Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Waveshaper

  1. Forge can't be used to melt metals.

    An open fire reaches it hottest spot directly above the flame you can see. To smelt some ore you can place you mold directly over the flame, but the ore in it and wait till it is molten. A forge is ventilated from the side or the bottom - so, when you but the ingot in the forge filled with coal, it reach a constant temperature you want and what is exactly the temperature you need for bringing your metal into the right temperature. If you would try smelting the same way you did over the flame, you probably never reach enough heat for smelting. Is that more believable for you? If not, you must excuse - this is as much detailed as I can do it in this language.
  2. Forge can't be used to melt metals.

    No no no - you must look closer on the realism... You definitely can smelt SOME ores in open fireplaces if their melting point is low enough. But a FORGE isn't made for melting ores, it's for bringing metals to a temperature that you can hammering it out. Okay - it would be more realistic if you were able to also smelt the ores with low melting point in a forge - it would also be possible in real - but put this feature in for only 3 sorts of ores?
  3. [b75] TFCraft don't work

    Neither this does... -.-'
  4. [b75] TFCraft don't work

    Mods that belongs to the /mods or the /coremods folder don't need to be unpacked. Just drop the .zip in the folder and all will be fine.
  5. Ores blending in?

    Ores get an 'overlay' graphic - so you see a normal stone-block with the overlay of an ore-vein. edit. -.- can't find the pics I wanted to add at the moment... edit2: arghhh - no way, I don't know where I have put it and Iam to lazy to change HDD in my notebook atm. ^^ But depending what Ore you found in what sort of stone, it could be that both textures had nearly the same color. Sometimes the differences are only hard to see.
  6. [b73] Repeated crashes

    jupp, fresh generated in b75 - SMP
  7. Joining a server - Stuck [SOLVED]

    good to hear - have fun with TFC! PS.: don't try to perma-die from Spiders while building your first shelter. TFC & Hard Difficulty is... -.-'
  8. Joining a server - Stuck [SOLVED]

    fuuuuuuu.... a bit TOO much Item discrepancies in my eyes - look like this in my log: As seen - nothing from TFC here... Have you tried to install Forge & PlayerAPI again in a fresh downloaded minecraft.jar? You can also try to delete your /configs folder - but that should only be necessary if you've updated from a earlier TFC-Version.
  9. Joining a server - Stuck [SOLVED]

    No, not really... Thats also no crashlog - this is part of the server console. Also - if your CLIENT crashes - what should we figuring out of the SERVER console. the 'ForgeModLoader-client-2.log' out of you /.minecraft folder would be much more interesting. Also the related crashlog out of /.minecraft/crash-logs
  10. Joining a server - Stuck [SOLVED]

    Logs or it didn't happen Our license for the Crystal Ball was not renewed for 2013.
  11. [b73] Repeated crashes

    Nearly the same constellation as here: So first of, why you guys all use Forge .471 while .486 is suggested for TFC? You better use the exact version - I've found always issues when using either older and also newer version as the suggested ones. And the second is - I'm using Optifine U A2 and haven't figured out any problems or noticeable lags. (Besides that, that is totally normal on my laptop ^^)
  12. b75 Campfire

    Could only went better from now on.
  13. [Build 75] server crash on world gen [SOLVED]

    All that I can see is good thus far. PlayerAPI was installed the right way? Cause you can't see this in the log it's always a possible point. Only thing I can think of is a discussion where someone said, that he have issues all the time when using OpenJDK Java with Minecraft. But if it was running proper before, I don't would think that could cause the problem. You have a vServer/Root? Then you could simply try changing your Java, but that's only a improbable source for your crash.
  14. [Build 75] Lagspikes and Crashes

    Have you ever tried using the suggested Forge Version (build .486) instead of .471, you are using?
  15. b75 Campfire

    3 Sticks - have you tried to drop a piece of paper to the sticks yet? Should work better. Also be sure to drop the sticks using 'Q'.
  16. Villagers

    As soon I have the free space to look closer over your ideas and make some thoughts of it, I will be there with 'input'. Khanskaya or Stolichnaya?
  17. Villagers

    Great words... I'm curios to see what comes out... partially drunk or not The Concept itself sounds good - don't get me wrong - but I've seen so many projects fail, cause the people overdo themselves. Even some of my (best) Game concepts never came above the early alpha state cause my ideas conflicted with the ability of my coders. But be sure - If you really start such a huge project, I'll probably one of these guys that always have something to suggest and also to criticize
  18. Villagers

    You're clear about that you plan on creating a mod that contains a lot of 'AI'-Features - more than any existing MC mod out there (afaik) - while also have to keep eye on the development of TFC to keep up to date with it for compatibility reasons?
  19. smart moving and slab ladders

    Isn't their a way to add custom-block-IDs to the Smartmoving configs? I don't know how bioxx set up the IDs of slabs - but maybe it will work if these were added?
  20. [SOLVED]TFC Server Wont Start (Build

    hard to say - just try deleting your /world and your /config folder, after that restart the server and have a look again.
  21. Charcoal Pits

    Before doing anything - post your crashlog and your Forge-log(2) that contains these world-crash. Maybe there is something else wrong, that can be repaired without touching your world. Sounds like your world exists for a while? How often have you updated the mod without reseting your world?
  22. Allow Glass Bottles to stack

    No, if it stacks - only to an amount of 6! And make a new texture/sprite for the item with an Heineken-label.
  23. Peat as a fuel source

    Why not simply give Peat the same behavior like Logs? Place a Staple of it with shift-click and fill it up to 16 pcs. Give it weight and mass that only stacks to 16 in Inventory. But let it only be used for burning after you have dried it, what's happen when you have it placed in a staple - needs three times as long as making charcoal maybe. Also the use of Fertilizer would be a interesting thing, even if it's not THAT realistic as long as peat is not the best fertilizer for all plants - could either end in a unrealistic behavior or will make the game way too complicated if you need different fertilizer for different types of crops & plants.
  24. Very VERY messed up world generation! [SOLVED]

    looks like a common bug that appears when using wrong Forge versions - also happen with other Forge-Mods that affect the Worldgen. Seems there were bigger changes in Forge, that have to do with the Generation. As said above; use the recommended version of Forge - it will work well - I swear
  25. blueprints are way too op

    please excuse - but what's about: If you don't want it - don't use it! If someone argues cause someone 'steal' his work - that's one thing, even if I don't see the real problem behind - but you have a problem with it ein SINGLEPLAYER? Are you serious? o.O Please think about what you said again... People - it's TFC - even if it tries to be realistic - it's only a game... o.O