Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by stringburka

  1. Is there any possibility of using TFC with Thaumcraft? I went away from TFC some time ago to play tech mods for a while, but some of the tech mods have moved into a more hands-on design and I got interested in that again. Watched the b77 update and was intrigued, haven't really played heavily since like b62 or something...


    But I still sometimes feel TFC is a bit too limited for me, I like to be able to do a bit more. One mod I feel would fit quite well with TFC and that I enjoy is Thaumcraft, which is kind of half-way between a tech mod and a hands-on mod, though "magicky" in feel.


    But since it relies heavily on vanilla and mod metals, and I'm unsure how TFC works in relation to the ore dictionary, do you know if it's possible to get them to work together? :3


  2. I generally just beat rocks on the surface until some copper drops. You might have to travel quite far.

    Generally, I make sure to get a phat stack of food (either porkchops or stuff for making meals of speed if I have them), a bow and arrows, a bed, and a book and quill (they're harder to use nowadays though, right? have hardly played since b75) and some leather armor.

    Then I just go out hitting rocks until I find something interesting, meanwhile noting useful info (fruit tree locations, sequia forests, clay etc) in the book and quill.


  3. I'd love a more indepth farming tutorial; while I understand the basics of it mentioned in the OP, there are more things that affect (don't start) crop growth.

    Like temperature (and thus location and season), more details on nutrients (how fast they return, if leaving the land unused for a season makes a difference from growing something else on it etc), and whatever else I don't know about.


  4. We don' need no steenkin' magic!

    I didn't mean they should be magic - I meant using the code/system for that purpose, but leave it invisible (if possible). Since enchantment protection is added after regular protection rather than stacking with it, it seemed like a good fit.

  5. (Also, you've been able to *make* alcohol for a while now, although it has no use and can't be taken out of barrels. There are 7 different alcohols to make. You can make them by putting different food items in barrels with water and sealing it. Who can find all 7?)

    Oh I've missed this completely! Cool!

  6. Now when cobblestone is created by the 2x2 stone recipe, what about also being able to place 1/4 high block slabs of cobble by right-clicking with a stone, much like how it's done with charcoal? And also make it mineable with a shovel; since it's loose rocks it should be minable with a shovel, though it'd take some time (maybe about equal to felling a tree per 1/4 block?

    (or personally I'd prefer to have cobblestone blocks be crafted by 3x3 stones or by being placed 1/8th at a time)


  7. Honestly, while I like your suggestion, it doesn't actually fix the problem:

    You still can't take field notes.

    The scribing system works great for making cookbooks but not field notes.

    I need my field notes.

    you can take field notes through scribbling. throw down the paper, and start jotting down! you have to simplify them, of course, simplifying the coding system, but it is very much possible.

    I just played around with it in paint to see what I could get down and I had no issues to write a message of "fruit tree at coordinates +1180/-2810" (skipping the last zero because I can find it within a ten meter radius, lol) on a 16x16 pixel square.

    Looked kinda like this though more compact:

    %T. ..1881

    Anyone who's played roguelikes know how much info you can get down in a single letter. Especially if colored pens would come; even having two colors increases the amount of info tenfold.

    EDIT: I do agree though that later in the game it should be possible to simply carry around a proper book for field notes. I do think however that such book/pencil sets should be more expensive, representing the need for good protection from the environment and ink that can be used easily.


  8. The new book system is really cool, and makes sense, but it does have a negative effect: The existance of the book and quill meant I nearly stopped immersion-breaking out-of-game notetaking and used book an quill for this instead. It added immersion and a liiiittle bit of difficulty as books could be lost etc, but not so much I wouldn't bother doing it.

    With the new book system though, it's probably going to end up with me taking out-of-game notes anyway or carry around a scribing table on the back, both of which are immersion breaking. I also feel something is missing when it comes to writing, namely simple scribbling rather than actual painting.

    My suggestion is the following:

    1. Papers can be placed in the world as a white (or rather pale beige) 16x16x1 pixels large block on the ground. The block is by default turned into microblocks or whatchamacallit so you can select individual pixels.

    2. By crafting a torch alone in the inventory you put it out, creating a simple pen with 10 durability.

    3. By right-clicking with the pencil on a paper block pixel, that pixel turns black (or rather dark gray/brown) and one durability is spent. There is no way to remove this.

    4. By right-clicking the paper with an empty hand, it drops as an item and keeps the exact pixel setup/item state (how this works technically I don't know, but I know other mods have similar features).

    That's the gist of it. That would allow one to craft very simple maps and take very simple notes, but not to write anything complex.

    Adding to these some follow-up ideas that are more complex but could be cool in the long run:

    5. Ability to craft other kinds of pens with charcoal and potentially colored pens made with dye; could allow for artists to make simple paint-art and sell, similar to how sculptors make stoneworks.

    6. Making some kind of way to hang these on walls, whether glue, hooks, frames or whatever - preferably able to be put side by side to create a larger picture.

    7. Allowing painting on other blocks in a similar way, if possible. Paint could simply replace the surface pixel of a block and when it comes to blocks that aren't the papers it isn't as important to keep it stored if the block is broken.

    8. If it is at all possible (I have no idea) increasing the amount of microblocks in the paper from 16x16 to 32x32 would allow much more complex pictures. This could allow reaaaally cool pictures, but should maybe only be allowed with proper tools, like brushes with paint.

    9. If it is at all possible (I have no idea) increasing the amount of colors available by making painting with a lighter color on a darker cause them to blend (so painting white on black will make dark gray, painting white again will make a lighter gray etc). This could increase the number of colors available by quite a bit.

    (10. Increasing the paper requirement for making books. Seriously, why are there only 3 papers in a book? Should be at least 8, lol.)

    I think the addition of 1-4 would both make it reasonably simple to jot down basic info in-game, and would add something fun to use, and that 5-9 if possible could make this into a whole new dimension where painting is added to the arts of writing and sculpting that are already in-game.

    What do you people think?


  9. don't know if this is of any use, but can't the enchantment abilities of vanilla minecraft be used for different armor rating between sharp/blunt damage? Putting Projectile Resistance as Prot. vs Sharp and Explosion Resistance as Prot. vs Blunt, and then of course have varying underlying protection based on how good the armor is?

    Like, leather armor giving nothing but the basic armor protection, mail giving Prot vs Sharp II and plate armor giving Prot vs Sharp III and Prot vs Blunt II.


  10. I must say that a simple yet flavorful change would be changing water bottles to waterskins and have them be crafted by combining leather, string and knife (keeping knife, like when you make bowls).


  11. That sounds better, but I think barrels/cauldrons would be even better. Leave a cauldron or barrel out on rain and it will slowly fill up.

    Maybe this could be combined with my suggestion here?

    Like, leave it out for a complete rainstorm and it's filled with water?


  12. I think bows are perfect where they are. They're quite a big step up from javelins in ranged damage, and can take out most enemies with decent ease if they're alone, but they're still limited enough that getting a sword is a priority.


  13. rbdyck: This isn't a mod I'm making; I can't program for my life. It's just a suggestion for the TFC/TFC2 devs. However, your mod looks great - maybe consider talking to the TFC or TFC2 devs (Dunkleosaurus/Bioxx respectively) if you could get access to implementing it with their crops? Generally they seem adverse to allowing others access to the code, but as you seem an experienced dev and your mod really fits well with TFC, maybe one of them will make an exception?


  14. Just two notes:

    1. Multiplayer time passes as long as the server is up, regardless of if anyone's in. So theoretically you can run the server for yourself and join as the only player rather than playing SP, but I understand if that's a lot of work.

    2. You can change the amount of minutes per day, days per month and days per year in the configs. Don't know exactly where, cause I haven't done it, but others may.


  15. In a believable system, with or without yeast added, there's no booze if you got air.

    This isn't true. Here you have a guide on how to do it as well as some examples of beers on the market that are open-air fermented. I've also done so myself, by mistake, when I was young and wanted cheap alcohol and thought "hey, if I just throw this cheap-ass fruit squash (very common in sweden) in a plastic barrel with some baking yeast, that'll at least work!". It was open-air, it became alcohol, and it sure as hell wasn't drinkable.

    Of course, open-air fermentation leads to a beer with a lot less sparkles, but I think we can live with that ;)

    Yeast evolution on the other hand, sounds awesome - and the same thing can be done for agriculture in general. As has been noted before, IC2 has an agricultural system that is quite interesting, but it's also quite complex.

    I do think that any kind of evolution and quality difference and such should be made in a few stages though - I don't really like having a bazillion different things to keep track of.

    EDIT: And of course, having a water-lock mechanic for lids sounds great. I'd prefer if it was made by cheramics, though, as that makes another use of clay (and also it makes sense to make them out of cheramics due to moldability etc).


  16. If it hasn't been mentioned, maybe improve it so you aren't picking up a dummy piece while knapping. Its kind of annoying, and it looks really stupid, in my opinion.

    While I agree, note that if you hold shift while knapping you won't pick them up.
