Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Nopkar

  1. Hidden Fun Stuff

    since pre-genned structures could be possible, what about a deku tree (Zelda reference) spawning in an oak biome (pre-death)? a large, pre-genned tree with a face on it. why? a (hopefully) beautiful/interesting landmark for any world with no other gifts/side effects other than looking really awesome. This could potentially be expanded into a heart tree for a very special 1 off biome with a beautifully dense forest rich with animal life with a heart tree at it's center. but of course that's way farther than just a single pre-genned tree in a world. thoughts?
  2. So, after a long day of resource gathering I've finally found limonite. I am now progressing out of the Bronze Age and into the Medieval Age! But to my pleasant surprise iron is significantly harder to work than bronze! After a longer wait for the limonite to yield its precious metal than I expected, and being the novice I am, I immediately dump the metal into molds without a care! "I can handle making bronze quickly! This should be easy!" Oh woe to me! Immediately the pig iron cooled and I begin work...on pig iron! Ah ha! I have iron! But all is not well! Long after my forges have cooled and am at the end of my sanity I discover the secret that iludes me: I must have wrought iron! The great forges burn anew at the break of dawn and frantic was my pace, for today would be the day that I achieve dominance over this metal! But greedy was I with my new found anvil, "why not progress to steel?? Surely the step is not to great?" But alas, the hunger of the forges was too much to bear and again the forges grew cold before the first bars of steel could be won... Another day, another time, I WILL conquer this world... All of this boils down to me having the most fun playing minecraft that ive ever known in almost 3 years of playing. I feel genuinely accomplished at having broke the iron barrier and am well on my way to steel. So my question is, what has made you proud in playing minecraft? This mod specifically?
  3. Villagers

    I'd love to see this be an added option to terra firma, especially when I can't have buddies play at the same time I do. The only stipulation I have is the overall quality/ attention to detail. I don't mean to necessarily be nit-picky but millenaire skims over too many of the little details that just breaks the immersion for me
  4. Excess Metallic Ore

    Ore/Ingot Piles are BRILLIANT. maybe a cap of 8 ingots per pile or even the log default of 16. I'd like to see the sheets you craft become place able. like the reinforcement idea, digging out a road, filling it with cobble and lining it with copper? mmm, lovely ^.^
  5. Mastery

    Of course! Currently at work and using my phone to get online but I'll definitely put up the progress on my guardian statue and the superstructure I'm using to build it when I get a chance
  6. Mastery

    I made an account just to post here. I've had terra for a few weeks now and I can honestly say that I'm a master of terra construction. By terra construction I mean general terraforming and aesthetically pleasing Exo- structures while constructing the building proper. Anyone can use game mechanics to help build a structure (house, bridge, dam etc etc) but I feel I've gotten it down to a science. Efficient resource management and design with accessibility to the actual construction in mind, AND it all looks spiffy!