


    EDIT: One thing I love with TFC that I haven't seen in _any_ other minecraft mod, is that it creates stories. It doesn't play the same way every time, and it feels like you could actually write a short story based on a (hc) playthrough. I guess it's part the "believability", and part the way you fight the environment rather than just building up a safe spot in no time.


  9. Last time I spoke with Bioxx about mudbricks, the consensus was we liked the idea of them but didn't know if people would actually use them... there's a lot of effort needed to make enough bricks to build any sort of shelter. That effort takes a lot of resources and time, so by the time anyone could build with them, they'd be obsolete. Historically, mudbricks were dried in the sun, but that's a little more difficult to model with TFC. You can understand why using a kiln (4 bricks at a time) to bake them would be kind of silly- you burn 8 logs for every 4 bricks. You may as well just build a log house.

    Just wanted to say that the Millianaire mod has mud bricks that dry in the sun. Don't know exactly how it works technically, but my guess (based on my experience using them) is that there is a check for if it's exposed to sunlight and the light level, and if it is, then it's a small random chance that it turns from a "wet mud brick" block into a "dry mud brick" block (don't know exact names).




    What about some type of hardening mud on the block itself? Using thatch as a scaffold and coating it's fibers with mud, you could make a solid, non-transparent block that could work as an early/late game material.

    That seems reasonable. Right click thatch with a clay ball and it turns into "wet brick", then using the method described above, after a while it turns into "dry brick" which is non-transparent.


  10. Oh, that's very very good to know! Thanks! Then I don't have to panic about food as quickly.

    I also found out that certain lakes you can't drink from with hands but can with a jug.

    Had a really good start this time, on a clay field with both pigs and cows nearby and a few lakes that I could get water from with jugs. Also found some soybean seeds.


    Now, considering that the area is dominated by douglas firs and sycamores, I just have to worry about a circle of twelve sycamore saplings and a red curtain...


  11. There is a bunch of videos listed in the Videos section of the forum that can help.And the Change Log (link in the Downloads menu above) can be used as a hint to complement the Wiki.

    Thanks, I've checked those and found some, but it's kinda hard slogging through the changelog to try to find ideas on how to survive, especially since it's probably about 20 builds ago I last started a TFC world.


    Got any tips on early options for food? I only seem to find seeds, though hunting seems to be an option if I'm lucky and spawn near to animals. You seem to starve to death in about 24 hours, which IMO seems a bit too harsh... A heavy debuff sure, but it seems you should survive at least 2-3 days without food.

    Any tips for fresh water other than lakes? Should I just haste towards getting ceramic vessels up for collecting rain water and hope for rain before I thirst to death?


    EDIT: Just found Dunk's b79 let's play. That looks like it will be very informational.


  12. So, I've been away from TFC (and minecraft in general) for many months, and lots have changed. Playing a few other games (esp Neo Scavenger) got me into the mood for some hardcore survival minecraft with TFC, to make it into a real survival game, but I'm kinda stumped since I have no idea what to do whatsoever now. So much has changed since I last played I don't really know where to begin anymore - My first two tries I starved to death without having found any source of food at all, now on my third I spawned next to three cows so I think I'll have food fixed for a while... But with no source of fresh water.

    Since I can no longer make buckets without getting forging going, and since there's no food I can bring along, I really have no idea how to survive even the first few nights.

    Add to this that most info on the wiki seems to be out of date or highly technical, and I'm now in a situation where I really don't know what to do.


    So, is there any up to date guides, or lets plays, or anything similar that you recommend? Thanks for any answers!


  13. So, having been stuck in front of the game Neo Scavenger for a few days, I realized how much of the feel of that game aligns with the feel of terrafirmacraft, despite having completely different mechanics. So I thought that some people here might be interested in that game!


    It's a turn-based rogue-like set in a post-apocalyptic world, with a very heavy focus on survival. Now, most rogue-likes are very deadly, and so can TFC be, but nowhere near Neo Scavenger. Lack of shoes will often kill you quickly. Lack of water will almost always kill you quickly, and even if you get water, unless you get some way to clean the water, you'll still probably get gastroenteritis or cholera and die after a week or so. A rabid dog can be deadly. Exploring a crumbled building can be deadly; not so much in the short term, but that it might collapse on you, causing bruising and cuts that might either be infected or simply make you so weak or be so painful you can't keep up with the things you need to do to survive (like get more water, try to get food etc).


    When you see a potentially hostile creature or person, you can't just dive in, you really have to consider the risks - it's not "can I win?" as much as "is it really worth the risk of getting wounded, even if I'm almost guaranteed to win?". Unlike most other roguelikes, and to a large degree unlike TFC, running is often the best way to stay alive. And you have to consider things such as if your tracks will reveal you, or if you want to make a proper fire - it will keep you from getting hypothermic, but it might also draw in unwanted visitors.


    It really feels like a survival game. Maybe not realistic, but very believable. It's a game where you'll be happy over finding a left foot sandal, because you've only found two right shoes before and your feet have loads of blisters from wearing them on the wrong foot to protect you from the hypothermia.


    It's really, really good and really, really hard. I haven't managed to finish it so far, at most I've survived about a week.

    a let's play (not by me). Check it out if it sounds interesting!

    Regards // stringis

  14. IMO, all growth should be slowed down. But it also depends on how much they value balance vs real-life; because lets face it, real life soy beans arefrakkin' awesome food. If we stopped feeding cattle soy and ate the soy ourselves we could double the worlds protein production IIRC...

    But i guess taste of food could also be a thing, even if nutrients arent implemented. Basically, when making meals, set saturation based on the saturation of ingredients, and set soecial abilities like junp boost based on speed.


  15. Soy beans generally dry before you harvest them, and hold a very very long time. Far longer than potatoes. We have soy beans in a sack here that are over 18 months old and still use them. Granted, that's with the modernity of plastic bags, but they don't spoil quickly. Green beans is a whole other matter.


    If I were to make a food spoilage system, I would have something like this if just kept around:

    1 year: Dried rice, soy beans, certain other kinds of dried food.

    1 months spoilage: Potatoes (instead of spoiling, becomes plantable shoots), onions, cheese, most cereals, garlic etc

    1 week spoilage: Most fruits, cooked meat, tomatos, bell peppers, bread etc

    1 day: Raw meat


    But then allow proper storage (differs depending on food type, but for example storing potatoes in dark, dry spaces or meat in submerged skin sacks), which increases the longetivity one "step" (and letting properly stored dried rice/beans etc never spoil).


    It keeps the system simple to understand with such clear increments, it makes storage important and allows for a lot of balancing measures to be taken into account. And it prevents a single fruit tree from feeding a village for a year.


  16. And by "making farming harder" you mean what? Exactly what kind of involvement will make farming not "easy as long as you're patient"? Requirement to right click a block of crop every minecraft day, pretending you're weeding it?

    Change to drops is just change to drops. It will just take longer to establish a field and nothing else, apart from making scythes slightly more useful.

    That would mostly add tedium


    However, a combination of:

    1. Requirement of larger areas to get enough amounts of food and

    2. Food that goes bad if it's kept too long and

    3. The risk of a field going bad with spreading sicknesses

    would add actual difficulty and require a lot of more considerations. Especially if point 2 and 3 is affected by how one does the farming (areas, nutrition amounts, temperatures etc - perhaps while a warm environment is generally beneficient to farming, it also increases the risk of the crops going sick and makes certain food types go bad faster).


  17. Well, the fast graphics didn't help - the stuff on the table continued to rotate but where only visible from one side, weirdly enough.


    I wonder if the devs will bring back the old rendering as a config option. :(

    And hopefully also 2d sprite rendering for placed ceramics (without having to have fast graphics).


    TFC is fantastic, but the configs are a bit lacking :/


  18. Yeah, I guess I could do that, but then they do the weird "always facing me" sprite thingy... And that's only appropriate in Doom95.


    I guess that'll have to do... Do you know why the table placements from older builds were removed? It still seems a lot of other mods can do that (bibliocraft, thaumcraft, tinker's construct etc) so it seems they should be placeable like that?


    I hope they turn the ceramic vessels and stuff into true 3d though...


    EDIT: Goshdarn, realized optifine is buggy with TFC, and can't have all graphics to fast because I can't stand the solid leaf blocks.

    Oh well, looks like I'm frakked. I guess I shouldn't be so picky xD


  19. Agreed with dantedarkstar.


    It'd also look awesome.


    The issue with early-game lack of storage isn't so much carrying capacity but that until you have working ceramic vessels, there is no way to store most items safely. Unlike in the real world, if you have a large stack of stones and dump them in a hole they won't stay there more than five minutes - in real life that is only true for erasers and kittens.


  20. I reaaally dislike the way pottery rotates constantly, or food on the meal making table for that matter. I really liked the old way of rendering food on the table, is there any way to get that back? And to stop the pottery from rotating? Looked through the configs but couldn't find anything.


    It really detracts from the experience as I can't make a good-looking home/cave :(


  21. I'm having the same issue. I remember having it last time I played to, back in ~b60 or something, and hoped it had gone away by now when I got back. Instead it seems more common than ever...

    Note that it only seems to be an issue when you try to chop down a very large tree, and the issue lessens if you try to chop them down in two pieces (first chopping the highest you can reach, and then chopping the bottom). While this is interesting in that it's how large trees are often felled IRL, I feel a crash is a bad way to give incentive to players to do that method ;D


    However, note that this is a known bug (as seen in the stickied post) and has been around for a long time, so my guess is that it'll be around for quite a while more.
